Saturday, December 17, 2016

Forex Neptuno Pentagona 81

Empoderando a la gente en petróleo y gas

Servicios de datos Rigzone

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Acceso en tiempo real, bajo demanda, a datos e informes para el mercado mundial de equipos móviles de perforación en alta mar


Análisis en profundidad, tendencias y pronósticos plurianuales para las flotas flotantes

Offshore Rig Búsqueda

Antes de ser finalmente roto en el Cromarty Firth.

Foto añadida el 05 Abril 2007

Sir Tu foto, titulada

Muestra una plataforma del pentágono serie 80 con un puente que está situado en la cubierta de la tubería; En una posición distintiva, levemente diferente de las otras plataformas en la serie. 'Neptuno 7' fue una plataforma, la primera de la serie que se construirá. Más tarde fue conocida por su número de astillero: 'Pentagone 81'. Pentagone 84 fue construido para la perforación de gas de alta presión y tenía un compensador de la corona. Creo que ella estaba dividida en Methil.

Añadido por Louis Mair el 03 de agosto de 2007.

Louis Tu casi correcto, excepto que ella estaba roto Casi exactamente donde esta foto fue tomada, justo al oeste del embarcadero de Saltburn en el Firth Cromarty. Yo estaba involucrado en el remolque de sus pontones hasta el Highland Deephaven en Evanton para ser varado y desguazado.

Añadido por Ronald Young el 06 de agosto de 2007.

Siempre se preguntó qué pasó con el P84. Trabajé en ella desde 1977 hasta 1985. En ese momento ella fue operada por Forex Neptune (Nepfor). Y perforado para Total y Elfo durante este tiempo. Durante estos años visitó el Cromarty Firth. Methil. Haugesund y Stavanger para las inspecciones regulares del muelle húmedo. Los buques de suministro regular en ese momento eran el Seaforth Hero y el Star Aquarius. Durante los primeros años de mi tiempo a bordo del buque de reserva fue Gorpur un arrastrero de popa de las Islas Feroe. Eventualmente fueron reemplazados por buques de la flota de Grampian. En qué año se rompió el P84?

Añadido por Billy Bruce el 15 de mayo de 2008.

Ella fue roto durante '86, '87 y '88 y era 88 cuando ayudé a remolcar sus pontones hasta Highland Deephaven en Evanton.

Añadido por Ronald Young el 18 de mayo de 2008.

Ella tuvo una vida muy corta en comparación con otros tipos de Pentagone. Construido en Finlandia por Ruma Repola en 1974.

Añadido por Billy Bruce el 29 de noviembre de 2008.

La "Ventura Oeste" fue la segunda plataforma Pentagone que se rompe en el Firth Cromarty y aunque no está presente en este momento en el "Petrolia" ha estado en el Cromarty Firth durante algunos años y más.

Añadido por Duncan Murray el 29 de noviembre de 2008.

Trae recuerdos, trabajé en la P84 entre 1982 y 1985. A menudo pregunto qué pasó con gente como Jim Tait (médico) Lawrence Groundwater (mecánico naval) y Kevin O'Neil (Geoservices). Un montón de buenos recuerdos, incluyendo el documental spoof que hicimos Alan Whicker estilo - todavía lo tengo en VHS!

Añadido por Aidan Watts el 05 de abril de 2009.

También trabajo en ella con un equipo de muchachos de Arbroath Jim Cargil, Jimmy Milán de 74 a 76 la primera vez a bordo fue en Stavanger en barco y billy pued a bordo, entonces en helicóptero. Segundo pozo que perforamos para Total el Alwyn del Norte y tuvimos un mal tiempo ese Año Nuevo. Dejé el North Alwyn en 2005 por última vez.

Añadido por Bill Craddock el 23 de julio de 2009.

También tengo recuerdos muy cariñosos en la P84 donde trabajé como Médico (Witch Doctor) de 78 a 81 cuando fue a Irlanda.

Añadido por Frank Wahedally el 10 de agosto de 2009.

Alguien tiene información sobre el Pentagone 87. Ella está encallada / varado en la costa iraní

Añadido por Billy Bruce el 03 de noviembre de 2009.

Tengo también recuerdos muy agradables del aceite llamado Pentagone 84 o P84, trabajado como reloj de la oferta en el Mar del Norte en 1973 con sede en Escocia, triste decir que mi vida tomó un camino muy diferente, viviendo en Canadá pasó los últimos 29 años en Bell Canadá.

Añadido por Pierre Dumaine el 01 de julio de 2010.

Las mejores épocas que pasé en el mar eran en el P84, comenzado julio 81 pares de días antes de que el príncipe Charles y Di se casaran. Claro que tengo algunas fotos en algún lugar por los que he trabajado, nunca olvidaré tener vino con la cena del domingo cada semana.

Añadido por Richard Main el 26 de enero de 2011.

Aye Frank, recuerdo tus huesos de médico brujo.

Añadido por Bill Robertson el 16 de septiembre de 2011.

Puede importar a muchos de los individuos en el P84. Frank, Charlie y Jim tait todos los médicos en algún momento. Old Locheil la radio op. Gervasoni. Cpt Belibio. Eudier. Lawrence Agua subterránea. Nosh McCashie. Johny Milne. Viejo Dod el pintor. Aiden. Burbujea al mayordomo. Tam el cocinero de la noche. Además de otros que simplemente no puedo mente sus nombres. Bill Robertson estaba usted en la sala de control. Era un gran equipo para trabajar. No hay otro aparejo como en Navidad y Año Nuevo. "Billy Bruce (Wullie el pintor) Scruffy Duffys."

Agregado por el 17 septiembre 2011.

No, yo era grúa opp Yo era Stewart Fitpatrics espalda contra espalda Recuerdo a todos estos chicos que mencionas. Me trasladé a la Drillstar que estaba en la P84 cuando fue a Irlanda

Añadido por Bill Robertson el 25 de septiembre de 2011.

Puede importar a Stewart. Tal vez no conocimos a Bill. Cuando el P84 estaba en Irlanda estaba en el Sindbad Saxon (Jebsons). Hice 2 viajes en el NW Hutton. Entonces fui a la Drillstar cuando era nuevo para algunos viajes, entonces de nuevo a la P84 donde pasé el último de mis días costa afuera.

Añadido por Billy Bruce. (Wullie el pintor) el 29 de septiembre de 2011.

Yo wiz en el remolque roed tae Irlanda, nos envió fuera bastante tímido. Tuvimos una noche braw en el aeropuerto de Shannon antes de que nos fuimos hame.

Añadido por Richard Main el 18 de octubre de 2011.

Yo estaba en el Drillstar desde el astillero y por los próximos 8 años. Te recuerdo wullie el pintor

Añadido por Bill Robertson el 25 de octubre de 2011.

Estamos buscando los detalles de la plataforma de perforación Pentagone 87 construido en 1975 o 76 en Francia, apreciando si alguien nos ayuda.

Añadido por Sohail Ahmed Usmani el 27 de octubre de 2011.

Hola a todos. Aiden, Esto es raro, acaba de terminar de convertir la copia VHS que me dio el camino de regreso de 1990 a digital y me vino accoss este sitio y un montón de nombres familiares que de repente recuerdo de nuevo. El P84 era un súper pequeño aparejo bien mantenido con las grúas que fueron diseñadas para un sitio de construcción. Todavía recuerdo la señal de aparcamiento no en el G90 Richier. Pero podrías haber comido tu cena de los pisos de la sala de bombeo de Marine ... ¡Gracias a Wullie el pintor!

Puede importarle Laurence. "O fue Luke?". Merine mecanique

Añadido por Billy Bruce. (Wullie El pintor.) El 15 de julio de 2012.

Si puedo resolver cómo hacerlo voy a publicar el mundo 'Whickers en P84 vídeo a YouTube para que todos podamos reír! O tal vez podríamos hacerlo con su copia digital Laurence?

Añadido por Aidan Watts el 25 julio 2012.

Fit como Wullie, yo sabía Luke, mi apodo que vino de Skywalker por Jim y los buceadores. Vergüenza el P84 se knobbled, era un buen aparejo.

Sería bueno tener una imagen de la P84 en el momento en que estaba en pleno funcionamiento

Añadido por Pierre Dumaine el 26 julio 2012.

He estado buscando en todo el lugar para un video que se hizo alrededor de 1982, todavía no puedo encontrarlo, el aparejo nos estaba en pleno apogeo en el momento, fue uno de los ops grúa que filmó, creo que su nombre era Bob, ser Bien para algunas de las viejas caras de entonces.

Añadido por Richie Main el 27 de julio de 2012.

Hola Pierre. Si usted me da su dirección de correo electrónico le enviaré una foto de la P84, offshore balasto abajo en pleno op.

Wullie el pintor

Añadido por Billy Bruce el 27 julio 2012.

Hola Aidan Richard y el equipo, eso es una buena idea .. Habrá en la descarga de "Whickers World" en el utube. Gracias a Aidan por darme esta copia muchas lunas atrás .. mantener actualizado ..

Sería bueno Billy y gracias por responder. (Haga clic en nombre para correo electrónico)

Añadido por Pierre Dumaine el 31 de julio de 2012.

Es bueno ver que algunos de ustedes todavía tienen buenos recuerdos de trabajo en el P84. Fui aprendiz de ingeniero de forex en 1982

Añadido por Philip Gosse el 13 de noviembre de 2012.

¡Hola! Soy un periodista noruego haciendo una historia importante sobre la historia del petróleo. Para mi historia necesito saber si Pentagone 84 estaba perforando en la plataforma continental británica o noruega en 1984. Alguno de ustedes sabe?

Añadido por Ola Myrset el 21 de noviembre de 2012.

Hola Pierre. Tratando de enviar la foto de P84 a usted, pero este enlace de correo electrónico no funciona.

Añadido por Rasherpig55@aol. com el 21 de noviembre de 2012.

Yo era cocinero en el Pentágono 84 en 1977. Celebramos el Jubileo de Plata de la Reina en el verano. Fue la única vez que pudimos beber alcohol a bordo - muy extraño ver Frenchmen tostado la reina!

Añadido por Clive Herring el 23 de diciembre de 2012.

Yo estaba en la P84 en 1978. Recuerdo que las reglas sobre el consumo de alcohol están relacionadas con su nacionalidad. No sé si ayudará a Ola Myrset pero en 1978 trabajamos en ambos sectores (Noruega y Engoland); También trabajamos para ambas compañías petroleras (Total y Elf). El P84 habría estado en el Mar del Norte en 1984, pero posiblemente propiedad de Sedco Forex. Los Pentagones de 81 metros rápidamente salieron de moda después del vuelco del Alexander Kielland.

Añadido por Louis Mair el 22 de enero de 2013.

Trabajé dos años en P84 desde 1977. Comenzó con Chalk Drill Catrering de dos viajes y luego se trasladó a Forex - equipo de perforación. Tenía la pierna rota cuando una cadena se rompió bajo tensión y me golpeó por debajo de la rodilla. La morfina es buena. P84 era un gran aparejo para trabajar encendido sin embargo.

Añadido por Chris Caldwell el 08 de febrero de 2013.

Alguien recuerda el Pentagone 82? Construido en Brownsville, Tejas en 1973. Era un roughneck y después vea la oferta durante 1975-77 N. Sea incluyendo el fiordo de Stavanger. Forex Neptune eran operadores, altos funcionarios principalmente franceses. Interesado en averiguar donde el aparejo y la tripulación fueron después de 1977. Bob Mackenzie

Añadido por Bob MacKenzie el 29 de junio de 2013.

Alguien recuerda a la plataforma de la hermana a la P84 de la P82? Construido en Brownsville, Texas en 1973 operado por Forex Neptune. Trabajé como roughneck entonces reloj oferta en P82 de 1975-1977, principalmente N mar. Renombrado y sigue trabajando, entiendo?

Añadido por Bob MacKenzie el 04 de julio de 2013.

Vino a través de este sitio después de buscar "pentagone 84" - no tienen conexión con las plataformas - pero suena como ustedes tienen algunas historias que contar! Busqué después de ver un video de BBC4 de metraje de archivo, ambientado en música moderna, llamado "Del mar a la tierra más allá: la costa de Gran Bretaña en la película", donde había un pequeño segmento que muestra los contenedores que se transfieren a la "P84" D llamarlo. Sólo pensé que te daría el heads-up.

Añadido por Malcolm Kelly el 06 de septiembre de 2013.

Eh compañeros, El 81 fue apilado costa afuera de Mississippi en 1991. Me contrataron con Roger Allen de Ingleside, Tx para sentarse en la plataforma y mantener las luces encendidas y flotando mientras que el propietario actual encontró comprador. Me dijeron que venía de Brasil y era propiedad de una empresa noruega. Aparte de eso, no sé nada más. Hice tres tirones a los 60-70 días una pieza sentada en la cosa antes de seguir adelante. Siempre se preguntó si un comprador fue encontrado o si fue desechado.

Añadido por John Hanley el 25 de septiembre de 2013.

Realmente interesante leer la historia sobre P84, que yo estaba involucrado en la construcción en 1974 en Pori.Cuánto tiempo? Dejó la plataforma en -76. P82 ahora están en Brasil llamado Ensco 5000.

Añadido por John Meling el 21 de octubre de 2013.

Estimado señor, necesito dibujo o cualquier información de la estructura principal (como columna, pontones shap. Pared thichness y ligero) de pentagone 87 0r 84 para mi investigación. Si usted tiene cualquier información amablemente por favor ayúdeme. Mi e-mail es. jim_2000_zh@yahoo. com

Añadido por Jim el 29 de octubre de 2013.

Hola, estoy investigando la serie de plataformas de Pentagone. El P81 fue construido en Francia por CFEM. Más tarde fue conocido como el productor Viking y se ha desguazado. P82 construido en Brownsville, TX, USA AKA como JFP 12, JFP Doce, Tesoro Viking, Viking Pride México y actualmente Ensco 5000 trabajando en Brasil P83 - Construido por CFEM en Francia. Se convirtió en Drillmaster luego se convirtió a Buchan Aplha - Todavía en el Mar del Norte P84 es un poco desconocido para mí, pero creo que fue scpapped en Methill en los años 80 P85 construido en Ruma Repola, Finlandia. AKA como Venture One, Ventura 1, Dixilyn-Field 96, Sonat D-F 96, Transocean 96 y actualmente Noble Lorris Bouzigard trabajando en México P86 construido en Ruama Repols, Finlandia. AKA como Venture dos, Venture 2, Dixilyn-Field 97, Sonat DF 97 y actualmente Noble Therald Martin trabajando fuera de Brasil P87 Construido en CFEM. AKA Medusa, Astiere y desguazado en Gabón alrededor de 2004 P90 - Construido por CFEM. También AKA como General Enrique Mosconi, Puerto Magallanes, Falcon Star Transocean 97 y Atlantic Star. Trabajando en el Brasil Alexander Kielland - CFEM - Hundido el 27 de marzo de 1980 Henrik Ibsen - CFEM - AKA Safe Petrolia, SS Petrolia y actualmente Archimedes - cálido apilado Port Arthur TX P91 - CFEM - AKA Gulnare y actualmente Zagreb 1 Si tiene alguna información sobre cualquiera de Estas plataformas me interesaría oír de usted por correo en esta página o correo electrónico garyforsyth32@yahoo. co. uk

Añadido por Gary Forsyth el 04 de noviembre de 2013.

Todos esos años atrás, y los nombres de correr algunos recuerdos, recuerde que el cine se convirtió en un bar cuando había una huelga. También tener que subir por la pierna, después de que nos llevó el ascensor lejos mientras en haugasund, un poco el peor de ware después de una noche en el saga bar. Recuerde las burbujas, él era uno apagado, va a ser Freddie mercurys t muchacho. Dixie el chef, era otro nombre, y Nelson?

Añadido por Paul brown el 22 de diciembre de 2013.

Fui uno de los tripulantes irlandeses que se unieron al Pentagone 84 en 1981. Hemos perforado la costa oeste de Irlanda durante el invierno de 1981-1982. Fue la primera operación de perforación de invierno en esa parte del Atlántico. También nos permitieron licores para la cena de Navidad como parte de los sindicatos sindicatos tratar con el francés Senior Toolpusher (Im no estoy seguro de si se llamaban Rig superintendente en aquellos días). Los franceses querían vino con su comida. Me olvido de su nombre, pero era justo tratar con él. Yo era un mayordomo sindical y me pareció que la gerencia francesa razonable para tratar y la seguridad era una prioridad. Creo que el empujador era un ex oficial de la Legión Extranjera Francesa. Justo después de la cena la cadena de perforación se rompió y fuimos directamente a una expidition de pesca. La cerveza se sudó pronto de nosotros con los numerosos viajes dentro y fuera del agujero en un esfuerzo por recuperar la cadena rota. Un gran aparejo para trabajar.

Añadido por Padaig Campbell el 13 de febrero de 2014.

Recuerdo bien el pozo P84. Trabajé en ella como soldadora de mantenimiento de platería a principios de los años 80 y mientras tiraba de las anclas para el remolque hasta Brest fuera de Francia una de las grúas se rompió su pedestal. Por suerte cayó sobre el pasillo, rompiéndose la espalda y al hacerlo, el opperator sobrevivió. Si no hubiera caído sobre el sendero habría golpeado uno de los pontones y Dios sabe lo que pudo haber sucedido. El opperator de la grúa consiguió un infierno de un bollicking de la herramienta francesa empujador como él fue sacado de la cabina. Tuvimos un desvío a través de Rotterdam para levantarlo antes de continuar nuestro remolque a Brest. En general, aunque una gran plataforma y equipo para trabajar.

Añadido por Peter Bullard el 11 de marzo de 2014.

Laurence o Aiden P84. Conseguiste el video mundial de Whickers en youtube?

Aidan acaba de vincularme a esto y OMG. ¡Luke aguas subterráneas! Cómo va la carrera de actuación? Gran instalación. Un poco de la P84 estaban colgando alrededor del aeropuerto Dyce durante un tiempo en el patio de lo que ahora se llama Pentagone feight.

Añadido por Jim Tait el 30 de marzo de 2014.

Estoy casi listo para publicar la película falsa que hicimos en P84, sólo hay que hacer un poco de edición. Mientras tanto, he publicado un trailer. Sólo tienes que ir a youtube y la búsqueda de 'Mar del Norte Escándalo'!

Añadido por Aidan Watts el 30 de marzo de 2014.

Han puesto un remolque para la película que rodamos en P84 en youtube. ¡Busque 'Scandal del Mar del Norte', película completa a seguir cuando haya hecho un poco de edición!

Añadido por Aidan Watts el 11 de abril de 2014.

Oigan muchachos, recuerdan si el pecho del mar es redondo o cuadrado de tamaño. Actualmente necesitamos corcho pero no podemos encontrar impresiones, y cuando hacemos su en francés. Si puedes carillón en que sería muy apreciado.

Añadido por J. Campos el 26 de abril de 2014.

Trabajé en la P-84 en 1978 con su compatriota Phil McKee, Ron Spink de Arbroath y el operador de grúas Kiwi Robin Winikieri. Monsieur Gervasoni era nuestro supervisor.

Añadido por Alan Knight el 22 de agosto de 2014.

J'ai eu mais 20 ans sur p 84 le 10 janvier 1976 mer d'iroise que de souvenir Cpt belibio à bord Mr eude Laforge lastéra. Claude Rouge le grutier Kester y otros tantos otros quelques photos contact

Añadido por Le Douarin philippe el 18 de septiembre de 2014.

Bonjour y saludos a tout le monde. En respuesta a la pregunta de Bob McKenzie me parece recordar que el P82 se convirtió en la plataforma de producción flotante Buchan. El P83 fue (nuevamente de memoria) el Venture One / DF 96. Tengo recuerdos felices del P84. Herscher, Kenny MacDonald, John Lewis; dónde estás ahora?

Añadido por Louis Mair el 06 de octubre de 2014.

Por favor, dame más información del Pentágono 87 y también se conoce como Asterie. Está en Irán ahora y necesitamos información para ello.

Añadido por Shaza el 19 de noviembre de 2014.

Si alguien quiere ver lo que exactamente pasó en el P84 durante los años ochenta, sólo tienes que ir a youtube y escriba 'Scandale del Mar del Norte'!

Añadido por Aidan Watts el 22 de diciembre de 2014.

Hola Billy y Lawrence, he trabajado en ella para el agujero final antes de que ella fue remolcada en el Cromarty firth y desechado. Entonces fui a la Sedco 703

Añadido por Michael Curry el 31 de enero de 2015.

I publicó un video P84 para youtube. Si buscas 'North Sea Scandal' en youtube encontrarás el video !!

Añadido por Aidan Watts el 31 de enero de 2015.

Aye Jim Tait, más adelante con el video

Añadido por Richie main el 13 de febrero de 2015.

Me había ido por entonces Michael. Mi último viaje en el P84 y costa afuera fue en 85.

Billy. (Wullie el pintor)

Añadido por Billy Bruce el 13 de febrero de 2015.

La vista previa del escándalo del Mar del Norte está en YouTube por Aiden Watts, muy profesional.

Añadido por Laurence el 19 de febrero de 2015.

Sí, eché un vistazo. Muy bien hecho. Esperamos ver la cosa completa.

Añadido por Wullie Bruce el 20 de febrero de 2015.

Hola señores, hay un aparejo que yo estaba en ayer llamado El Arquímedes o la Petrolia. Plataforma del Pentágono creo que la última de su tipo.

Añadido por Jason el 20 de febrero de 2015.

Pentagons 84 era un equipo muy estable en la dirección meteorológica. Fue el desguace criminal, fue construido en Finlandia y era tan sólida como una roca. Mi primer trabajo fue limpiar todas las soldaduras dentro de los bracings para las inspecciones MPI .. No podía hacer que el montañismo ahora con cuerdas y escaleras en ángulos de 45 grados. Dónde está la Petrolia Jason ..

Añadido por Laurence el 20 de febrero de 2015.

Ahora he descargado el vídeo completo que hemos rodado, no edición me temo pero sigue siendo bastante divertido en partes. Ir a youtube y buscar 'engañando alrededor de Pentagone 84'.

Añadido por Aidan Watts el 20 de febrero de 2015.

Hay 6 Plataformas Pentagone izquierda Buchan Alpha Arquímedes (fue Petrolia) Húmedo apilado en Port Arthur (GoM) Noble Therlad Martin Noble Lorriz Bouzugard Zagreb 1 El productor Astiere Viking fue desechado el año pasado en Galveston

Añadido por Gary Forsyth el 25 de febrero de 2015.

De acuerdo. Pero necesito todos los documentos oficiales que demuestran el peso ligero de Asterie Drilling Rig

Añadido por Shaza el 26 de febrero de 2015.

Buen trabajo en el video de carga Aidan, no vi el Bob Petrie poco al final, youtube debe haber tomado. ¡Ese pedacito de la carretilla elevadora me tiene en stiches cada vez!

Añadido por Laurence el 26 de febrero de 2015.

Acabo de encontrar un montón de fotos de la P84, estoy bastante seguro de que hay algunas caras reconocibles, se cargarán tan pronto como obtener esta impresora inalámbrica sangrienta conectado a continuación, escanearlos.

Añadido por Richie main el 01 de marzo de 2015.

Bueno se ve como las fotos que he subido de Navidad 1982 desde el p84 no han sido aceptados por lo que si alguien quiere copias entonces dope me un correo electrónico en Richiemain@gmail. com

Añadido por Richie main el 06 de marzo de 2015.

Trabajó como mecánico marino en la P84 en 1978. Se unió a las aguas noruegas para un viaje, luego a bordo para el remolque tormentoso a la concesión de North Alwyn. Rompió una cuerda de remolque durante el remolque de las piernas durante la noche para comprobar el sistema de propulsión. No hay ascensores trabajando, un montón de heave y olas pesadas golpeando la puerta superior, tuvimos que tiempo mi guión a través de pasarela, o perder una extremidad o incluso la cabeza !! Ahora se retiró en el Reino de Fife!

Añadido por Roderic Kyle el 18 de abril de 2015.

Creo que Roderic puede estar recordando un equipo diferente, demasiadas gargantas profundas tienen efectos secundarios impredecibles en la vida posterior. El P84 en el que estaba no tenía propulsión, ascensores. Y su cubierta estaba bien fuera del agua cuando ella fue ballasted para arriba (véase la foto).

Añadido por Louis Mair el 06 May 2015.

Ciertamente había ascensores En la P84, recuerde bien, destartalado minúsculo, suficiente para apretar 2 en un empujón

Añadido por Richie main el 06 de mayo de 2015.

Roderick es correcto, en un mal tiempo los ascensores serán apagados para evitar daños y él menciona la comprobación de la propulsión de la cual había tres unidades, Alfa, Charlie y piernas del delta si recuerdo ... .1982. Estancia del quintal whacky Louis .. lol

Gracias por ayudar a los chaps del viejo cerebro. A los 72, a veces dudo de mi memoria, pero no con el P84. Alguien que se ha arrastrado a través de los túneles que conectan la pierna a las casas del empujador - más el calor sobre los 2000hp? Los motores de corriente continua que funcionan a plena potencia en una tormenta violenta, atestiguarán que podría ser aterrador. Ella fue lastimada, pero a qué nivel, no estoy seguro. De ninguna manera podía ser remolcada en una fuerza de 9 ¡sin balas! Pasé de la P84 a una plataforma de tierra en Abu Dhabi, luego un jack-up en el Golfo. Y en adelante y hacia arriba a través de la vida!

Añadido por Roderic Kyle el 07 de mayo de 2015.

Laurence. Propulsión en Alfa. Charlie y Echo piernas. Adelante y 2 en popa. Puerto y estribor (Bravo y Delta) sin propulsión.

Añadido por Billy Bruce el 07 May 2015.

Gracias Billy. Si usted mira la imagen, usted puede hacer hacia fuera las tapas de las cubiertas del propulsor sobre los pontones. El acceso era a través de un estrecho túnel bajo justo encima del pontón. Me olvidé de añadir: en 1986 estaba en el circuito de North Alwyn. La barcaza de la grúa de Heerama Hermod estaba en sitio para la instalación de la chaqueta y del puente de NAB - tengo fotos! El petróleo estaba en £ 8,70 +/-. Total miraba el proyecto. El reactor de Chernobyl explotó y las nubes de lluvia flotaron sobre nosotros. Otro fragmento de información inútil!

Añadido por Roderic Kyle el 08 de mayo de 2015.

Mira en Billy mi memoria si me falla, recuerda también gateando a través de esas escotillas para inspeccionar los propulsores cuando se ejecuta en el mal tiempo .. burst una manguera de enfriamiento una vez, el agua inundada, así como el sistema de sentina estaba en buen nick con las bombas sumergibles Prevenir un desastre.

Mis disculpas a Roderic. Lo que me hizo sospechar de estas publicaciones fue Chris Caldwell y la historia de "una cadena se rompió". No recuerdo un Chris Caldwell de mis 8 meses en las cuadrillas de perforación P84. Como el mantenimiento era más una obsesión alegre que un simple trabajo, la historia es intrínsecamente improbable. Un miembro pagado de la pandilla de barro me parecería capaz de decirnos cuál era la cadena. Estoy obviamente un poco senil, alguien recuerda el señor Caldwell y la cadena? Mi agradecimiento a aquellos que corrigieron mis errores y una humilde disculpa a Roderic Kyle.

Añadido por Louis Mair el 12 de mayo de 2015.

Podría contar algunas historias sobre el P84, una vez recuerdo que me enviaron al barco para reemplazar un cable de ancla para enrollarlo lentamente de un tambor grande que acaba de picar en la cubierta del barco, recuerdo haber bajado al ancla Para "controlar" el nuevo cable que sale de este tambor frenado especial con una bomba enerpac. Huelga decir que el freno no se sostuvo, no importa lo furioso que me bombee. Tuve que correr para cubrir como el Tambor speadily aumentó en rpm envío de madera y embalaje en el aire. El patrón del barco hizo un gran trabajo, tenía la sensación de ir un frente lleno por lo que el alambre se puso bien en el fondo del océano y no en montón bajo el aparejo ... que eran los días ..

Añadido por Laurence el 13 de mayo de 2015.

Laurence. Te importa que una grúa salga de su pedestal? Ver mensaje fechado el 11 de marzo 14 por Peter Bullard. Simplemente no puedo pensar en eso. Pero tal vez ya me había ido.

Añadido por Billy el 13 de mayo de 2015.

Grandes historias de algunas grandes plataformas. El P82 todavía está alrededor ahora llamado Pentágono 5000 y poseído por mi compañía Norscot Petróleo y Gas Pvt Ltd. Lo compramos de Ensco el año pasado cuando ella trabajaba en Suráfrica donde ella todavía está y ahora sentándose junto en Puerto Elizabeth lista para los nuevos emprendimientos Y todavía en gran forma.

Añadida por Ola Peter Tollefsen el 16 de octubre de 2015.

Fui ingeniero de perforación en la P82 en 1985 cuando trabajamos para Petrobras en Brasil. Luego la trasladamos al golfo de méxico. Podría por favor enviar o publicar algunas fotos recientes. Gracias

Añadido por Philip Gosse el 21 de octubre de 2015.

Paragon MSS2

El Paragon MSS2 es una plataforma de perforación semisubmersible de segunda generación manejada por el contratista de perforación Paragon Offshore. Este MODU está clasificado para perforar en profundidades de hasta 4.000 pies.

El flotador DW está diseñado para lograr una profundidad de perforación total máxima de aproximadamente 25,000 pies y puede acomodar a aproximadamente 120 miembros de la tripulación. El mantenimiento de la estación se consigue mediante un sistema de amarre convencional.

El semi fue entregado en 1977. Construido en un Forex Neptune & amp; IFP 85 Clase plantilla de diseño semisumergible, este equipo fue construido en el astillero de Rauma Repola en Finlandia.

A lo largo de su vida útil, las plataformas costa afuera a veces se renombran debido a ventas directas, M & A, o cambios en la nomenclatura. Antes de que Paragon fuera de la costa se separara como una entidad separada en 2014, el aparejo fue poseído por Noble Corp. y llamó al Noble Therald Martin. Durante su historia de funcionamiento, el Paragon MSS2 también se ha llamado: Noble 97, Transocean 97, Sonat Df-97, Df-97 y Pentagone 86.


Sep 1975 - Nov 1979 (4 años)

BOP, tensores, prueba de agujero abajo

Ago 1994 - Oct 1999 (5 años)

Solución de problemas, reparación y mantenimiento de todos los equipos de perforación, National Oilwell unidad superior, C / E C3 Tipo II Drawworks, C / E bombas de lodo, aire de elevación. Solución de problemas, reparación y mantenimiento de todas las grúas de cubierta, American Hoist 900, American Hoist 500 y EBI Hydraulic Crane. Solución de problemas, reparación y mantenimiento de motores y sistemas Diesel Caterpillar D-399 Solución de problemas, reparación y mantenimiento de todos los sistemas de propulsión. Supervisar Motormen, priorizando las actividades diarias. Las piezas aseguradas están a mano para hacer las reparaciones al equipo

Feb 2007 - Ago 2008 (1 años)

Responsable global de la ejecución segura y la eficiencia de las actividades marinas a bordo de la plataforma. Proporcionar supervisión y monitoreo del posicionamiento de la plataforma, estabilidad y sistemas de lastre durante los movimientos de la plataforma y la perforación estacionaria. Supervisar todas las transferencias de carga, los ajustes de lastre y la compensación de carga. Responsable de la preparación, el funcionamiento, la preservación, el mantenimiento y la reparación de todos los equipos, sistemas, estructura, tanques y casco relacionados con la marina y la seguridad.

Feb 2008 - Oct 2008 (8 meses)

ENSCO 5000

La ENSCO 5000 es una plataforma de perforación semisubmersible de segunda generación gestionada por el contratista de perforación ENSCO. Este MODU está clasificado para perforar en profundidades de hasta 2.300 pies.

El flotador MW está dimensionado para lograr una profundidad de perforación total máxima de aproximadamente 20,000 pies y puede acomodar a aproximadamente 120 miembros de la tripulación. El mantenimiento de la estación se consigue mediante un sistema de amarre convencional.

El semi fue entregado en 1973. Construido en un Forex Neptune & amp; IFP, este aparejo fue construido en el astillero de Keppel AmFELS en los EEUU.

A lo largo de su vida útil, las plataformas costa afuera a veces se renombran debido a ventas directas, M & A, o cambios en la nomenclatura. Durante su historia de funcionamiento, el ENSCO 5000 también se ha llamado: Orgullo México, Viking, Tor Viking, Viking del tesoro, JFP 12 y Pentagone 82.


Nov 2014 - Presente (1 años)

- Rigging y Banksman deberes para ascensores y transferencias de personal - Ayudar con el reabastecimiento de combustible y tomar en el agua - Aguja gunning, pulido y pintura - Ayudar a motorista y electricista con tareas ad hoc

Yo mismo con el P84 que estaba trabajando para Total alrededor de 1984.

Foto añadida el 26 julio 2012 a las 12:46

Trabajó en P 84 en 1974 Mar del Norte

Añadido por Pierre Dumaine el 01 de agosto de 2012.

También trabajé en P84 para Forex Neptune como una grúa Op. No recuerdo que año cos parece que hace unos cien años. Maldita buena comida y buen montón de chicos. Fuimos a la parte inferior de una de las piernas (dentro.) Y me llaman un cobarde pero que era miedo. Durante una noche de tormenta mi grúa Mani se inundó con agua de mar en el compartimiento del motor que no era bueno viendo como los motores donde todo eléctrico. Oh diversión wot solía tener antes de HSE comenzó a hacer preguntas. Aquellos primeros días eran ásperos y listos, pero me encantó cada minuto de ellos.

Añadido por Brett Mitchell el 07 de agosto de 2012.

Acabo de publicar un Trailer para la película que hicimos en P84. Si vas a youtube y buscas por 'Scandal del Mar del Norte' lo encontrarás. ¡Película completa a seguir!

Añadido por Aidan Watts el 11 de abril de 2014.

Hola Laurence ¡Apenas encontré esta imagen y le reconocí al instante, sorpresa agradable! Yo trabajaba para Dowell Schlumberger en el P84 en el mismo tiempo. Espero que todo esté bien. Kevin Oneil

Añadido por Kevin Oneil el 27 de diciembre de 2014.

Mi OnePetro

Diseño y comportamiento real de la plataforma de perforación semi-sumergible Pentagone 81

El diseño de la plataforma semi-sumergible PENTAGONE 81 se basa en extensas pruebas de modelos y utiliza conocimientos avanzados para la computación.

El comportamiento de la primera unidad real se analizó y confirma satisfactoriamente las predicciones.

Utilizando métodos de tratamiento de información estadística, es posible predecir el comportamiento de la unidad o de unidades similares en cualquier área.

Los llamados flotadores semi-sumergibles son altamente sofisticados comparados con barcazas llanas o incluso barcos. También son más caros, porque son mucho más complejos y no tienen tan buena estructura de peso de acero de eficiencia. Sin embargo, la industria de perforación costa afuera está lista para pagarla ya que estos flotadores tienen un promedio mejor de coste económico global por pozo en mares difíciles, cuando no son el único medio efectivo para condiciones extremas. Tal vez algo irracional para las primeras unidades, su principio fue resuelto cuando se comprendió que una configuración elaborada del casco era capaz de proporcionar una mejor estabilidad que un flotador plano más grande y más pesado, sobre el desplazamiento mínimo del casco gobernado por la capacidad de carga.

El principio de los flotadores semisumergibles incorpora tres características principales que favorecen la estabilidad:

inercia de masa

estabilización hidrodinámica

Dispersión de los elementos del casco o "transparencia"

En el apéndice se da una teoría elemental sobre cómo funcionan estos factores. PENTAGONE 81 es el logro de un extenso programa de ingeniería que incluyó en una fase preliminar, algunas investigaciones '; Llevando a una mejor comprensión de los fundamentos y, en un segundo paso, al desarrollo de la unidad actual. En un tercer paso, se analiza el comportamiento en el mar de la unidad real y se compara con el predicho.

Las partes principales de ese trabajo incluyeron.

Pruebas de tanques y análisis en modelos típicos de plataformas;

Pruebas de tanques y análisis de modelos de elementos flotantes típicos

Desarrollo de un modelo matemático para predecir los factores de respuesta de la plataforma en ondas regulares

review of the existing works on environmental forces

development of a structural analysis method associated with a research program on knuckles

development of a mathematical model for computing the anchor lines elasticity laws

typical weather forecast for the contemplated area

optimization of a pentagonal pattern and its anchor system

towing tank tests of the selected platform and analysis

checking of the stability characteristics against the "Coast guards" regla

Preliminary engineering work

The platform started with the evaluation of the main semi-submersible concepts known at that time, that is about 1965. A mathematical analysis of their behaviour in waves was made, along the line of the approach described in appendix, and using the computer for faster resolution ; simultaneously a set of tank model tests at a scale of 1 to 80 was started.

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Alors que les marchés mondiaux se dirigent probablement vers une une nouvelle folle semaine de cotation, Aujourd’hui, l’homme qui est devenu une légende pour ses anticipations de quantitative Easing (Planche à billets) . dans les fluctuations des devises et sur des événements mondiaux majeurs alertekinkworldnews sur le fait que les gouvernements du monde entier se préparent à l’effondrement total.

Les taux négatifs se répandent comme une traînée de poudre

Egon Von Greyerz: “Eric, 25% des obligations d’Etat sont désormais négatives partout dans le monde. Vendredi matin, la Banque du Japon a été le dernière à introduire des taux négatifs. Il y a maintenant 13 pays dont les obligations d’Etat affichent des rendements négatifs jusqu’à 2 ans et 10 pays avec des rendements négatifs jusqu’à 10 ans. Je répète depuis très longtemps que le Japon est en faillite et que les taux négatifs ne sauveront pas leur économie…

Egon von Greyerz poursuit: ” Cette décision va juste décourager l’épargne et donc les investissements. La principale conséquence sera l’affaiblissement du yen au sein d’une compétition mondiale de dévaluation des monnaies où toutes les devises finiront par ne plus rien valoir. Donc cette décision prise par le Japon n’est qu’une autre confirmation d’une dévaluation mondiale des devises qui combinée à de l’impression monétaire massive débouchera sur une hyperinflation.

Taux. la Fed à contre-courant ?

Comme je l’avais dit au moment où la FED avait augmenté ses taux d’intérêt, ce ne sera qu’une question de temps avant que les taux aux États-Unis deviennent négatifs. Les marchés sont globalisés et il est ridicule de croire que les États-Unis peuvent aller à contre courant du reste du monde. A court terme, nous savions bien sûr que la Fed devait poursuivre sa stratégie de hausse des taux d’intérêt pour ne pas perdre la face. Même si la situation économique se détériore rapidement aux Etats-Unis comme dans le reste du monde, la Fed a dû fermer les yeux sur ce qui se passe réellement, afin de maintenir le peu de confiance qu’il reste envers les investisseurs. Mais comme vous le savez, ils gardent les yeux fermés, car ils ne veulent tout simplement pas voir la réalité.

Dans son dernier communiqué, la Fed a déclaré que le marché de l’emploi continue de s’améliorer. La Réserve Fédérale américaine voit littéralement la vie en rose. Or, les seuls nouveaux emplois crées se trouvent chez les plus de 55 ans, dans les temps partiels et les emplois de service. Le revenu médian réel des ménages est en baisse depuis des décennies et le taux de participation à la population active baisse depuis 10 ans, avec 95 millions de personnes âgés de 16 ans et + en âge de travailler et qui sont sans emploi. Il est donc très difficile de comprendre pourquoi la FED voit une amélioration sur le marché de l’emploi. Il semble que les déclarations de la Fed reposent plus sur des espoirs que sur des faits réels.

Une triple menace sur les États-Unis

Mais le véritable problème des États-Unis est évidemment les soucis liés aux subprimes qui se développent du côté des prêts étudiants . des crédits auto ainsi que de la dette des sociétés de fracturation hydraulique . Rassemblez ces 3 secteurs et vous obtenez des défauts potentiels de plusieurs centaines de milliards de dollars. Avant la fin de ce cycle du crédit, ces montants augmenteront jusqu’à plusieurs milliers de milliards de dollars de véritables défauts lorsqu’on inclut les produits dérivés liés à ces marchés.

L’effondrement total

Selon moi, à la prochaine voire à la réunion suivante de la réserve fédérale, un événement extérieur lui fournira le prétexte nécessaire non seulement pour ne pas poursuivre sur son élan, mais pour en fait rabaisser son taux directeur. Cette décision sera ensuite suivie par un nouveau programme d’assouplissement quantitatif massif à l’échelle mondiale. Les banques centrales n’ont plus aucun autre outil dans leur arsenal pour éviter l’effondrement total du système financier. Le dilemme est le suivant: elle ne peuvent pas résorber un problème de 230.000 milliards de de dollars de dette et de 1.500.000 milliards de dollars de produits dérivés en utilisant les mêmes solutions qui sont à l’origine du problème. La conséquence inévitable de leur tentative de sauvetage sera la destruction de la valeur de la monnaie et une inflation sans limites.

En parlant de la dette, savez-vous que la dette fédérale américaine a déjà augmenté de 800 milliards de dollars rien que durant les 4 premiers mois de l’année fiscale en cours. Annualisé, ce déficit représente 2500 milliards de dollars. On ne devrait pas obtenir un tel chiffre en fin d’année mais si cela devait être le cas, il sera maquillé. Mais tôt ou tard, les déficits budgétaires exploseront de façon exponentielle alors que la planche à billets tourne à cadence infernale.

La guerre du pétrole

Le monde est maintenant a sein d’une crise très sérieuse, les problèmes se manifestent de toute part. La situation géopolitique se détériore de jour en jour. La Libye est un triste exemple de l’échec total des Occidentaux dans leur tentative de “sauver” le monde. Tout d’abord, la Libye a été complètement détruite par les alliés afin de créer une zone géopolitique dangereuse. Désormais, les Occidentaux parlent d’intervenir à nouveau en Libye pour empêcher l’Etat Islamique de prendre le contrôle du pétrole libyen. L’Etat Islamique a déjà le contrôle de certains champs pétrolifères irakiens. Malheureusement, il n’y a pas de solution à la crise du Moyen-Orient où de nombreuses pays tels que l’Arabie Saoudite, l’Iran et la Syrie pourraient rentrer dans un conflit majeur.

De nombreux pays qui dépendent du pétrole ont le même problème. L’Azerbaïdjan est dorénavant dans une crise. les recettes publiques de ce pays dépendent à 95 % du gaz et du pétrole et qui a eux seuls représentent 40 % du PIB azéri. En décembre, ils ont dû abandonner le rattachement de leur monnaie au dollar et à la suite de cette décision, la monnaie locale s’est effondrée de 30%. Sur le marché noir, la valeur de la devise de l’Azerbaïdjan s’élève à la moitié du cours officiel. Le change de devises est désormais contrôlé tandis qu’il y a une taxe de 20 % sur l’exportation de devises. Leurs réserves ont chuté de 66 % par rapport à l’an dernier et sont maintenant de 5 milliards de dollars. A ce rythme, ils seront à court de réserves en 2016.

FMI, Banque mondiale et crise globale

le FMI et la Banque mondiale sont maintenant en train de débouler en Azerbaïdjan afin de discuter sur un possible prêt de 4 milliards de dollars. Le problème est que ces deux organisations ont beaucoup de pays en crise à rencontrer dans les prochains mois, comme le Brésil, l’Équateur, le Venezuela, le Nigeria et l’Arabie saoudite pour ne citer que qu’eux. Je suppose qu’ils ne peuvent qu’accroître la dette mondiale de quelques centaines de milliards de dollars. En tout cas, ce ne sera qu’une goutte d’eau dans un océan de dettes.

Le Venezuela est un autre exemple emblématique alors que l’inflation est attendue à 700 % cette année et que leur obligation de référence est à 27 %.

Donc, Eric, tout comme je l’avais expliqué dans mon article sur kingworldnews il y a quelques semaines . l’hyperinflation commence maintenant dans un certain nombre de pays à travers le monde. Et personne ne devrait avoir l’illusion que ceci est juste un phénomène lié aux marchés émergents. Non, ce qui se passe sur les marchés émergents va finir par nous atteindre à notre tour aussi. Et ce sera bien pire, bien sûr que le montant de 1.750.000 milliards de dollars lié à la dette et aux produits dérivés commence à imploser. Pouvez-vous imaginer l’astronomique impression monétaire que devront déployer toutes les grandes banques centrales et le FMI afin de maîtriser l’effondrement ?

Les investisseurs doivent bien réaliser que la plupart des banques iront au tapis avant la fin de cette crise. Prenons par exemple l’Italie, dans le système bancaire est déjà insolvable. 17 % de tous les crédits italiens (350 milliards d’euros) sont non performants. Ils seront désormais vendus à des investisseurs avec garantie du gouvernement. Qui devra quasi certainement encaisser des pertes sur ces actifs et qui rapprocheront le pays de sa faillite certaine.

Toutes les banques sont à risque

Toute somme « prêtée » par un épargnant à sa banque, quel que soit le pays, est en danger. Je pense qu’aucun investisseur ne devrait déposer de sommes conséquentes dans une banque. Cet argent sera soit confisqué dans le cadre d’une opération de sauvetage, soit perdu suite à une faillite ou soit dévalué par la création monétaire. N’oubliez pas non plus que les contrôles des capitaux qui sont désormais mis en place dans de nombreux pays émergents apparaîtront bientôt aux États-Unis et en Europe. À ce moment-là, les investisseurs seront dans l’incapacité de transférer à l’international leur argent, ou au prix d’une taxe, comme c’est le cas en Azerbaïdjan (20 %).

Les gouvernement se préparent maintenant à l’effondrement total

Les gouvernements se préparent maintenant à un effondrement total, Eric, voilà pourquoi les investisseurs doivent agir maintenant pour transférer des fonds dans un autre pays avant que les contrôles de change ne se mettent en place et avant que le dollar ou l’euro ne valent plus rien. Comme je l’ai montré dans mon article sur kingworldnews que j’ai cité plus haut, l’or physique est la meilleure façon de se prémunir contre la destruction totale de la monnaie que nous allons voir dans les prochaines années. Après un cycle haussier de 12 ans sur les marchés financiers, l’or a maintenant corrigé depuis 4 ans et 1/2. Il semble que la correction soit maintenant terminée, Fait intéressant, cette période correspond à la durée typique d’un retracement de Fibonacci de 38 %.

Avant que la phase hyperinflationniste à venir soit terminée, l’or atteindra des niveaux qu’aucun de nous ne peut imaginer aujourd’hui. Mais peu importe les niveaux qu’il atteindra, c’est totalement hors de propos actuellement. Ce qui est extrêmement important à retenir, c’est que l’or physique entreposé à l’extérieur du système bancaire agira comme une assurance et une protection contre la destruction de valeurs et de richesses que nous allons voir dans les prochaines années “.

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La clôture en hausse du cours de l’once d’or malgré le renforcement du dollar et la décision de la Banque du Japon de réduire le niveau de ses taux directeurs confirme la solidité de cet actif, et montre la volonté acheteuse du marché. De même, sur le plan de l’analyse technique, un scénario haussier est envisageable comme le montre la dynamique à moyen terme, et le pull-back effectué sur le seuil à 1 110$ me permet de considérer la résistance à 1 130$ comme cible potentielle à court terme.

Les participants au marché anticipent juste une hausse du taux cette année, probablement en Juillet, comparée aux quatre hausses prévues en fonction de la direction des décideurs de la FED. Un chemin progressif de taux plus élevés est considéré comme une menace moins grave pour le prix de l’or par rapport à une série rapide de hausses.

Le double rôle de l’or comme une marchandise et une monnaie le met dans une position difficile au début du 2016. Le secteur des produits de base dans son ensemble est entré dans sa cinquième année consécutive de baisse du marché boursier. Un autre secteur du marché, les actions, a commencé l’année avec une tendance extrêmement négative.

Les commerçants ont parlés d’ailleurs d’une tendance se raffermissant à l’étranger, avec la saison des mariages et donc une hausse d’achats par les bijoutiers et les détaillants sur le marché domestique, qui a conduit à la reprise des prix de l’or.

La panne de la croissance chinoise et ses conséquences sur la croissance mondiale ainsi que des statistiques économiques décevantes aux Etats-Unis sont les principaux facteurs qui ont relancé le cours de l’or en ce début de semaine.

Une tempête parfaite sur le marché de l’argent

Une tempête parfaite se lève sur le marché de l’argent, à mesure que la demande grimpe et prend le dessus sur une offre en baisse. Elle se forme déjà, et sera prête à converger une fois que les conditions seront idéales. Elle soufflera de plus en plus fort à mesure que la Fed et les banques centrales perdront le contrôle sur la dette et feront s’effondrer le système.

Je me suis entretenu avec Mike Gleason, de chez Money Metals Exchange , au sujet du potentiel destructeur de l’année 2016 pour les marchés boursiers globaux, ainsi que de son potentiel de retournement pour les métaux précieux. En revanche, tout ne dépendra que de ce que feront la Fed et les banques centrales en réponse à la récession qui se développe aux Etats-Unis et à l’échelle globale.

Voici un extrait de notre entretien.

Mike Gleason: Steve, nous avons un certain nombre de sujets à couvrir, alors nous devrions commencer dès maintenant. J’aimerais d’abord vous parler de la divergence que nous apercevons cette année entre les marchés boursiers globaux et les métaux précieux. Les métaux n’ont pas nécessairement décollé, mais ils ont quelque peu grimpé, ce qui est un signe positif face au vent de liquidation qui souffle sur les marchés des actions. Avant d’aller plus loin, que pensez-vous de ce qui se passe sur les marchés depuis le début de l’année, notamment de la réaction de l’or et de l’argent face aux troubles des autres marchés.

Steve St. Angelo: Oui, Mike. Si je me souviens bien, la dernière fois que nous nous sommes entretenus, et il me semble que c’était en août, j’ai expliqué que si les marchés allaient réellement s’effondrer à la fin 2015, nous assisterions à une dislocation ou à une bifurcation des marchés. Les métaux auraient ainsi enregistré une explosion à la hausse, et les actions se seraient effondrées. C’est dans une certaine mesure ce à quoi nous avons assisté. Ces évènements ont commencé à se produire, et puis le gouvernement des Etats-Unis et la Fed sont intervenus pour soutenir le marché boursier, parce que 95 à 98% des Américains y sont investis. Il est donc dans leur bénéfice de le soutenir. C’est ce que nous pouvons observer depuis le début de l’année, et c’est je crois la raison pour laquelle les métaux n’ont pas pu grimper. Hier, le 20 janvier 2016, les seuls actifs à avoir été dans le vert, à l’exception des bons du Trésor et de quelques actions, alors que le Dow perdait 550 points, étaient les métaux.

Le cuivre et le zinc étaient en baisse, mais la raison a pu en être l’effondrement continu du pétrole, qui empêche aussi l’or et l’argent de grimper. Quand les marchés globaux s’enfonceront davantage dans le rouge, ainsi que le Dow Jones et le S&P, les prix des métaux devraient grimper. Quand le Dow et les marchés boursiers sont à la baisse, les métaux remontent, pas nécessairement significativement, mais ils ne baissent pas. La raison en est, d’après moi, que la déflation des métaux a déjà pris place. L’argent a perdu 71% depuis son record de mai 2011. Les marchés boursiers, même si tout le monde s’en inquiète, n’ont perdu que 10 ou 11% depuis leur récent record. Les métaux ont déjà enregistré une majorité de leur déclin, bien que cela ne signifie pas qu’ils ne puissent pas continuer de tomber. Tout ne dépendra que des actions de la Fed et des banques centrales, mais une fois que nous verrons se succéder des déclins importants sur les marchés des actions, les métaux devraient flamber et atteindre de nouveaux records.

Accédez à l’entretien intégral ici. Money Metals Exchange SRSrocco Report Interview .

Une photo de la surface de la Lune, prise par un robot chinois en 2013. – CNSA, agence spatiale chinoise

(Diaporama à voir, cf la source)

Ça y est, les Chinois ont désormais un pied sur la lune aussi .

Notez qu’aucun homme n’y a été envoyé, toujours que des machines .

Si c’est si facile, pourquoi les Chinois n’y envoie personne.

Une grande fusée du carburant et un chinois et le tour est joué. énorme coup médiatique en prime .

Hé bien non. Question fort pertinente n’est ce pas ?

Va-t-on avoir plus d’éléments (voir toute la vérité ) sur la Lune et sa face cachée par la Chine. qu’on a pas eu avec la NASA ou les Russes (les Russes affirment que les Américains n’ont jamais alunis et ont même lancé une enquête officielle je le rappel, en réponse la NASA a relâché dernièrement des milliers d’images)

J’en doute fortement. Les questions et les enjeux sont les mêmes que ce soit pour le gouvernements Chinois. Russe, ou encore étasunien .

Petits rappels, dernièrement.

Alors que l’Europe et les Etats-Unis sont obnubilés par les programmes de Mars ou de la comète Tchouri, la Chine poursuit son exploration lunaire. A travers le programme Chang’e. elle a récemment mis en ligne une série d’images de la surface lunaire, prises lors d’un alunissage datant de fin 2013. Les clichés, d’une très bonne définition, n’auraient pas un grand intérêt s’ils ne présentaient pas la particularité d’être en couleur.

Une photo de la surface de la Lune, prise par un robot chinois en 2013. – CNSA, agence spatiale chinoise

C’est un Rover, un petit robot semblable à Wall-e, baptisé « Lapin de Jade » qui est l’auteur des photos dévoilées par la CNSA, l’administration spatiale chinoise. L’ambition des Chinois est de se poser sur la face cachée de la Lune dans les deux prochaines années. Cette partie du satellite de la Terre, n’a jamais été explorée, bien que photographiée.

Une station permanente en orbite avant 2020

Une sonde baptisée Chang’e 4 devrait donc y être envoyée en 2018. « L’alunisseur et le véhicule Chang’e-4 effectueront un alunissage en douceur sur la face cachée de la lune, et mèneront des explorations sur place et lors de patrouilles », expliquait récemment Liu Jizhong, le chef de la mission d’exploration lunaire chinoise, cité par l’agence Chine Nouvelle.

La Chine ambitionne également d’installer une station permanente en orbite avant 2020, pour à terme envoyer un homme sur l’astre lunaire.

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Patrick Artus, chef économiste de Natixis et co-auteur de « La folie des banques centrales » chez Fayard. & # 8211; DR

Il l’avait déjà affirmé récemment, il remet une couche – L’intégralité de la vidéo ICI

VIDEOS – Patrick Artus, chef économiste de Natixis et co-auteur de « La folie des banques centrales » (éd. Fayard), était ce lundi 1er février 2016 l’invité de la matinale des Echos.

Dans son dernier livre co-écrit avec Marie-Paule Virard, Patrick Artus explique que les banques centrales sont pousse-au-crime, qu’elles jouent un jeu très dangereux, qu’elles préparent la prochaine crise et que celle-ci sera encore pire que les précédentes. Explications.

Plusieurs grandes zones de fragilité

A la fin des années 90, il y a eu la bulle Internet. En 2007-2008, une crise de l’immobilier. En 2013, ce sont les pays émergents qui ont été dans la tourmente. Patrick Artus identifie aujourd’hui plusieurs grandes zones de fragilité potentielles. & Laquo; imaginez si un grand pays faisait défaut, le Brésil par exemple… ou un problème économico-politique en Russie ou en Arabie Saoudite… & Raquo;

Remonter les taux d’intérêt

Avec 5.500 milliard d’euros de dettes souveraines à taux négatif aujourd’hui, il est légitime de se demander ce qui peut se passer, si comme le fait la Fed, les taux remontent graduellement. Pour Patrick Artus, « du moment que vous amenez les taux d’intérêt à long terme à un niveau extrêmement bas, vous êtes dans une énorme irréversibilité. & Raquo;

Les mêmes politiques qu’en 2008/2009

Si Patrick Artus salue les politiques des banques centrales pendant la dernière crise et « leurs comportements très favorables », il fustige en revanche l’immobilisme de ces institutions qui continuent à appliquer les mêmes politiques de création monétaire, sans effets sur l’économie réelle, et sans se soucier des inconvénients.

Un avocat spécialisé dans les affaires d’intoxications alimentaires possède forcément un avis éclairé sur la question…

Bill Marler est avocat, l’un des plus grands spécialistes des affaires d’intoxications alimentaires graves aux Etats-Unis depuis plus de vingt ans. Référence dans ce domaine, il a confié au site Bottom Line Health une liste de six ingrédients définitivement bannis de son régime quotidien.

1. Le lait et les jus de fruits non pasteurisés Le lait non pasteurisé est plus régulièrement « infesté » de bactéries, de virus et de parasites. Sa consommation a été à l’origine de 148 cas d’intoxications alimentaires sévères entre 1998 et 2011 aux Etats-Unis, selon les informations relayées par le site. Un chiffre conséquent si l’on prend en compte l’usage confidentiel de ce type de lait outre-Atlantique. Quant aux « briques » de jus de fruits, le dossier E. coli a scellé leur sort. Selon Bill Marler, ces produits possèdent plus d’inconvénients que d’avantages pour la santé.

2. Les graines germées crues Les graines germées crues ou non suffisamment cuites sont à l’origine de nombreuses contaminations bactériennes: à l’E. coli, encore, mais aussi à la salmonelle. Sont principalement concernés: les germes de soja, la luzerne et les jeunes pousses.

3. La viande saignante (ou bleue) Le steak saignant (ou, pire, bleu) n’est pas le bienvenu dans l’assiette de Bill Marler. La viande, il la mange bien cuite à 70 degrés, et ce pour annihiler toute présence bactérienne.

4. Les fruits et légumes prélavés et/ou précoupés Les fruits, d’accord. Mais certainement pas sous leur forme soi-disant pratiques, c’est-à-dire épluchés, découpés, placés dans un emballage en plastique et prêts à consommer: « Plus un aliment a été traité et transformé, plus il risque d’être infecté », précise l’expert.

5. Les oeufs: oui, mais… Bill Marler accepte de manger des oeufs mais uniquement s’ils sont bien cuits. Oeufs à la coque, mollets, ou omelette baveuse: passez votre chemin. Cuits durs only.

6. Coquillages et crustacés L’avocat confie enfin éviter les huîtres et les crustacés, responsables ces dernières années d’un trop grand nombre d’intoxications alimentaires. En cause, le réchauffement des océans et sa conséquence: une prolifération des microbes dans des eaux désormais plus chaudes et plus accueillantes.

Bonus spécial: quid des sushis?

On aurait aisément pu imaginer leur présence dans ce classement de cet homme rigoureux mais les sushis ne font pas étrangement pas partie de ses interdits. L’hygiène de ce met japonais, très tendance, est généralement bien contrôlée de la source aux mains du chef. Attention toutefois aux versions industrielles disponibles dans les supermarchés ou superettes: « Si vous voulez manger de bons sushis, allez au restaurant », conclut Bill Marler.

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L’autorité britannique de la fertilisation humaine et de l’embryologie, la HFEA, a annoncé qu’elle avait autorisé, pour la première fois dans l’histoire, à faire usage d’embryons humains génétiquement modifiés.

Cette autorisation concerne l’utilisation de la méthode Crispr-Cas9, qui permet de cibler les gènes défaillants dans l’ADN afin de les neutraliser plus précisément. Il s’agit d’une des toutes premières autorisations de manipulation d’embryons humains, après une première tentative chinoise au début de l’année 2015.

Les scientifiques espèrent découvrir les origines de la vie humaine.

Le scientifique principal du projet, Kathy Niakan, a déclaré, au début de l’année dernière, que l’usage des embryons humains génétiquement modifiés permettrait de comprendre les problèmes de la fausse couche et de la stérilité.

«Nous voulons comprendre de quels gènes l’embryon a besoin pour se développer en un bébé sain», a-t-elle conclu.

Voici des précisions :

Une équipe de l’Institut Francis-Crick, à Londres, a reçu le 1 er février de l’Autorité pour l’embryologie et la fertilisation humaine britannique (HFEA) l’autorisation deprocéder à des manipulations sur des embryons humains, à l’aide d’une nouvelle technique d’ingénierie du gène, Crispr-Cas9. En avril, une équipe chinoise avait annoncé l’avoir utilisée sur des embryons humains non viables, pour voir si elle permettrait d’enrayer une maladie génétique du sang, la bêta-thalassémie. Cette annonce avait lancé une série de débats sur la possibilité de créer des bébés génétiquement modifiés et d’altérer la lignée humaine en modifiant les cellules germinales.

L’autorisation donnée par la HFEA va sans nul doute relancer les discussions sur le spectre d’une forme d’eugénisme. Il s’agit en l’espèce de permettre à l’équipe de Kathy Niakan de désactiver de façon sélective certains gènes qui, chez les modèles animaux, sont considérés comme cruciaux dans le développement de l’embryon et la différenciation de ses premières cellules en divers tissus – l’individu à naître d’un côté, le placenta de l’autre. Crispr-Cas9 serait mis en œuvre sur l’embryon au stade de la première cellule (premier jour), et sa croissance serait stoppée au bout d’une semaine, quand il compte 250 cellules. Il n’est pas question d’implanter ces embryons dans un utérus, mais d’observer les anomalies induites par le « knock-out », l’inactivation des gènes ciblés, dans le but de mieuxcomprendre certaines formes d’infertilité.

Les embryons utilisés seraient issus de dons effectués par des couples ayant dû avoir recours à des fécondations in vitro (FIV). Il faudrait de 20 à 30 embryons par gène étudié, estime l’équipe de l’institut Crick.

Pas un feu vert définitif

Le Royaume-Uni autorise depuis 2009 les recherches fondamentales sur des embryons humains. Il a aussi autorisé début 2015 la fécondation in vitro « à trois parents ». l’ADN mitochondrial d’une donneuse serait introduit dans l’œuf pour éviter des maladies métaboliques. Le Royaume-Uni n’est pas signataire de la convention d’Oviedo (1997), ratifiée par la plupart des pays européens, dont la France. qui interdit « toute modification génique sur des embryons qui serait transmise aux générations futures » .

En décembre 2015, une réunion internationale convoquée à Washington à l’initiative de société s savantes américaine, britannique et chinoise, s’était conclue par un appel à un moratoire sur les manipulations de l’ADN des cellules sexuelles et de l’embryon, jugeant qu’aujourd’hui, pour des raisons techniques et éthiques, « il serait irresponsable de poursuivre tout usage clinique de l’édition de cellules germinales » . En l’occurrence, les travaux envisagés par Kathy Niakan s’inscrivent dans un cadre de recherches fondamentales auxquelles cette déclaration n’était pas opposée. Cette réunion avait montré qu’au sein même des promoteurs de Crispr-Cas9, certains étaient favorables à son utilisation sur l’embryon, quand d’autres étaient fermement contre.

L’autorisation donnée par la HFEA ne vaut pas feu vert définitif. Un comité d’éthique doit encore se prononcer avant que l’expérimentation puisse commencer. en principe d’ici quelques mois. En France, plusieurs sociétés savantes préparent des avis sur l’utilisation de Crispr-Cas9 sur les cellules germinales et l’embryon humains .

Et pas qu’en Grande Bretagne. dans la même veine comme précisé dans ce papier, au printemps passé Des Chinois tentaient de modifier le génome d’embryons humains. sachant que « des chercheurs américains avaient publié dans les revues Nature et Science les 12 et 19 mars des mises en garde envers les tentatives de modifier ces cellules germinales. elles auraient pour effet de modifier l’hérédité humaine, et non plus, comme les thérapies géniques classiques, une partie seulement des cellules défaillantes d’un individu. Les craintes portaient notamment sur l’utilisation d’une nouvelle technique d’ingénierie du gène, CRISPR-Cas9. extrêmement efficace et simple à mettre en œuvre »…

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Le moustique-tigre pourrait transmettre le virus zika à l’humain. (AFP/Luis Robayo.)

LE FAIT DU JOUR. Le virus Zika, transmis par le moustique-tigre, est plus dangereux que prévu. On craint des contaminations pendant la grossesse. Comité d’urgence ce lundi à l’Organisation mondiale de la santé.

Il est plus petit qu’une pièce d’un centime, mais provoque à travers le monde une somme d’inquiétudes. Le moustique-tigre, principal vecteur, continue à propager le virus Zika « de manière explosive ». Au Brésil, mais aussi aux Antilles, Martinique en tête. il a également touché plusieurs milliers de personnes.

Une situation telle que l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) convoque ce lundi un comité d’urgence. Les experts devront dire si l’épidémie constitue une « urgence de santé publique de portée internationale ». Cela y ressemble déjà.

Si les conséquences de Zika ne sont pas toutes établies, les médecins ont déjà constaté qu’il ne provoque pas seulement les symptômes — éruptions cutanées, fièvre, douleurs musculaires — qu’on lui connaissait. Il est maintenant fortement soupçonné de pouvoir causer chez le fœtus des microcéphalies. entendre une malformation de la boîte crânienne du bébé. Gravissime. C’est pour cela que, récemment, la ministre de la Santé, Marisol Touraine, a « fortement » déconseillé aux femmes enceintes de voyager aux Antilles et en Guyane. Sa collègue ministre des Outre-Mer, George Pau-Langevin s’en est offusquée, jugeant non nécessaire « les solutions aussi drastiques » consistant à dire « n’allez pas dans les Antilles-Guyane ».

La compagnie aérienne Corsair desservant les Antilles a annoncé autoriser les femmes enceintes ou voyageurs avec bébé à annuler ou reporter leur déplacement. En toile de fond, l’économie locale craint d’être la perdante de cette crise sanitaire. Les professionnels du tourisme veulent toutefois garder l’espoir. En Guadeloupe, où l’épidémie gagne l’île (lire ci-dessous), la situation est d’autant plus scrutée que la Coupe Davis de tennis s’y déroulera du 4 au 6 mars.

Faut-il craindre aussi l’arrivée de Zika en France métropolitaine. Cinq adultes revenant d’Amérique du Sud ont été infectés, mais « aucune hospitalisation n’a été nécessaire », rassure Jean-Claude Desenclos de l’Institut national de veille sanitaire (InVS). Mais les pouvoirs publics accélèrent leur surveillance du moustique-tigre.

Vigilance maximale aux Antilles

Une jeune maman repart de la pharmacie climatisée de Miguel avec un répulsif et de l’homéopathie. « Au début, les gens prenaient cela avec philosophie, mais une radio locale a diffusé une émission disant que ça pouvait être grave. Depuis, on vend plus d’antimoustiques et de médicaments associés », explique le pharmacien installé à Fort-de-France, la principale commune de l’île de la Martinique où 2 285 cas du virus Zika ont déjà été rapportés. « Pour comprendre leur appréhension, il faut s’imaginer que certains vivent encore avec les séquelles du chikungunya ; alors, l’idée de remettre cela avec Zika… », souffle une de ses homologues.

Dans l’arc des petites Antilles, après la Martinique, la flèche Zika n’épargne pas la Guadeloupe, même s’il est trop tôt pour dresser un bilan. « La circulation du virus est désormais large. Nous pouvons dire que nous sommes en phase épidémique », constate le professeur Bruno Hoen, chef du service des maladies infectieuses du centre hospitalier universitaire (CHU) de Pointe-à-Pitre. Depuis le début de la semaine dernière, plusieurs cas par jour lui sont signalés, sans qu’aucune forme grave n’ait encore été avérée. Mais, dans les coulisses, l’équipe du professeur se prépare. Un groupe de recherches (le CIC-EC), commun à la Guadeloupe, la Martinique et la Guyane, s’active depuis le début de l’année. « Nous ne pouvons pas nous permettre d’être devant une complication neurologique ou un cas de microcéphalie et ne pas savoir répondre, reprend Bruno Hoen. Tout doit être prêt, que ce soit en termes de connaissances, mais aussi de prise en charge. » L’équipe médicale s’intéresse particulièrement à la situation de la femme enceinte. « Plus on connaîtra la période de risque maximale pour son bébé, les mécanismes d’action du virus sur l’embryon, plus on pourra faire face à des situations complexes, analyse le spécialiste. La forme la plus poussée en cas de microcéphalie étant l’interruption thérapeutique de grossesse. Mais nous n’en sommes pas là, et ne voulons créer aucune panique inutile. »

Du côté des populations, on ne se laisse pas envahir pas la peur. A Saint-Martin, où un cas de Zika a été confirmé, Mickaël, 34 ans, temporise. « On est un peu inquiets mais nous, les moustiques, ça nous connaît. Ça fait des années qu’on vit avec cette menace. » Pas plus tard que la semaine passée, une voiture répandant des jets d’insecticide passait dans sa rue.

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Neptune Orient Lines – NOL confirms M&A talks – more upside?

■ NOL disclosed to the SGX late Saturday evening that it is in preliminary talks with CMA CGM and AP Moller Maersk “with respect to a potential acquisition of NOL”.

■ This is the strongest signal yet that there are interested parties, and the price is unlikely to be lower than S$1.50, an 11% premium over BV of S$1.35 at end-3Q15.

■ We maintain Hold, and our target price based on P/BV valuation of 0.76x (1 s. d. below average since 2001), but note that risks are skewed to the upside .

Potential interest from CMA CGM and Maersk ● It is not a surprise that CMA CGM and Maersk are exploring the possibility of acquiring NOL, since these two are among the best performing carriers in an otherwise-troubled industry . Also, these two Europe-based carriers have large exposures to the Asia-Europe (AE) trade, but a much lower presence on the transpacific (TP) trade, which would be boosted by an NOL acquisition.

Trade exposures need to be balanced out ● The Ocean 3 alliance (CMA CGM, CSCL and UASC) and the 2M alliance (Maersk and MSC) generally have capacity market shares on the TP trade that are only half of their capacity market shares on the AE trade . In contrast, the G6 alliance (of which APL is a part) and the CKYHE alliance have exposures on the TP that are significantly more than their exposures on the AE trade.

Transpacific trade is becoming more important ● Industry-wide TP trade volumes rose a very healthy 5.7% yoy for 9M15, but AE trade volumes declined 4.7% yoy . The AE trade decline has progressively gotten worse; in 1Q15 it dropped 1% yoy, 2Q volume was down 6.3% yoy, and 3Q volume fell 7% yoy. In contrast, TP trade volumes have been rising at a faster rate over the same period: up 4.3% yoy in 1Q15, 6.2% in 2Q, and 6.3% in 3Q.

APL has 5.5% market share of the TP trade ● An acquisition of APL would give the buyer an additional 5.5% market share of the TP trade, which is strategically important for major carriers like CMA CGM and Maersk . Opportunities to buy other major container shipping lines are extremely rare, and especially not one that has valuable exposure to the TP trade.

Will there be a deal? ● Nobody knows if Temasek and CMA CGM or Maersk can come to a deal . While Temasek is under no pressure to sell cheap, neither will there be too much resistance to sell an underperforming asset which is a recurring blemish on its report card. Any deal could not possibly be below NOL’s book value of S$1.35/share, but we think anything less than S$1.50 would be rejected, based on our sources.

NOL’s share price is not too much higher than our trough valuation ● Our target price of S$0.95 is based on a trough P/BV multiple of 0.76x, where we think the share price should hover in the absence of M&A negotiations, due to extremely low spot freight rates and poor outlook for profitability in the immediate future. We note that NOL’s current share price is just 10.5% higher that the trough valuation.

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Marine Freight & Logistics - NEC

Operates as an investment holding company, which provides shipping and transportation services

Neptune Orient Lines Ltd. is an investment holding company that is engaged in container shipping and supply chain management.

The company through its subsidiaries engages in the activities of ownership and charter of vessels and other related assets; provision of transportation services for containerized cargo; warehousing, distribution, and customer logistics solutions; and other related and complementary services including ship management.

It operates through the following business segments: Liner and Logistics.

The Liner segment provides operations of container transportation, terminals and provision of other related services, which offers container shipping services in major trade lanes such as Transpacific, Intra-Asia, Transatlantic, Latin America and Asia-Europe.

The Logistics segment provides with a comprehensive network of facilities and services to support the global supply chain management needs of customers.

The range of services include consolidation, warehousing, global freight management (ocean, air, truck and rail), domestic distribution networks, international deconsolidation and information technologies that provide timely and accurate information to effectively manage supply chain activities.

Neptune Orient Lines was founded on December 30, 1968 and is headquartered in Singapore.

Sales per Businesses

Zijin Mining Group C$81 Million Strategic Investment in Pretivm

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwired - Dec. 8, 2014) - Pretium Resources Inc. (TSX:PVG)(NYSE: PVG ) ("Pretivm" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that Zijin Mining Group Co. Ltd. ("Zijin") has agreed to make a strategic investment in the Company which will result in Zijin owning approximately 9.9% of Pretivm's issued and outstanding shares. Pretivm has agreed to issue to Zijin by way of a private placement 12,836,826 common shares of the Company (the "Purchased Shares") at a price per share of C$6.30 for gross proceeds of approximately C$80,872,004 (the "Offering"). Zijin is a Shanghai and Hong Kong listed company with extensive interests across a broad range of commodities, and is the largest gold producer in China.

The Offering constitutes a significant portion of the planned equity component of the financing required to bring the Brucejack Project into production. Pretivm intends to use the proceeds from the Offering to fund capital expenditures including the procurement of long-lead items and camp infrastructure. The permitting process for a 2,700 tonne-per-day underground mine at Brucejack is currently underway.

"Zijin's investment positions us well at a critical stage in our advance to production," said Pretivm's CEO Robert Quartermain. "Zijin is a well-capitalized shareholder, and as fellow shareholders, we value their long-term outlook and commitment to gold and to the successful development of our Brucejack Project as a high-grade gold mine."

The Offering is scheduled to close on or about January 16, 2015, subject to regulatory approvals and approvals from the Chinese government or its relevant authorized departments. Pursuant to the subscription agreement, Zijin will be entitled to nominate one person to be appointed to the board of directors of Pretivm and will have a pre-emptive right to participate in any future equity financings of Pretivm to maintain its approximately 9.9% interest.

The Purchased Shares may not be traded for a period of four months plus one day from the closing of the Offering. The Purchased Shares described herein have not been, and will not be, registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and may not be offered or sold within the United States absent registration or an applicable exemption from the registration requirements of such Act.

Pretivm is advancing its 100%-owned Brucejack Project in northern British Columbia to production as a high-grade gold underground mine. Based on the results of the June 2014 Feasibility Study, Brucejack is expected to produce an average of 504,000 ounces of gold a year over the first 8 years and 404,000 ounces of gold a year over the 18-year mine life. Brucejack's Valley of the Kings hosts Proven and Probable reserves totalling 6.9 million ounces of gold (13.6 million tonnes grading 15.7 grams of gold per tonne). Commercial production at Brucejack is targeted for 2017.

Zijin is a large-scale mining group headquartered in Shanghang County, Fujian Province, PRC. It is the largest gold producer, second largest copper producer, and a significant zinc, tungsten and iron ore producer in China. Zijin trades on the Shanghai and Hong Kong stock exchanges and has a market capitalization of over US$9 billion.

Forward Looking Statements

This News Release contains "forward-looking information" and "forward looking statements" within the meaning of applicable Canadian and United States securities legislation. Statements contained herein that are not based on historical or current fact, including without limitation statements containing the words "anticipates," "believes," "may," "continues," "estimates," "expects," and "will" and words of similar import, constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the U. S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking information may include, but is not limited to, risks related to satisfying conditions of the Offering, information with respect to our planned exploration and development activities, the adequacy of Pretivm's financial resources, the estimation of mineral reserves and resources including the 2013 Valley of the Kings Mineral Resource estimate and the Brucejack Mineral Reserve estimate, realization of mineral reserve and resource estimates and timing of development of Pretivm's Brucejack Project, costs and timing of future exploration, results of future exploration and drilling, production and processing estimates, capital and operating cost estimates, timelines and similar statements relating to the economic viability of the Brucejack Project, timing and receipt of approvals, consents and permits under applicable legislation, Pretivm's executive compensation approach and practice, and adequacy of financial resources. Wherever possible, words such as "plans", "expects", "projects", "assumes", "budget", "strategy", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "targets" and similar expressions or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved, or the negative forms of any of these terms and similar expressions, have been used to identify forward-looking statements and information. Statements concerning mineral reserve and resource estimates may also be deemed to constitute forward-looking information to the extent that they involve estimates of the mineralization that will be encountered if the property is developed. Any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historical fact and may be forward-looking information. Forward-looking information is subject to a variety of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking information, including, without limitation, the Company's anticipated use of the proceeds of the Offering and those risks identified in Pretivm's Annual Information Form dated March 31, 2014 filed on SEDAR at www. sedar. com and in the United States on Form 40-F through EDGAR at the SEC's website at www. sec. gov.

Forward-looking information is based on the expectations and opinions of Pretivm's management on the date the statements are made. The assumptions used in the preparation of such statements, although considered reasonable at the time of preparation, may prove to be imprecise. We do not assume any obligation to update forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, other than as required by applicable law. For the reasons set forth above, prospective investors should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. Neither the TSX nor the NYSE has approved or disapproved of the information contained herein.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: Robert Quartermain President and Chief Executive Officer (604)558-1784

Michelle Romero Vice President, Corporate Relations (604)558-1784

Pretium Resources Inc. 570 Granville Street, Suite 1600 Vancouver, BC V6C 3P1 (604)558-1784 invest@pretivm. com

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1Q14 results miss estimates

Focus on cost management ahead

Downgrade to SELL

Better 1Q14 results but below estimates

Neptune Orient Lines' (NOL) 1Q14 results came in below ours and the street’s expectations. 1Q14 revenue declined 4% YoY to US$2.3b, which is 9.8% lower than our forecast. Correspondingly, it forms 24.1% of consensus’ FY14F revenue, which is considered below expectation as 1Q typically contributes more to the full-year revenue. 1Q14 PATMI was a US$97.9m loss, which is 18% bigger than our forecast. Note that the street is expected a full-year earnings of US$42.2m. Though 1Q14 performance has fallen short of expectations, liner’s core EBIT has nevertheless improved by narrowing loss from US$92m in 1Q13 to US$83m in 1Q14 while logistics’ core EBIT increased from US$16m in 1Q13 to US$18m.

Cost management in challenging environment

Overcapacity has pressured freight rates in APL’s core Transpacific and Intra-Asia trade lanes. On a YoY basis, industry capacity increased by 8% and 11% in Transpacific and Intra-Asia respectively. Correspondingly, average revenue/FEU fell by 5% and 11% YoY in Transpacific and Intra-Asia respectively while volumes were relatively flat, which we think has been partially mitigated by capacity management. Utilisation rate was higher by 4 ppt YoY at 95%, which helps to reduce variable costs and increase round trip profitability. As a result, cost of sales/FEU (slot cost) was 6% lower YoY. Going forward, APL will continue to focus on lowering slot costs, and charter returns due in FY14 will also lower operating costs. However, without sustained increase in freight rates, we think turning profitable will still be a challenge.

Downgrade to SELL

As we incorporate the latest results and revise ARPU downwards, we derive a fair value of S$0.92 (previous: S$0.97) based on a forward PBR of 0.99x and thus downgrade NOL to SELL .

Source: OCBC Research - 15 May 2014


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Down The Rabbit Hole w/ Popeye (09-12-2012) Mark Passio on The Occult Aspects of 9/11

The Hidden Symbolism Of One World Trade Center. via BannedUfos .

Amazing 1111 Facts to Consider 1 of 2 by Rik Clay

Amazing 1111 Facts to Consider 2 of 2 by Rik Clay

One World Freedom Tower Exposed: Crowning The Tyrant via TheJonathankleck .

They turn everything upside down and backwards… SO WHAT IS THIS. An ISLAMIC SHRINE or 9-11 Memorial.

The signs (at the WTC memorial) inform you to walk around it in a counter clockwise motion just like the cube in Mecca. The American people don’t know it but our government is making them actually worship apollyon (Rev. 9:11) with out them knowing it.”

Revelation 9:11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.

They claim this is a 9-11 memorial. I say it represents birthing a new race (with mixed DNA) which is also represented in the structural design of the new WTC.

Daniel 2:43 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.

Hi Scott, I’m sure you remember when I found that the One World Trade Center was being build on kind of a “coord meridian line” which gave the number 33.300 by adding the latitude and longitude of that place(I know that we suppose to see those coord west of the prime meridian as negative and those east as positive, which make sence), but take a look at this I found, actually searching things related to Saturn btw, anyway: The Twin Towers at World Trade Center was designed by architect Minoru Yamasaki and he used the Two Towers in Bologna as his inspiration. What are the coincidence that they both ending up with the number 33,

The Two Towers was build around 1109 and 1119 could easily been 1111

The Rainbow Covenant, Freedom Tower & Oz (Mobile) 7-19-13 via InformedTexasVoter /

Guarding the gates of the underworld at the 911 memorial.

When looked upon as a weapon of Shiva, the trishula is said to destroy the three worlds: the physical world, the world of the forefathers (representing culture drawn from the past) and the world of the mind (representing the processes of sensing and acting). The three worlds are supposed to be destroyed by Shiva into a single non-dual plane of existence. On December 21, 2012 the earth entered into a new place in space. We entered into the age of Aquarius! The age of The symbol is certainly about 3 into 1…..The “trinity”–Satan, the Antichrist and the false prophet…all separate yet one… Their goal to destroy what God has made, to sustain the spell cast on humanity to blind and deceive them, and create the completed order of Satan…..Sushumna, Ida, Pingala. The many become ONE….hence…One World Trade Center.

On September 11, 2011 there was an energy shift in the spiritual world …the unveiling of the “twin tridents” on the ten year anniversary of 9/11 at ground zero…….the energy of Poseidon….the “earth shaker” “god of cities and water” and Shiva the god of transformation….the twin “tri” dents…also Symbolize the number “33” standing next to each other….COMPLETION and TRANSFORMATION.

Millions of eyes were upon these tridents…on 9/11…at the same time. That is why it is called an unveiling. Then millions more for years to come. This is our new reality. The goal is “Collective consciousness” That’s why the new sky scraper is called “One World” Trade Center.

A Prism breaks apart white light into many colors… what do you think an ANTI-Prism does? Why of course…an “anti-prism” turns All the Colors into ONE……..That’s why One World Trade Center is designed as an …….ANTI-PRISM E Pluribus Unum is Latin for “Out of Many, One” and is a phrase on the Seal of the United States

Jan Thulstrup “The coordinates for OWTC is 40.713, -74.013 and if subtract those No. we have 33,3 or just 333 re: The symbol is certainly about 3 into 1…..The “trinity”–Lucifer, Antichrist, false prophet.

Photo By Mark Gray

Mark Gray: The Western Wall or Wailing Wall (Arabic: حائط البراق, translit. “Ḥā’iṭ Al-Burāq”, translat. “The Buraq Wall”) is located in the Old City of Jerusalem at the foot of the WESTERN side of the Temple Mount. It is a remnant of the ancient wall that surrounded Solomon’s Temple, and is one of the most sacred sites in Judaism. Just over half the wall, including its 17 courses located below street level, dates from the end of the Second Temple period, having been constructed around 19 BCE by Herod the Great. What does this have to do with thw World Trade Center Memorial?

Photo By Mark Gray

Mark Gray: One world Trade center will be done in less than 1 year. It’s errection is symbolic of the “work of the ages”…and that work is going on inside of us….the powers to be are saying that the time is near.

Photo by Mark Gray

Photo by Mark Gray

Photo by Mark Gray

Mark Gray People will come to the 911 Memorial as part of a sacred Pilgrimage. Drawn like Angels to the Throne of God.

Photo by Mark Gray

Mark Gray: Let’s look at some early drawings of the Kaaba in Mecca I came across and compre them to the 911 Memorial……

Photo by Mark Gray

Photo by Mark Gray


One World Trade Center, sitting on the original six-building complex of the World Trade Center that was attacked by terrorists on Sept. 11, 2001, has been filmed from various. dizzying angles with its completion this year and was recently named the tallest building in the United States.

But aside from its impressive looks, there’s another feature that has received less attention but is well-known to those who find themselves on the lower side of Manhattan on a windy day.

The building, colloquially known as the Freedom Tower, emits an eerie, haunting sound in high wind storms.

7-1-2014: Lightning hits One World Trade Center

via Mark Gray/ Keys to Cosmic Doorways: Tisha B’Av “the ninth of Av”, is an annual fast day in Judaism which commemorates the destruction of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem and the subsequent exile of the Jews from the Land of Israel. The day also commemorates other tragedies which occurred on the same day, including the Roman massacre of over 100,000 Jews at Betar in 132 CE. Instituted by the rabbis of 2nd-century Palestine, Tisha B’Av is regarded as the saddest day in the Jewish calendar and “a day which is destined for tragedy”. “Tisha B’Av” means the “Ninth of Av” Av is the 11th month. Therefore, Tisha B’Av is the 9th of the 11th Month, or 9-11. Oddly “Tisha B’Av” in Jewish Gemetria = 911 The 2014 Date for Tisha B’Av is August 4th – August 5th, this Monday and Tuesday. The Ukraine is in crisis. The Gaza Strip is Hell on Earth, And Ebola is being Fed Ex’d in a human container to Atlanta

The above recording appears to have been taken recently, but it’s not the first time the sound has been documented.

This video records the high-pitched howling of the building during Superstorm Sandy last year:

And this one was filmed in January 2013:

Now, no one has questioned the authenticity of the footage yet — and wind howling among buildings is a natural occurrence — but there is always the potential that someone could have manufactured the sound for these videos.

Photo by Mark Gray

Mark Gray: Seems Legit– Lol

Now the 911 Memorial has an Angel (Did I mention the Ghosts?)

Staring ahead with dark eyes and its mouth open wide, a haunting face lets out a silent scream – from a piece of debris from the Twin Tower attacks. Meet the Angel of 9/11, entombed within a twisted, corroded steel girder taken from the exact spot where the first airliner struck the North Tower at 8.46am on September 11 2001. The chilling apparition was spotted as construction workers put the finishing touches to New York’s $715million National September 11 Memorial and Museum, built to remember the 2,977 victims.

9/11 A Supernatural Event: The Harbinger – Sid Roth and Jonathan Cahn.

360 Degree View from a top the WTC

3-28-2014: Mark Gray – In theory the symbol of the dollar has Spanish origin. The two columns of Hercules (they are in our flag as you see in the picture + the symbol of plus ultra.

4-28-2014: Mark Gray – We are about to worship the God Mercury in New York City on May 15th. The 9/11 Museum will de dedicated on May 15th, this is the Feast Day of Mercury, also called the MERCURALIA. On May 15, 495 BC - the Temple of Mercury was dedicated in Rome. On the same day, May 15, 2014- the next phase of the Temple of Mercury… the 9/11 museum will be dedicated in New York City. Mercury – is the patron god of Financial gain, Commerce, Messages/Communication, Trickery and Thieves; he is also the Guide of Souls to the Underworld. The name MERCURY is closely related to merx, mercari, and merces which respectively mean merchandise, to trade, and wages. The Planet Mercury takes 88 days to orbit the Sun. Each year on 9/11 the footprints of the Twin Towers light up with 88 lights each. There is a statue of Mercury at the entrance of Grand Central Terminal, it is exactly “3.3” miles from the new ONE WORLD TRADE CENTER. The One World TRADE Center will be blessed by the God of Commerce and Trade on May 15th as a dedication occurs on his Feast Day the Mercuralia. Mer – love Cure - to heal Mercuralia = 101 in Gemetria Barack Obama = 181 in Gemetria Mercury = Hermes Hermes = 408 in Gemetria Barack Obama = 408 in Gemetria May 15 495 05+ 1+5= 11 4+9+5= 18 = 1 + 8 = 9 119

Mercuralia – is a Roman celebration known also as the “Festival of Mercury”. Mercury was the god of merchants and commerce. On May 15 merchants would sprinkle their heads, their ships and merchandise, and their businesses with water taken from the well at Porta Capena.

Made in Heaven – “Mother Love” was the final song co-written by Mercury and May, and was also Mercury’s last ever vocal performance. Mercury’s vocals for Mother Love were.

“Made in Heaven is the fifteenth and final studio album by British rock band Queen” ((( 15 )))

4-28-2014: Mark Gray – Who is the Messenger of the Gods? The Temple of Mercury -(the One World Trade Center) is positioned “3.3” miles, exactly, from the Statue of Mercury at the entrance of Grand Central Terminal. Mercury is the God of Commerce. $$$$ Mercury is the God of Trickery and Thieves. Mercury is the God that guides the Dead Souls to the Underworld. Mercury is the God of Communication… Did you ever see the “408” Foot Antenna on the top of the One World Trade Center. Mercury is also called Hermes Hermes = 408 in Gemetria There is a 408 Foot Communication Antenna on the top of the One World Trade Center. Barack Obama = 408 in Gemetria.

In theory the symbol of the dollar has Spanish origin. The two columns of Hercules (they are in our flag as you see in the picture + the symbol of plus ultra.

4-28-2014: Mark Gray – In the earliest times Greek divinities were worshipped in the form of a heap of stones or a shapeless column of stone or wood. In many parts of Greece there were piles of stones by the sides of roads, especially at their crossings, and on the boundaries of lands. The religious respect paid to such heaps of stones, especially at the meeting of roads, is shown by the custom of each passer-by throwing a stone on to the heap or anointing it with oil. Later there was the addition of a head and phallus to the column, which became quadrangular (the number 4 was sacred to Hermes). Before his role as protector of merchants and travelers, Hermes was a phallic god, associated with fertility, roads and borders. His name comes from the word “hermai” referring to a square or “rectangular pillar” of stone, terracotta, or bronze; a bust of Hermes’ head, usually with a beard sat on the top of the pillar, and male genitals adorned the base. Hermai = 133 Hermes = 408 There is a Pillar “432” inches tall erected in the 911 Museum. It will be unveiled on May 15 – a date that is sacred to the God Mercury-Hermes. 432 is said to be the Cosmic Key to LIFE.

5-1-2014 – Mark Gray.

5-6-2014: Mark Gray – What is buried in between the Two Foot Prints of the Twin Towers at Ground Zero? May 15 is an auspicious day…… On May 15, 495 BC the Temple of Mercury was dedicated in Rome….. On every May 15th there after the Romans would hold a “Feast to Mercury”. it was called the Mercuralia. Mercury was the God who Guided Dead Souls to the Underworld. This May 15th, 2014 the World Trade Center Museum will be dedicated and opened to Family Members of those who died on 911…. it will house 7,930 Unidentified Body Parts of the 911 Victoms. The Body Parts will be placed in the “REMAINS REPOSITORY” —- under the care of the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner of the City of New York (OCME), this facility will be accessed, operated, and maintained solely by the OCME. Their symbol is the Caduceus - The Symbol of the God MERCURY – the Guide of Dead Souls. The Bodies will be protected from the public by a Wall. On that wall will be written a saying from the Aeneid by Virgil. “NO DAY SHALL ERASE YOU FROM THE MEMORY OF TIME.” (This quote is from the same story that warned us of the TROJAN HORSE) So as a re-cap…. 7,930 Body Parts will be housed in the “REMAINS REPOSITORY” at Ground Zero - between the Paws of the Sphinx, I mean the Foot Prints of the Twin Towers. The Body Parts will be cared for by the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner of the City of New York, who will continue to do experiments on the Victoms to identify them…… This will all go on behind a wall with a quote written by Virgil in the Aenied over 2,000 years ago. Now here is the strange part—- “Aeneid” = 228 in Gemetria – the number of passengers on flight 370. “Remains Repository” = 239 in Gemetria – the Total number of people on Flight 370 including Crew.

OCME = 88 Mercury takes 88 days to orbit the Sun

The symbol of the OCME is the Caduceus, the same symbol of the God Mercury.

The OCME will have a laboratory at Ground Zero The tribute in lights that light up the space of the empty twin towers is 88 lights each

There are 88 constellations.

9-10-2014: Controversy: Like many decisions involving the site of the nation’s worst terrorist attack, the moving of the remains has been met with mixed responses from relatives.

5-10-2014: Mark Gray – The oldest part of the human brain is known as the R-complex or Reptilian brain. From here we get the character traits of cold-blooded behaviour, a desire for topdown structures of control, and an obsession with ritual. Today the 7,930 body parts of the 911 victoms were moved from Room “606” to Ground Zero. Reptilian Genetics Lab = 606 in Gemetria. Many Family Members protested saying they did not want their loved ones stored in a Laboratory 7 stories - (70 feet) below ground in the basement of a Museum that people must pay $24 to enter.

5-10-2014: Mark Gray: The Western Wall or Wailing Wall (Arabic: حائط البراق, translit. “Ḥā’iṭ Al-Burāq”, translat. “The Buraq Wall”) is located in the Old City of Jerusalem at the foot of the WESTERN side of the Temple Mount. It is a remnant of the ancient wall that surrounded Solomon’s Temple, and is one of the most sacred sites in Judaism. Just over half the wall, including its 17 courses located below street level, dates from the end of the Second Temple period, having been constructed around 19 BCE by Herod the Great. The 911 Memorial also has a “Wailing Wall”, called the “Slurry Wall” On May 15 (the Mercuralia) President Obama will go to the Slurry Wall for the Dedication of the new Museum. Slurry Wall = 161 = 911 Slurry Wall = 1811 = 911 This wall and the objects in the Museum will gather energy as sacred Talismans for America.

5-10-2014: There is a “Cosmic Door” at the 9-11 Memorial…it is modeled after the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem…..The Wailing Wall is the Last remaing part of Solomon’s Temple…. The Slurry Wall (Freedoms Wall) is the last remaining portion of the original World Trade Center Site. Both are Doorways to the Afterlife. “You have Eyes but you do not see, you have ears but you do not hear.” - Jesus

Notice in the map that the section of “slurry wall” that was “saved” for the Memorial was “saved next to “WEST Street” on the WESTERN side of the World Trade Center Complex…….do you think that was random. Consider the Wailing Wall….AKA the WESTERN WALL at Solomon’s Temple…..

The sages state that anyone who prays in the Temple in Jerusalem, “it is as if he has prayed before the throne of glory because the gate of heaven is situated there and it is open to hear prayer”. Jewish Law dictates that when Jews pray the Silent Prayer, they should face mizrach, towards Jerusalem, the Temple and ultimately the Holy of Holies, as all of God’s bounty and blessing emanates from that spot. According to the Mishna, of all the four walls of the Temple Mount, the Western Wall was the closest to the Holy of Holies and therefore that to pray by the Wall is particularly beneficial. Rabbi Jacob Ettlinger writes “since the gate of heaven is near the Western Wall, it is understandable that all Israel’s prayers ascend on high there…as one of the great ancient kabbalists Rabbi Joseph Gikatilla said, when the Jews send their prayers from the Diaspora in the direction of Jerusalem, from there they ascend by way of the Western Wall.” A well-known auspicious practice among Jews is to pray for 40 consecutive days at the Western Wall…….

Mark Gray: Seamen flowed into the Sacred Chamber and blessed the opening with sworn oaths. The greatest Ceremonies are not done in Private. May 21st was a Special Day. In Ancient Rome on May 21st the God Vejovis was worshipped. On May 21st, 2014 the USS Cole and other US Navy Ships docked in New York Harbor, where thousands of Seamen were released into the city. On May 21st the 911 Museum was opened…. Many Seamen were present during the opening days of the 911 Museum, where Ceremony and Ritual were performed. 17 Men died in the USS Cole Bombing, which was the beginning of 9/11. At the 911 Memorial 17 Men Swore Oaths. USS Cole 67 Pharaoh = 67 Soul = 67 Hiram Abif = 67 Satanic = 67 Water = 67 Alchemy = 67 Black Death = 67

Keys to Cosmic Doorways: 911 CODE: 9/11 is a Mathematical Formula Pull out a Calculator—-Enter in “9 DIVIDED BY 11” 9/11 = .818181 911 = 81 = INFINITE ONE GOLD =81 RA =81 HORUS =81 MASONS =81 TOWER =81 INFERNO =81 BLACK POPE =81 BLACK MAGICS =81 DOLLARS =81 Numbers don’t lie.

9-1-2014: Mark Gray – September 11, 2014 marks the “13th” anniversary of 911. 2014 has been called by many, “the year of the Trident”. Por qué? Because as a symbol, it has appeared over and over in headlines and major news events—- This September 11th marks the first 911 anniversary that visitors will be able to enter the 911 Memorial Museum— the museum entrance is guarded by two gigantic steel TWIN TRIDENTS…. the largest twin tridents in the world—

9-3-2014: Keys to Cosmic Doorways – On September 11, 2001 America as we knew it was destroyed, and the One World Order was born. The “Twin” Towers we’re symbolic of the dualistic nature that existed in America and all of it’s citizens….. The Whites / The Blacks The Rich / The Poor The North / The South The East Coast / The West Coast Republicans / Democrats Pepsi / Coke Christian / Muslim Gay / Straight Us and Them ETC… It is said, that a Nation divided against itself, cannot stand…. The Powers that run the World, are following a Plan for America - The Plan, is to destroy America through Chaos and Confusion, and out of that Chaos and Confusion a New World of Order will emerge. You see, The New World Order cannot exist with America as a sovereign Nation. It cannot exist as long as America and its citizens have the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Therefore, America, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights must all be destroyed. We then will be merged and blended into a One World Government and we will all be Global Citizens. The Plan is called ORDO AB CHAO – Order out of Chaos 9/11 was a catalyst in that process. It was a Grand Alchemical Ritual. September 11, 2001 – Opposing ideas, opposing religions, and opposing beliefs we’re ALL thrust against each other that day. the powerful explosion of colliding cultures, governments, and religions can still be felt today, 13 years later. With the destruction of the TWO towers (duality), and the emergence of the ONE WORLD trade center (UNION) at ground zero, we are well on our way to what comes next. The Rise of Radical Islam is part of this Grand Plan as well….. We will all fight each other to the Death, and the World will be a sea of Blood, just to make it all happen. Unless. Unless Enlightened People use their MINDS and HEARTS. We must THINK and FEEL our way out of this sh*t hole we are in. “When the TWO become ONE, then you will be in the Kingdom of Heaven.” & # 8211; Thomas 24:22 Order out of Chaos = 777 = Perfection World Trade Center = 1110 = 111 = TRI-Dent

9-16-2014: Keys to Cosmic Doorways – For the first time in History, it’s THREE in a row! Ms. New York Ms. New York Ms. New York For three years in a row the winner of the Ms. America contest is from NEW YORK. At the same time - President Obama is planning to Chair the United Nations Security Council in—- NEW YORK. It has been 5 years since a US President has Chaired at the UN. The LAST TIME, and ONLY OTHER TIME, a US President has chaired the UN Security Council, was in 2009, and that too was President Barack Obama. The numbers are auspicious. New York = 111 = The Trident New York - New York - New York (3x) = “333” 333 is a number of High Magic, it is the number of “Choronzon”. She is the FEMALE half “333” of the Beast in the Bible “666” Choronzon is a demon or devil that originated in writing with the 16th-century occultists Edward Kelley and John Dee within the latter’s occult system of Enochian magic. In the 20th century he became an important element within the mystical system of Thelema, founded by Aleister Crowley, where he is the Dweller in the ABYSS, believed to be the last great obstacle between the adept and enlightenment. Thelemites believe that if he is met with proper preparation, then his function is to destroy the ego, which allows the adept to move beyond the ABYSS of occult cosmology. Revelation 9:11 — “They had as king over them the angel of the ABYSS, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek is Apollyon (that is, Destroyer). As a side note, the UN logo is made of “33” sections, another number of high Magic that relates to transformation and resurrection. As well, in English Gemetria, New York = 666, the number of man, the beast.

10-21-2014: Keys to Cosmic Doorways – The Tower of Light In the Bible, man tried to build a Tower to Heaven, it was called the Tower of Babel. The Tower was meant to unify the World, and turn men into Gods. The Plan failed. The Tower was destroyed, and mankind was seperated and scatted by the confusion and babel of a thousand different languages. Today, the One World Trade Center is our modern day, “Tower of Babel”. Only, the Tower works in reverse of the original. The One World Trade Center is geometrically designed as a “Square Anti-Prism” & # 8212; as an “Anti-Prism” it may have the effect of re-joining the separated languages and peoples of the world. The Tower may have the effect and the ability to unify the world into One. ONE WORLD trade center A photograph was taken by “Jay Fine” this weekend. The Tower was in full Glory as a beacon of Light. Jay Fine = 1061 = 911

10-29-2014: Keys to Cosmic Doorways – Headlines October 29, 2013 The Mayor of NEW YORK IS the God NEPTUNE. Wielding his TRIDENT, Mayor Bill DeBlasio made his appearance last night. WILLIAM DE BLASIO NY = 111 = TRIDENT NEW YORK = 111 NEW YORK = 666 NEW YORK CITY = 1008 TRISHULA = 108 BILL DE BLASIO = 232 = 322 New York is Atlantis

11-10-2014: ATLANTIS RISING: The TRIDENT represents the three aspects of time, the past, the present and the future. The TRIDENT is the symbol of the Human Energetic System – Ida, Pingala and Shushumna. The TRIDENT represents the science of positive, negative and neutral. Not only is the TRIDENT the main “SYMBOL” at the 911 Memorial, but the Mayor of New York himself has been seen wielding a TRIDENT. The TRIDENT is the weapon and tool of the God NEPTUNE. NEPTUNE is thought to rule the pineal gland which oversees psychic phenomenon such as visions, and states of nirvana. It is Neptune that takes us to the deep waters of contemplation and transformation that occur over long periods of time. NEW YORK = 111 = TRIDENT NEW YORK = 666 = the number of MAN Is New York the New Atlantis? NEPTUNE ATLANTIS = 191= 911 911 Code Numbers never lie.

11-11-2014: Keys to Cosmic Doorways – Deeper Meanings to the 911 Memorial: The Roman God Saturn has been worshipped as a “Black Cube”. He had a Son Neptune, the God of “Water”. “Saturn ate Neptune” the water God, for fear that Neptune would grow strong and try to over take him…. Saturn was the most powerful of the Gods. Saturn = Black Cube Neptune = Water Saturn devoured Neptune in the Roman Myth. This is exactly what happens at the 911 Memorial. The Black Cubes eat the Water. Neptune and Saturn were worshipped on July 23 and December 17. The Holy days were: SATURNALIA = 116 = 911= the day the Twin Towers Died NEPTUNALIA = 113 = 113= the day they were Born again. THE MYTH: The god Neptune was born from the union between Saturn (Cronos in Greek) and Rhea (Ops in Greek). Neptune had a tough childhood, considering his father ate him. In fact, Saturn swallowed up all his children whole so as to control any possibility of usurping his ruling status. Neptune dealt with his isolation in the belly of Saturn in dreamy, contemplative ways. He used the time to gain introspective clarity, and this allowed him to fathom the complexities of TRANSFORMATION – specifically over a long period of time. Eventually Jupiter (who escaped becoming Saturn’s breakfast with a clever ruse hatched by his mother) overthrew Saturn anyway and rescued Neptune (along with his other siblings) from their father’s belly. The siblings were divided to rule amongst various parts of the universe and Neptune was given domain over the waters of the earth.

11-9-2014: Keys to Cosmic Doorways – Back in 2011 I had made some slides suggesting a relationship between the layout of the 911 Memorial, “Reflecting Absence” and the Roman God Saturn. The relationship was veiled in the lay out of the memorial– Two giant black cubes– Interestingly the Roman God Saturn was worshiped and equated with Black Cubes, in fact the planet Saturn has a giant cube spinning at its pole. Tonight I was looking through old roman manuscripts about the ancient Roman Holiday called the Saturnalia, which started on December 17th of each year. On the Saturnalia, Roman Slaves were allowed to “toss dice” and gamble, that was something normally not allowed. I saw an ancient picture of a slave tossing the dice by a tower, the picture looked just like the 911 Memorial from above. Here is some commentary on the Saturnalia, “Gambling and dice-playing, normally prohibited or at least frowned upon, were permitted for all, even slaves, on the Saturnalia. On the above Calendar of Philocalus, the Saturnalia is represented by a man wearing a fur-trimmed coat next to a table with dice, and a caption reading, “Now you have license, slave, to game with your master.” Ground Zero and the Saturnalia are Synchrogemtricly related to 911. GROUND ZERO = 1016 = 911 SATURNALIA = 116 = 911

The One World Trade Center Synchrogemetrically connects to the coming of the ANTI - Christ.

11-9-2014: Keys to Cosmic Doorways – Today is November 9th, 11/9 But in Europe the date is written 9/11—911 It was One Year ago today that the Spire on the One World Trade Center was Symbolically lit. HEADLINES: 11/9/13 ONE WORLD Trade Center lights mark new skyline– “A test of ONE WORLD Trade Center’s spire flickered a glow of kaleidoscope colors of reds, pinks, cobalt blues to purples and lavender until it became a beacon of red, white and blue Friday night, giving New Yorkers their first glimpse of lower Manhattan’s new skyline since the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Further testing of the base of the spire, which stands at “408 feet”, and its 96 LED fixtures will shoot white and colored lights onto the spire’s rotating mirror. The lighthouse beacon will “rotate at one minute like the second hand of a clock,” said Jordan Barowitz, of The Durst Organization, which is conducting a series of tests with the Port Authority. ODDLY–The height of ONE WORLD trade center “without” the 408 foot tower is 1,368 Feet—– In Gemetria 1368 = ONE WORLD ORDER The Spire on the One World Trade Center is 408 Feet tall BARACK OBAMA = 408 408 is HTTP Code for “out of time” The Building is 1,368 feet + the Spire is 408 feet 1,368 + 480 = 1776 total feet JESUS OF NAZERATH = 1776 There are 52 weeks in a year. The building has “104” floors (52 weeks of day + 52 weeks of night)

11-9-2014: Keys to Cosmic Doorways Learn the deeper meaning of the date 9/11 from what happened to the Jews in Nazi Germany. In Europe, November 9th (11/9), is written 9/11. Therefore, November 9th is Europe’s 9/11. On Nov. 9, (911) 1938, hundreds of synagogues were burned, numerous homes and Jewish-owned stores were ransacked, some 1,000 people were killed and more than 30,000 Jews were sent to concentration camps. The attacks marked the beginning of the state-organized, violent persecution of Jews which ended in the murder of six million European Jews by the end of the Third Reich in 1945. November 9th, (911) was henceforth known as: “The Night of the Broken Glass” aka KRISTALLNACHT. KRISTALLNACHT = 888 888 is the number of the CHRIST 888 + 888 = 1776 = the Height of ONE WORLD TRADE CENTER

11-8-2014: Keys to Cosmic Doorways The One World Trade Center will be home to THREE newly created Cosmic Doorways, to be opened in the Spring of 2015….. Three floors of the Tower will be opened to the public and have interactive experiences that will transport the participant thru Space and Time ie. “STAR GATES” Visitors will explore three levels of the Observatory, Floors 100,101, and 102. They will start with the “SEE FOREVER” Theater, engage with the “CITY PULSE ” computerized information Stargate, and step out onto NYC’s only “SKY PORTAL”. This slide is about the “CITY PULSE STARGATE”– The main observatory space on the 100th floor will include an interactive skyline “concierge” – “CITY PULSE” – that will connect guests closer to the landmarks and neighborhoods they observe across the city. Global ambassadors will be stationed at City Pulse to engage with guests, facilitate requests for more information and share stories of the city. Using gesture recognition technology, the ambassador—with the simple wave of a hand—will draw up relevant facts and real-time information on a circular band of display screens in front of the windows….. Price to get to the 100th floor? $32 32 is a Sacred Number, it is a number of Perfection, it is the number right before the Threshold of True Transformation, 33. There are 10 Seferiot and 22 Paths in the Kabbala 10 + 22 = 32 $32 lets you SEE FOREVER in the SKY PORTAL while you connect with the CITY PULSE.

In geometry, the square antiprism is the second in an infinite set of antiprisms formed by an even-numbered sequence of triangle sides closed by two polygon caps. It is also known as an anticube.

11-8-2014: Three New Cosmic Doorways will open at Ground Zero in the Spring 2015. 1) See Forever 2) Sky Portal 3) City Pulse Here are Two SEE FOREVER = 118 SKY PORTAL = 811 The 100th level features the “Sky Portal”, where guests will be invited to step onto a 14-foot-wide “circular disc” in the floor for an unforgettable view (in live HD) of the city streets below…. But first, starting underground, visitors will ride in a high speed elevator called a “SkyPod” that will use virtual reality to give you the impression you are riding up on the outside the building….In just 60 seconds you’ll be on the 102nd floor where you’ll watch a short video in the “See Forever” theater, where visitors can learn about the building’s construction… and then — the view will be revealed, where you will “See Forever” from the Western Hemisphere’s tallest building.

11-12-2014: Keys to Cosmic Doorways – What are the odds?? The Two Window Washers hanging for their lives from the 69th Floor of ONE WORLD TRADE CENTER….. Their Names add to 1368, 1368 is the height of the Tower. Numbers don’t lie. JUAN LIZAMA JUAN LOPEZ = 1368

11-8-2014: Keys to Cosmic Doorways – The Events in Ferguson Missouri are Powerful on many levels. Citizens vs. Police Black vs. White Chaos vs. Order Guns vs. No Guns Etc.. Ferguson is a Crime Scene that has the potential to change the laws in America, just the way 911 did. 1 World Trade Center, before it was destroyed, was “1368” feet tall. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA = 1368 ONE WORLD ORDER = 1368 FERGUSON MISSOURI = 1368 Missouri has one of America’s greatest Cosmic Dorrways - The St. Louis Arch — It is 630 Feet x 630 Feet—- FERGUSON = 630 BLOOD MOON = 630 NINE ELEVEN = 630 POPPY = 630 CLITORIS = 630 Ferguson and the Missouri Arch are “Hot Spots”, They are “Ground Zeros”. GROUND ZEROS = 1106 = 911 GROUND ZERO = 1016 = 911 There were “110” Stories in each of the TWIN TOWERS. In Ferguson it was, MIKE BROWN = 110 that got shot and killed

11-3-2014: Keys to Cosmic Doorways – What if the Science of SYNCHROGEMATRIA could be used to gather words, numbers and names together, in such a way, as to create a positive frequency in a people’s minds. What if the words, the numbers, and the names, all reverberated in such a way that not only people, but places, could be harmonized and balanced. On that note, let’s put it to the test: Today, 11/3 (311) the World Trade Center was born… and to celebrate… Here is a slide with some Positive words, names, and numbers that are Synchrogematricly related to the Birthday of the One World Trade Center. 113



From and including: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 To, but not including Monday, November 3, 2014 Result: 4801 days It is 4801 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date Or 13 years, 1 month, 23 days excluding the end date

One World Trade Center Construction on below-ground utility relocations, footings, and foundations for the building began on April 27, 2006. From and including: Thursday, April 27, 2006 To, but not including Monday, November 3, 2014 Result: 3112 days It is 3112 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date Or 8 years, 6 months, 7 days excluding the end date

11-12-2014: Keys to Cosmic Doorways Ever get the feeling that the One World Trade Center will always be in the HEAD lines? Two WINDOW WASHERS dangle from the TOWER.

11-13-2014: Keys to Cosmic Doorways – What are the odds?? The Two Window Washers hanging for their lives from the 69th Floor of ONE WORLD TRADE CENTER….. Their Names add to 1368, 1368 is the height of the Tower. Numbers don’t lie. JUAN LIZAMA JUAN LOPEZ = 1368

Prince William and his wife, Catherine, will cross the pond to New York for the first time next month, paying their respects to victims at the National September 11 Memorial and Museum in lower Manhattan and catching a Brooklyn Nets game at the Barclays Center.

Pope Francis = 404 Prince Charles = 404 The Chosen One = 404

Special Thank You :) to my friend, Mark Gray for his wisdom and knowledge in a lot of his posts that I’ve shared in this post. You can find more of his work in the following links below:

I am constantly updating this post, please feel free to come back often to see the new posts that have been added**** :)

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Neptune Tech reports 3Q loss

LAVAL, Quebec (AP) _ Neptune Technologies & Bioresources Inc. (NEPT) on Tuesday reported a loss of $1.3 million in its fiscal third quarter.

On a per-share basis, the Laval, Quebec-based company said it had a loss of 2 cents.

The krill oil maker posted revenue of $4.2 million in the period.

In the final minutes of trading on Tuesday, the company's shares hit $1.20. A year ago, they were trading at $1.94.

This story was generated by Automated Insights (http://automatedinsights. com/ap) using data from Zacks Investment Research. Access a Zacks stock report on NEPT at http://www. zacks. com/ap/NEPT

Keywords: Neptune Technologies, Earnings Report

Dawn News

“A genius does not belong to the house where it takes its birth; it belongs to the world which is its true home. That is where it belongs.”

Uranus spins very fast on its axis, completing one spin in 17 hours. It is fast but nowhere as fast as big daddy Jupiter, which revolves on its axis once in only 10 hours. And considering the sprawling diameter of Jupiter, this is several times faster than Uranus.

The one stunning aspect is the fact that it has an ocean of water 8,000km deep. (In comparison the deepest portion of an ocean on the Earth is a ‘measly 35,000 feet,’ or 10 km deep! Mariana’s Trench is the place, in the north-west Pacific Ocean which came about as a result of movements in Plate Tectonics, over-lapping one another).

That it seems incredible is remarkable enough. One more surprising reality is that the core here is as large as the whole of Earth, releases no heat at all. Enigmatic, indeed! Perhaps this is the reason why it is the coldest of all planets — (-220C or 360F).

Also, it appears that the planet accreted (gathered nebular dust and gasses) somewhat later than the already-born Solar System — a few hundred million years or a billion years or so later. A confirmation is awaited yet! Over 85 per cent of the atmosphere is molecular hydrogen and 12pc is helium, and methane in traces. So it appears blue-green because methane absorbs red colour (virtually eats it up).

The presence of 27 moons makes it heavy on traffic. Most moons are average-size asteroids: flat, irregular and pock-marked that is nothing except broken hills. They have survived because they orbit the mother planet rapidly and craftily save themselves from plunging into it. You never know, some are only captured asteroids that happened to loiter nearby and got trapped. The largest moon is Titania, with a diameter of just 1,600km, others are much smaller. Like any moon they, including Oberon, the second largest, are full of craters.

As far as any geological activity such as earthquakes are concerned, these moons are largely dormant, and as such, sleepy places if anything. They appear to have frozen in time. Much, in fact all we know about Uranus is courtesy the visit of Voyager 2 in 1985-86. A few of its moons have been spotted by many Earth-based astronomers, which is incredible, but nothing more. The remaining moons became visible when Voyager-2 closed in on Uranus.

Surprisingly, Uranus, like Venus, rotates in retrograde direction which is contrary to all other planets. This is another guess (hazardous, as it is) that this planet ‘flew in’ from elsewhere in the course of the early universe; as you are aware, and joined the fray. More than four times larger than the Earth in diameter, its mass is 14.54 times more, thereby the escape velocity of 22km/second, very high compared with Earth’s 11.2. But on account of its great distance from the Sun (19.18 AUs to Earth’s 1) the orbital velocity of Uranus is 6.81 km/sec to 29.79 of the Earth. You are surely aware the nearer a planet is to the Sun the faster it has orbital velocity.

With Uranus lying at a great distance from the Sun, it does not have to rush because of decreased gravity of the Sun. Also it has a great deal to cover, requiring over 84 years to go around once. For Uranus to move (equal to) one full width of the full moon in the sky it takes 44.4 days, or say ½ degree of sedate movement. Lazy, isn’t it. It is another matter that the gravitational tug of Neptune and the tiny moons affects the giant who himself is not a bully, but is obliged to wobble a bit. But I suppose that it is accustomed to this, as you would be in four billion years time!

The Lone Ranger of the Solar System, playing safe lounging near the edge of the Solar System has strayed far out towards the end of the playing field, seems to be partying alone, way away from the madding crowd. Quite a recluse yet happy to be there, groggy, yet there!

Although there is much more to Uranus than just said, we have got to go on. For next is a planet called the twin of Uranus; it is Neptune. Named for the god of green seas (similar to the Greek god, Poseidon), it was named so for its colour.

Since it was rightly suspected, even worked out mathematically that a planet had been tugging at Uranus so it must be found out; and it was eventually found out.

Three astronomers went in hot pursuit: Urbain Leverrier (1811-1877), Johann Galle (1812-1910), and Ludwig D’ Arrest1822-1875) were successful on the night of September 23, 1846. The planet was found almost exactly where it was predicted, and promptly named. It cannot be ignored that John Couch Adams (1819-1892) calculated its presence but found it too tedious to follow through with telescope he instead gave the job to others!

Now we are ready to venture into the crazy space farther afield.

No face off is involved, for the next giant is not only gentle, but of almost the same size as Uranus. They are both the gentlemen of the solar System. The docility of this giant is evident from the fact that a tiny fella, with a name as pretentious as Pluto, enjoys the mantle of being the last planet of the solar bandwagon, despite the fact that Neptune is the last one. We’ll see how.

The discovery of Uranus had opened a so-called Pandora’s box-full of worms. That the giant went about its business gingerly, unlike other planet studied thus far, laid suspicion that another body was lurking in the vicinity. Nearby, of course, with the find of Uranus, by the musician of repute, William Herschell, the size of the then known universe had been doubled in any case. This was blasphemous enough; any further had better be true in all respects or else.

But 19th century had taken roots and the world was changing rapidly. Scientists began their probes relentlessly using a tool that would not betray them this time around, it was the mathematics. A full 65 years went by in searching… two generations of hardworking men and women (yes women too, and in large numbers, the first manifestation of gender equality), dedicated themselves to the search. A hot pursuit followed.

Come 1846. Zeroing in on a suspected interloper in their telescopes, thanks to mathematics for such a figure would never be visible with naked eye, John Couch Adams (1819-1892), Urbain Leverrier (1811-1877) and Gottfried Galle (1812-1910), who helped them in no small measure, found out the culprit!

Another gentle giant of the deep universe, Neptune is much like the neighbour, Uranus. Let us see how: Its diameter is 49,500km as compared to Uranus’ 51,800. One is 3.88 the size of the Earth, the other is 4.06. One rotates on its axis in 0.92 (22hours), the other in 1.05 Earth days (25hours). Escape velocity of Uranus is 21.2 k/sec that of Neptune is 23.6. It takes Neptune 164.80 years to go around the shepherd star, the Sun once. For Uranus it takes 84.1 years.

The one glaring difference between Neptune and Earth is that former is a gas giant, while the later is a solid, rocky planet, rather in a hurry completing one orbit in one solar year.

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Neptune Marine Services. Awarded Kitan Contract

Neptune is pleased to announce it has been awarded an air diving services contract by Technip Oceania Pty Ltd ('Technip') for the Kitan disconnection project.

The project is offshore in February and includes the provision of air diving services to assist with the disconnection and abandonment of risers, mooring chains and the umbilical from the Glas Dowr FPSO in the Joint Development Petroleum Area (JDPA).

Neptune will perform the services from the Crest Hydra DP2 Dive Support Vessel (DSV).

Neptune Chief Executive Officer, Robin King, said 'this is the second diving contract awarded to Neptune by Technip in recent months and we are pleased to continue to support Technip in the execution of their projects.'

Neptune Marine Services Limited issued this content on 11 February 2016 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 11 February 2016 06:58:10 UTC

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Income Tax Appellate Tribunal - Delhi

Sedco Forex International. vs Deputy Commissioner Of Income. on 23 March, 1999

Equivalent citations: 2000 72 ITD 415 Delhi

ORDER B. M. Kothari, A. M.

1. All these appeals by the abovenamed assessees involved consideration of some common points. Hence, these appeals are being disposed of by this common order.

2. We will first deal with ITA No. 4549/Del/1991, for asst. yr. 1986-87 and 4550/Del/1991, for asst. yr. 1987-88 filed by M/s. Sedco Forest International Inc. The first common ground in these two appeals relate to confirmation by the CIT(A) of the findings given by the AO that mobilisation fee of Rs. 99,04,000 received by the appellant company from ONGC in asst. yr. 1986-87 and Rs. 64,64,530 received in asst. yr. 1987-88 should be taken in to consideration for purposes of determining the assessee's income under s. 44BB of IT Act, 1961, ("The Act "). It was contended on behalf of the assessee before the authorities below that a plain reading of the relevant clauses of the agreement executed between the appellant non-resident company with ONGC clearly reveals that mobilisation fee paid by ONGC to the appellant company were in the nature of reimbursement of expenses incurred by the appellant company for the mobilisation of the drilling unit from their present location situated outside the taxable territories, namely, Setubal Portugal to the location designated by ONGC, namely, off shore Bombay, India or to the other drilling unit of ONGC (Kandla or Bombay). The AO included the amount of mobilisation fee paid by the ONGC to the appellant company in both the years under consideration in the amount of gross receipts on which deemed profit @ 10 per cent was held to be liable to tax under s. 44BB of the Act. The CIT(A) confirmed the said findings given by the AO. He also relied upon decision in the case of ONGC as Agent of Schlumberger Forest vs. IAC of ITAT in ITA No. 3314/Del/1988, for asst. yr. 1986-87. The CIT(A) has given the elaborate reasons in the order passed by him while confirming the action of the AO.

3. The learned counsel appearing on behalf of the assessee submitted that the aforesaid ground requires consideration of the following 4 points arising from the findings given by the CIT(A) and the AO.

(a) Whether reimbursement of expenses for mobilisation of the drilling unit from outside India to the designated destination in India for carrying out drilling operations, would partake the character of income liable to tax in India.

(b) If it is held to be a receipt in the nature of income, whether such a receipt will fall within the ambit of s. 44BB of the Act.

(c) Since the mobilisation fee for transportation of the drilling rig/drilling equipment relate to services rendered outside India and the payment was also made to the appellant company outside India, whether income on such payments can be charged to tax under the provisions of IT Act. 1961, as it is clearly beyond the scope of charging ss. 4 and 5.

(d) Even if income attributable to mobilisation fee is chargeable to tax, what is the reasonable proportion of income which can be charged to tax under s. 44AB of the Act.

4. The learned counsel invited our attention towards cl. 3.2 and cl. 4.2 of the respective agreements executed between the appellant company and ONGC for performing drilling operations and supplying personnel, which are the relevant agreements for asst. yr. 1986-87 and asst. yr. 1987-88. He submitted that such mobilisation fee has been paid by ONGC to the appellant company for reimbursement of the expenses incurred by the assessee for transportation/mobilisation of drilling unit/drilling rigs to Bombay off shore in India and to other designated location of the drilling unit of ONGC. He also pointed out that the actual expenditure incurred for mobilisation of the drilling units was Rs. 1,54,95,047 in asst. yr. 1986-87 and Rs. 87,95,747 in asst. yr. 1987-88. It is clear from the aforesaid facts that the actual expenditure incurred by the appellant company for transportation of the drilling unit was more than the amount of mobilisation fee paid by ONGC by way of reimbursement of mobilisation expenses. The appellant company, therefore, did not derive any income out of payments made by ONGC by way of mobilisation fee. The learned counsel relied upon the following judgments to support his contention that payments made by way of reimbursement of expenditure cannot partake the character of income liable to tax.

5. The learned counsel submitted that the Hon'ble Delhi High Court which is the Jurisdictional High Court, has held in the aforesaid case that reimbursement of expenses can, under no circumstances, be regarded as a revenue receipt. In view of this judgment, the findings given by the CIT(A) and the AO should be set aside.

6. The learned counsel pointed out that the Tribunal in the aforesaid case has held that the payment made to the assessee, a non-resident English company for the recoupment of the expenses incurred by the technical data for which a research Department was maintained by the assessee-company in London did not constitute income assessable to tax. The Hon'ble Calcutta High Court confirmed the said view taken by the Tribunal.

7. The learned counsel submitted that the aforesaid decision involve consideration of almost a similar point in relation to interpretation of s. 44B of the Act. It has been held by the Hyderabad Bench of the Tribunal that the provision of s. 9(1)(vii) authorises taxing of technical fees alone. It does not authorise taxing every business receipt from India, although such receipts might be incidental to the agreement to provide technical fees, they were not technical fees. It was, therefore, held that ITO was not justified in including air fare, accommodation fee and stay allowances, etc. in technical fees as taxable under s. 9(1)(vii) of the Act. The Tribunal also observed that s. 44D cannot be of any help for including air fare, accommodation fee, etc. in the technical fees.

(4) IAC vs. Metchem Canada Inc. (ITA Nos. 645 to 648/Bang/1985, dt. 26th August, 1987)

8. The learned counsel drew our attention towards para 11 of the said decision. In the case, the agreement executed between the foreign company and Indian company, inter alia, provided that certain expenses incurred by the assessee foreign company is to be reimbursed by the Indian company. The direct cost relating to services outside India are reimburseable in dollars and the direct costs relating to services in India are reimburseable in rupees. The dispute relates to the assessment of the rupee reimbursement. It was held by the Tribunal that the expenses relating to the establishment which are to be borne by the Indian company and which were actually paid by the foreign company were reimbursed by the Indian company to the foreign company. If all the facilities were provided according to the contract by the Indian company, the foreign company need not incur the expenditure towards the establishment and the Indian company also need not reimburse the same. It was held that the rupee reimbursement relates to the reimbursement of the expenditure already incurred by the foreign company on behalf of the Indian company and such reimbursement cannot be considered to be the income of the foreign company. Such findings were given after taking into consideration the provisions of s. 44D of the Act.

9. On the strength of the aforesaid 4 decisions, the learned lawyer vehemently contended that such mobilisation fee paid by ONGC to the appellant company by way of reimbursement of expenses cannot partake the character of income liable to tax. In the present case, it has been proved that the actual expenditure incurred by the appellant company for transportation/mobilisation of drilling rigs was substantially more than the compensation paid by ONGC by way of mobilisation fee for reimbursement of such expenses.

10. The learned counsel then contended that mobilisation fee does not at all come within the ambit of s. 44AB of the Act. He submitted that s. 44AB covers within its ambit the payments made by ONGC for the services and facilities in connection with, or supply of plant & machinery on hire, use or to be used, in the prospecting for, or extraction, or production of, mineral oil in India. The payments made for services rendered in India alone are covered within the ambit of s. 44BB. The mobilisation fee represents reimbursement of expenses for transportation of the rig from outside India to the designated drilling unit in India. The said payment is attributable to services rendered prior to installation of the drilling rigs in India. The services covered within the ambit of s. 44BB started only after the drilling rigs had been brought and installed in India. This fee is a reimbursement of expenses for services prior to the installation of the drilling unit or rig in India. Hence, s. 44BB is not applicable in relation to mobilisation fee. The learned counsel also drew our attention towards para 5 and onwards of the order dt. 20th June, 1990, in ITA No. 3310/Del/1988 relied upon by the CIT(A) for deciding the issue against the assessee. It was submitted that this decision is based on earlier decisions, which are not available with the assessee. In any case, the judgment of the Jurisdictional High Court in the case of Industrial Engineering Projects (P) Ltd. (supra) has not been considered. The various other decisions relied upon by the assessee's counsel have also not been considered. Therefore, the said decision of the Tribunal relied upon by the CIT(A) is not valid and the same requires a fresh look in the light of judgment of Hon'ble High Court.

11. The learned counsel further submitted that the mobilisation fee has been paid by way of reimbursement of expenses. Even if it is regarded as payment made for services rendered, such a payment has been made for services rendered outside India. It is an undisputed fact that the payment was made to the appellant company outside India. Such payments were neither received nor deemed to have been received by the non-resident appellant company in India. Such income for services rendered outside India cannot be said to have accrued in India. Therefore, the income arising in relation to mobilisation fee is clearly outside the scope of charging ss. 4 and 5 of the Act. The learned counsel placed reliance on judgments Carborandum Co. vs. CIT (1977) 108 ITR 335 (SC), CIT vs. Toshoku Ltd. (1980) 125 ITR 525 (SC) and CIT vs. Tata Chemicals (1974) 94 ITR 85 (Bom). He then strongly urged that the inclusion of mobilisation fees for computing income under s. 44BB is beyond the scope of charging ss. 4 and 5 of the Act.

12. The learned counsel further submitted that even if it is held to be includible in the amount of gross receipts for purposes of computing 10 per cent profit under s. 44BB of the Act, only a reasonable proportion of that 10 per cent profit can be included as attributable to services rendered in India. For this purpose, the learned counsel drew our attention towards Circular No. 1767, dt. 1st July, 1987, (p. 345) and submitted that according to the said circular, only 10 per cent of the profit rate of 10 per cent prescribed in s. 44BB i. e. only 1 per cent mobilisation fee can be treated as income attributable to services rendered in India.

13. The learned counsel thus strongly urged that the order of the CIT(A) and the AO in relation to the aforesaid common ground for asst. yr. 1986-87 and asst. yr. 1987-88 should be set aside.

14. The learned senior Departmental Representative strongly supported the order of the CIT(A) in relation to the aforesaid point. He submitted that the point relating to inclusion of mobilisation fee in the gross receipts for purposes of computing the profit @ 10 per cent under s. 44BB of the Act is covered in favour of the Revenue by the various decisions referred to in the order of CIT(A). There is no justification for taking a view different than the view earlier taken by the Tribunal on identical facts. The mobilisation fee is not reimbursement of expenditure, as it has no nexus with the actual expenditure incurred by the assessee for transporting the drilling rigs/drilling unit to the designated destination such as Bombay off shore, etc. The ONGC was liable to pay a fixed sum as stipulated in the contract regardless of the actual expenditure which may be incurred by the assessee-company for this purpose. The provisions of s. 44BB also relate to payments made outside India. Hence, provisions of s. 44BB are fully applicable in relation to the income arising under the relevant contracts to the appellant company.

15. We have carefully considered the submissions made by the learned representatives of the parties and have perused the orders of the learned Departmental authorities. We have also carefully gone through all the judgments relied upon by the learned representatives of both sides.

16. In order to appreciate the rival submissions made by the learned representatives of the parties, it may be relevant here to reproduce the relevant clauses of the representative agreements entered into between ONGC (Operator) and M/s. Forex Neptune International Inc. (name later on changed as Sedco Forex International Inc.). The cl. 3.2 of agreement dt. 3rd September, 1985 relating to providing the Shallo Dash Water Jack Up Rig. "SEDCO 252" is reproduced below.

"Mobilisation Operator shall pay to contractor a mobilization fee of eight hundred thousand United States Dollars (US $ 800,000) ("mobilization fee") for the mobilization of the drilling unit from its present location in Setubal, Portugal to the first well location designated by Operator, Offshore Bombay, India. Operator will notify contractor not later than fifteen (15) days from the execution of this agreement if it desires to mobilize the drilling unit to another location offshore India and no additional costs shall be charged to Operator for mobilization to such other location. In the event that Operator desires to mobilize the drilling unit to another location offshore India and it fails to notify contractor by such date, any additional costs incurred by contractor for such mobilization in excess of the mobilization fee shall be borne by the Operator. Contractor shall invoice Operator for payment of the mobilization fee after the drilling unit is jacked-up on the first well location and ready to spud the well. Operator shall make payment to contractor not later than thirty (30) days after receipt of the invoice."

17. Clause 4.2 of the agreement dt. 12th July, 1986 relating to mobilization of the drilling unit (including Rig 21) is also reproduced hereunder.

"Mobilization and Mobilization fee Contractor shall notify Operator when it is prepared to commence mobilization of the drilling unit from Muscat, Oman. Within thirty days of receipt of Contractor's notice of readiness, Operator shall instruct Contractor to commence mobilization, and Contractor shall forthwith ship the drilling unit to the port of entry (Kandla or Bombay).

Contractor shall be compensated for the mobilization of the drilling unit from its place of origin by a mobilization fee payable within thirty days following the commencement date. (As per Appendix 'C')."

18. Apart from the aforesaid mobilization fee stipulated in the aforesaid two contracts, the ONGC had undertaken to pay compensation based on operating rate of US $ 24,550 per 24 hours a day for all operating time and US $ 24,060 as non-operating rate per day relating to Sedco 252-Rig. Similarly operating rate-R1 and standby rate-R2 was also separately stipulated in the order contract dt. 12th July, 1986, relating to Rig-21 etc. The learned counsel for the assessee submitted that there is no dispute about the applicability of s. 44BB of the Act in relation to payments made by ONGC under the aforesaid agreement by way of operating charges and other payments made by ONGC to the appellant company except in relation to mobilisation fee and reimbursement of certain other expenses, which are subject-matter of dispute in the present appeals. In other words, the learned counsel appearing on behalf of the assessee submitted that the provisions of s. 44BB are applicable in relation to income derived by the assessee pursuant to the aforesaid agreement executed with the ONGC.

19. In may also be imperative to reproduce the provisions of s. 44BB of IT Act, 1961.

'44BB Special provision for computing profits and gains in connection with the business of exploration etc. of mineral oils - (1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in ss. 28 to 41 and ss. 43 and 43A. in the case of an assessee, being a non-resident, engaged in the business of providing services or facilities in connection with, or supplying plant and machinery on hire used, or to be used, in the prospecting for, or extraction or production of, mineral oils, a sum equal to ten per cent of the aggregate of the amounts specified in sub-s. (2) shall be deemed to be the profits and gains of such business chargeable to tax under the head "Profits and gains of business or profession".

Provided that this sub-section shall not apply in a case where the provisions of s. 42 or s. 44D or s. 115A or s. 293A apply for the purposes of computing profits or gains or any other income referred to in those sections.

(2) The amounts referred to in sub-s. (1) shall be the following, namely.

(a) the amount paid or payable (whether in or out of India) to the assessee or to any person on his behalf on account of the provision of services and facilities in connection with, or supply of plant and machinery on hire used, or to be used, in the prospecting for, or extraction or production of, mineral oils in India; y

(b) the amount received or deemed to be received in India by or on behalf of the assessee on account of the provision of services and facilities in connection with, or supply of plant and machinery on hire used, or to be used, in the prospecting for, or extraction or production of, mineral oils outside India.

Explanation. - For the purposes of this section, -

(i) "plant" includes ships, aircraft, vehicles, drilling units, scientific apparatus and equipment, used for the purposes of the said business.

(ii) "mineral oil" includes petroleum and natural gas.'

20. The aforesaid s. 44BB making a special provision for computing profits and gains in connection with the business of exploration of mineral oils has been inserted by the Finance Act. 1987 with retrospective effect from 1st April, 1983. The scope and effect of new s. 44BB was explained in Departmental Circular No. 495, dt. 22nd September, 1987. It has been mentioned in the said circular that a number of complications were involved in the computation of taxable income of a taxpayer engaged in the business of providing services and facilities in connection with or supply of plant & machinery on hire, used or to be used in the exploration for and exploitation of mineral oils. Sec. 44BB was introduced with a view to simplifying the relevant provisions which provide for determining the income of such taxpayers at 10 per cent of the aggregate of certain amounts, which have been specified in the said section. The provisions of s. 44BB were amended by the Finance Act. 1988 with retrospective effect w. e.f. 1st April, 1983 which clarifies that applicability of s. 44B will be restricted to the cases of only non-resident taxpayers. It is clear from the language used in s. 44BB(2)(a) that the amount referred to in s. 44BB(1) on which profits have to be calculated @ 10 per cent will be the aggregate of amounts paid or payable to the taxpayer or to any person on his behalf whether in or out of India on account of the provisions of such services or facilities.

21. A perusal of the relevant agreements executed between the appellant company and ONGC clearly reveals that both the agreements are indivisible contracts. It is true that mobilization fee and operating charges have been separately indicated in the said agreements but the entire payments have been agreed to be made by ONGC for supply of the drilling unit including the Rigs, for operating those rigs, and for providing experts and other personnel for operating those rigs, etc. Sec. 44BB specifically provides that the aggregate of the amounts referred to in sub-s. (2) of s. 44BB will be adopted as the basis for calculating profits @ 10 per cent, which shall be deemed to be the profits and gains of such business chargeable to tax under the head "profits & gains of business or profession". It does not provide that separate consideration mentioned in the agreement for transportation of the drilling unit/rig from their present location to the designated location in India will be excluded from the aggregate amount of gross receipts on which 10 per cent profit rate is required to be applied. ONGC has made the entire payment including the mobilization fee, operating charges, daily hire on non-operating days, etc. for availing the services and facilities and the supply of plant & machinery on hire agreed to be provided by the appellant company to ONGC. The mobilization fee paid by ONGC to the appellant company has no nexus with the actual amount incurred by the appellant company for transportation of the drilling unit/rigs to the specified drilling location in India. Even if the actual expenditure incurred by the appellant company would have been substantially less, ONGC was liable to pay the fixed amount of mobilization fee stipulated in the respective agreements.

22. Let us examine the facts of the various decisions relied upon by the learned counsel for the assessee in the light of the aforestated facts.

(a) CIT vs. Industrial Engg. (supra) In that case, the assessee had executed an agreement with a foreign company whereby some services were to be rendered by the assessee to the foreign company for which assessee was entitled to receive a minimum sum of Rs. 1,20,000 per year. The agreement also provided that certain costs and expenses incurred by the assessee would be reimbursed. The ITO disallowed some of the expenses incurred which were in the nature of entertainment and travelling expenses on the ground that they were more than the permissible limit. In the context of these facts, it was held that reimbursement of expenses cannot be regarded as a revenue receipt. It was found by the Tribunal as a matter of fact that the assessee received no sums in excess of expenses incurred. This provision did not relate to a provision like s. 44BB which contains a provision for determination of presumptive income on the aggregate amounts paid under such agreements. The section further provides that such presumptive income shall be deemed to the income chargeable to tax under the head "profits & gains of business". In the case before the Hon'ble High Court, the reimbursement of actual expenses was made by the foreign company to the Indian company. It was not a fixed amount payable by the foreign company to the Indian company as in the present case. Therefore, the said decision of Hon'ble Delhi High Court does not in any manner support the assessee's contention.

(b) CIT vs. Teja J. Faras Remkhazawala (1968) 67 ITR 95 (Del) The learned counsel submitted that this judgment was referred to in the aforesaid case decided by the Delhi High Court. If the actual expenditure was lower than the amount reimbursed, the deduction has to be allowed to the extent of actual expenditure. The facts of the aforesaid judgment are that the assessee was a selling agent of CIBA India Ltd. and was entitled to a commission of 12-1/2 per cent on the sale, of which 7-1/2 per cent was to be treated as selling commission and 5 per cent as compensation in lieu of contingency expenses which it had to meet such as commission to dyeing master/agent, etc. For asst. yr. 1949-50, the assessee received Rs. 1,90,530 towards 5 per cent of selling agency commission but had spent only Rs. 1,32,512 for meeting the contingency expenses. The question was whether the 5 per cent of the selling agency commission was wholly exempt from tax under s. 4(3)(vi) of IT Act, 1922 (prior to its amendment in 1965) as a special allowance, benefit or perquisite specifically granted to meet expenses wholly and necessarily incurred in the performance of the duties of an office or employment of profit. It was held by the Hon'ble Supreme Court that only that portion of 5 per cent of the selling agency commission received by the assessee was exempt which was incurred in the year of account in the performance of the duties as selling agent. The Hon'ble Supreme Court further held that to qualify for exemption under the said provisions, the allowance must be granted to meet expenses incurred or to be incurred wholly and necessarily in the performance of the duties of an office. Any surplus remaining in the hands of the grantee after meeting the expenses does not bear the character of the allowance for meeting expenses and would be taxable. It is clear from the aforesaid judgment that any allowance or fees granted for meeting actual expenditure was held to be not taxable under a specific provision of s. 4(3)(vi) of IT Act, 1922. This judgment relates to interpretation of a specific provision granting exemption in respect of special allowance, benefit or perquisite specifically granted to meet expenses wholly and necessarily incurred in the performance of the duties. The present case deals with determination of presumptive income in accordance with s. 44BB of the Act. Moreover, the amount of mobilization fee paid by ONGC to the appellants had no nexus whatsoever with the actual amount incurred by the appellant company for transportation of drilling units/rigs to the specified location in India. In fact, the services agreed to be rendered by the appellant company to the ONGC for supply of the plant & machinery on hire and for providing personnel for operating rigs, etc. started from the point of time when the drilling unit/rigs were moved or transported from their present location to the specified destination in India. The aggregate payments made by ONGC under the aforesaid agreements were made for securing the services of the exports and securing the use of drilling units/drilling rigs taken on hire from the appellant companies. The aggregate payments made under such contract are clearly required to be taken into consideration for determining the presumptive rate of profit @ 10 per cent on such aggregate payments regardless of the fact whether such payments have been made by ONGC to the appellant company, in India or outside India. The judgment of the Hon'ble Supreme Court case also, therefore, does not in any manner support the assessee's contention.

(c) CIT vs. Dunlop Rubber Co. Ltd. (supra) The assessee-company in the aforesaid case, contented before the ITO that the amount received by the Indian company did not constitute income as the payments were merely reimbursement of the expenditure incurred in connection with the research work and so the amounts could not be assessed in its hands and that the assessee-company incurred large expenditure but only a part of it was allocated to its various subsidiary companies in the world and what it received from the subsidiary companies was only a part of the expenses incurred by it and, as such, there was no element of profit in them. The Government of India in that case permitted the Indian company to make payment of research contribution to the assessee-company subject to a ceiling of 0.67 per cent of the volume of sales. On these facts, it was held by the Hon'ble High Court that the Tribunal was right in arriving at the view that the payment was for the recoupement of the expenses incurred for the technical data for which a research department was maintained by the assessee-company in London. On these facts, it was held that amount received by the assessee-company from Indian company did not constitute income assessable to tax. The facts of the aforesaid case are clearly distinguishable with the facts of the present case. The mobilisation fee paid by ONGC to the appellant company did not depend on the quantum of expenditure incurred by the appellant company for transportation of drilling unit including rigs, as already stated herein before. Moreover, the question involved in the present case relates to mode of determination of the presumptive income under a special provision of s. 44BB introduced in the Act with a view to simplifying the process of determination of taxable income of a non-resident taxpayer engaged in the business of providing services and facilities and/or supply of plant & machinery on hire, used or to be used in the exploration or exploitation of mineral oils. The ratio of the aforesaid case, therefore, does not in any manner supports the assessee's contention.

(d) Mannesmann Demag Lauchhammer vs. CIT (supra) The aforesaid case relates to determination of technical fee under s. 9(1)(vii) of IT Act, 1961. It was held by the Tribunal that the section authorises taxing for technical fees alone. It does not authorises taxing every business receipt from India, although such receipts might be incidental to the agreement to provide technical fees. On these facts, it was held that ITO was not justified in including air fare, accommodation fee and stay allowances etc. in technical fees as taxable under s. 9(1)(vii). The ratio of this decision also does not support the assessee's contention in relation to interpretation of an entirely different provision like s. 44BB of the Act.

(e) IAC vs. Nepchun Canada Inc. ITA Nos. 645-648/Bang/1985 The facts of this case are also clearly distinguishable. The dispute in the said case related to reimbursement of cost relating to certain services of India. According to the contract, the Indian company has a responsibility to provide the basic infrastructure to enable the foreign company to render the contract of services in India. Such expenses were to be incurred by Indian company and not by the foreign consultant company. Since the expenses for the infrastructure provided were incurred by the foreign consultant company, the Indian company reimbursed the same. The reimbursement of such expenses is only to compensate the expenses incurred by the foreign consultant company. On these facts, the Tribunal has held that the rupee reimbursement relates to the expenses that ought to have been incurred by the Indian company. It was, therefore, held to be not liable to tax. It is clear from the facts of the said case that reimbursement was made of the actual expenditure incurred by the foreign company on behalf of the Indian company. In the resent case, the mobilisation fee paid by ONGC does not depend on the actual amount of expenditure incurred by the appellant company. It was a fixed amount of mobilization fee, which could not be varied in the event of actual expenditure being lower or higher than the fixed amount stipulated in the agreement. This decision also, therefore, does not, in any manner, support the assessee's contention.

23. The Tribunal in the ITA No. 3310/Del/1988, considered a similar question relating to inclusion of payment made on account of mobilization fee for purposes of determination of income liable to tax under s. 44BB. The Tribunal following its earlier orders ITA No. 3413, 3414, 3486, dt. 20th June, 1990 and also another order in ITA No. 3366/Del/1988, dt. 30th June, 1990, decided a similar issue against the assessee. It has been held that payment of mobilization fee under identical facts and circumstances, is covered under s. 44BB of the Act.

24. In view of the aforesaid facts and circumstances, we are of the considered opinion that the mobilization fee paid by ONGC to the appellant company has rightly been included in the aggregate amount of payments received by the appellant company from ONGC for the purposes of computing the profit @ 10 per cent chargeable to tax under the head 'profits & gains of business' under s. 44BB of the Act. The inclusion of such amount of mobilization fee for computing income under s. 44BB does not in any manner go beyond the charging ss. 4 and 5 of the Act. A special provision, namely, s. 44BB has been introduced for determination of taxable income of the non-resident taxpayers engaged in such business. The presumptive income of 10 per cent on the aggregate payments made under such agreements cannot be said to be beyond the scope of charging ss. 4 and 5. The various judgments relied upon by the learned counsel for the assessee does not in any manner, support such a contention, where only 10 per cent of the aggregate payments are deemed to be income chargeable to tax under the head "profits & gains of business" by virtue of such special provision of s. 44BB of the Act. We are also unable to accept the assessee's contention that only a reasonable portion of 10 per cent income determined under s. 44BB in relation to mobilization fee should be taxed, as income attributable to services rendered in India in the process of mobilisation of drilling unit is very small. Reliance placed by the learned counsel on the circular issued by the Board does not in any manner support his contention. The said circular does not relate to s. 44BB but it relates to determination of taxable income of a foreign contractor engaged in the execution of turnkey project involving part of the work to be carried out in India as well as outside India, for a lump sum consideration. The said circular cannot authorise the AO to adopt a different mode of determination of taxable income in the case of a non-resident taxpayer, which arises from agreements specifically covered by the special provisions contained in s. 44BB of the Act.

25. In view of the aforesaid facts and discussion, the common ground raised by the assessee relating to mobilization fee in asst. yr. 1986-87 and asst. yr. 1987-88 is rejected.

26. The next common ground in ITA Nos. 4549, 4550 and 4551/Del/1991 relates to confirmation by the CIT(A) of the findings given by the AO that the following items of reimbursement of expenses will be includible in the amount of aggregate payments made under the agreements executed between the ONGC and appellant company for purposes of computing profit @ 10 per cent thereon under the provisions of s. 44BB of the Act.

(a) Catering expenses reimbursed by the ONGC to the Appellant Co.

27. The learned counsel submitted that under the terms of contract, the appellants were required to provide boarding and loading facility at their cost upto 10 ONGC's personnel on the rig at any given point of time. In respect of any additional personnel of ONGC, the appellants were entitled to seek reimbursement of catering expenses incurred. Similarly, the appellants were also required to provide spare parts, etc. from time to time. These catering charges and the actual expenses incurred towards spare parts together with handling charges were reimbursed by ONGC to the appellant under the terms of the contract. The learned counsel submitted that actual expenses of procuring the spares and transportation thereof were reimbursed except the handling charges. He also drew our attention towards cl. 5.1(b) of the agreement which provides that ONGC (Operators) shall reimburse the actual cost less any cash discount obtained by the appellant company (Contractor) plus freight, packing and insurance cost etc. In addition to the reimbursement of actual cost along with transportation expenses, the appellants were entitled to charge handling charges @ 7.5 per cent. The learned counsel submitted that such reimbursement of cost of supplies cannot be treated as contract receipt liable to be considered for purposes of s. 44BB of the Act. Only the handling charges can, perhaps, be treated as contract receipts in the hands of the appellant company for purposes of s. 44BB. Likewise, the reimbursement of actual catering expenses which was the liability to be met and incurred by ONGC, cannot be treated as part of contract receipts in the hands of the appellant company. He placed reliance on all these judgments which were relied upon by him in relation to the point relating to mobilisation fee.

28. The learned Departmental Representative supported the order of the CIT(A). He submitted that the nature of reimbursement of catering expenses and cost of supplies are similar as that of mobilisation fees. This ground is also covered against the assessee by the various decisions of Tribunal Delhi, which have been relied upon by the CIT(A) while confirming the view of the AO with regard to mobilisation fee.

29. We have carefully considered the submissions made by the learned representatives of the parties and have gone through all the relevant documents submitted in the compilation.

30. As regards reimbursement of catering expenses by ONGC to the appellant company is concerned, the learned counsel invited our attention to Exhibit 'D' forming the part of the agreement executed between ONGC and the appellant company. This clearly provides the catering for over 10 operators nominated by ONGC will be billed to operators at US $ 10 per meal and US $ 20 for lodging per day including meals. The rate at which the reimbursement has been made by ONGC towards catering expenses is lower than actual expenditure incurred by the appellant company. It has been pointed out in the documents submitted in compilation that the actual expenses for catering incurred by the appellant company was for more than the amount reimbursed. The amount of actual expenditure and the reimbursement made in asst. yr. 1986-87 by ONGC, as per the chart furnished by the assessee in Annexure-I with the written submissions shows the following position.

31. The aforesaid reimbursement of catering expenses is based on expenditure actually incurred by the appellant company for providing boarding and lodging facilities to the employees of ONGC, which was, in fact, required to be provided by ONGC. Such reimbursement of catering expenses cannot form part of contract receipts paid by ONGC to appellant company for providing services or supplying plant & machinery in relation to exploration of mineral oils. These expenses were actually incurred by the appellant company on behalf of ONGC. If such facilities to persons exceeding 10 in numbers would have been provided by ONGC itself, the foreign company need not have incurred any expenditure towards their catering and lodging and there would have been no need for ONGC to reimburse the same. Such actual reimbursement of expenditure cannot be treated as part of contract receipt liable to be included for purposes of determining taxable profit @ 10 per cent thereon under s. 44BB of the Act.

32. Likewise, the reimbursement of actual cost of supplies also cannot be treated as part of the contract receipts liable for inclusion for the purposes of determining taxable profit thereon under s. 44BB. The details furnished in Annexure-I with the written submissions indicate that the cost of supplies reimbursed by ONGC represent the actual cost incurred by the appellant company. Only the handling charges of US $ 255.49 relating to SEDCO 252 and the handling charges of US $ 157 relating to Rig-21 do not represent reimbursement of actual expenditure but it was a payment made @ 7.5 per cent on the FOB cost of such spare parts in accordance with the terms of agreement. The expression reimburse means "to repay" or to pay an equivalent amount for the loss or expenses incurred. It is not in dispute that the supply of material in question was the obligation of ONGC. The appellant company simply provided such services to ONGC in confirmity with the terms of the agreement. The reimbursement of actual cost of such supplies along with expenses for freight, insurance, etc. therefore cannot be included in the amount of contract receipts for purposes of s. 44BB of the Act. However, the amount of handling charges paid by ONGC to the appellant company aggregating to US $ 252.49 + US $ 157 = total US $ 412.49 (sic-407.49) will be included in the contract receipts for computing the taxable profit @ 10% thereon under s. 44BB.

33. The AO is directed to grant the necessary relief in accordance with the aforesaid findings.

34. At this stage, we may also deal with one of the grounds raised in ITA 4562/Del/91 in the case of Sedco Forex International Drilling Inc. for asst. yr. 1988-89. One of the grounds raised in the appeal relates to reimbursement of light charges Rs. 15,164. The actual expenses incurred by the appellant company were Rs. 15,164. The amount of such actual expenses incurred by the appellant company on behalf of the ONGC has been reimbursed by them. Such reimbursement of actual expenditure is not liable to be included in the amount of contract receipts for purposes of s. 44BB of the Act in view of the reasons given in foregoing paras. The AO is directed to delete the same.

35. We will now deal with a common ground raised by Sedco Forex International Inc. in their appeal No. 4551/Del/91 for asst. yr. 1988-89 and raised by the other appellant, M/s. Sedco Forex International Drilling Inc. in their Appeal No. 4562/Del/91 for asst. yr. 1988-89.

(a) Boat and Helicopter charges withheld by ONGC in ITA No. 4551/Del/1991 Rs.

36. The learned counsel submitted that a dispute arose between ONGC and the appellant company regarding boat charges and helicopter charges incurred by ONGC with reference to transportation of personnel, supplies, etc. The appellant claimed that these expenses were to be borne by ONGC. However, the ONGC took a stand that these charges were recoverable from the appellant company and ONGC accordingly withheld the expenses so incurred from the payments due to the appellant under the terms of the respective contracts. The learned counsel submitted that the amount withheld by ONGC are disputed by the appellant and the same are, therefore, not taxable in the year under consideration. It was also submitted that if such amounts are withheld by ONGC from the payments due to them, the gross payments cannot be brought to tax under s. 44BB of the Act. He further pointed out that a part of these amounts withheld by ONGC has been refunded to the appellants in the subsequent years and the same has been taxed by the AO in those subsequent years. He submitted that these amounts refunded in subsequent years cannot be taxed in the year under consideration as refunds have already been taxed in the subsequent years.

37. The learned Departmental Representative supported the order of the CIT(A) in relation to inclusion of the gross amount payable to the appellant company by ONGC without deducting the boat and helicopter charges withheld by ONGC.

38. We have carefully considered the submissions made by the learned representatives of the parties and have gone through the relevant documents to which our attention was drawn during the course of hearing.

39. The AO in para 5 of the assessment order in the case of Sedco Forex International Inc. for asst. yr. 1988-89 has observed that the board charges and helicopter charges were deducted from the invoices raised by the appellants (non-resident companies) and the net payment position has been reflected by the assessee in a statement of payments furnished by them and certified by ONGC. The AO observed that as and when these payments will be made to them after settlement of dispute or arbitration, as the case may be, the same will be taxed in the year of receipt. The appellants submitted that these are unauthorised deductions made by ONGC from the invoices raised by the appellants. The Dy. CIT(A) has included these amounts in the computation of income contrary to the findings given in para 5 of the assessment order.

40. On a careful consideration of the entire relevant facts and material brought on records, we are of the view that the CIT(A) has rightly confirmed the action of the AO of taking into consideration the gross amount of contract receipts as per the invoices raised by the appellant company without deducting therefrom the amount of boat and helicopter charges withheld by the ONGC. There is no dispute that the amount claimed in the relevant invoices was admitted as payable to them. However, ONGC deducted the amount of boat and helicopter charges, which according to the ONGC was to be borne by appellant companies. According to the appellant, such deductions are unauthorised deductions and the boat and helicopter charges were to be borne by ONGC. The only question was whether the appellant companies were liable to reimburse to the ONGC the amount of boat and helicopter charges incurred by ONGC for transportation of their personnel, supplies, etc. The gross contract receipts mentioned in the invoices of the appellant companies has not been disputed but only a part amount has been withheld for recovery or reimbursement of expenses incurred by ONGC on behalf of the appellant. The amount of contract receipts paid or payable for services or facilities provided by the appellant company in relation to extraction or prospecting of mineral oils has not been disputed by the ONGC. The claim for reimbursement of boat and helicopter charges made by ONGC and withholding of that amount out of the amount payable to appellant companies cannot result in the reduction of contract payments made by ONGC for the services specified in s. 44BB of the Act. If the amount of boat and helicopter charges withheld by ONGC is ultimately held to be borne by the appellant companies, such amount of boat and helicopter charges will be the expenditure incurred by the foreign company for carrying out the said contract. Sec. 44BB only provides for determining the profits @ 10 per cent of aggregate of the contract payments. Balance 90 per cent has been treated as aggregate expenditure allowable to the non-resident taxpayers for determination of their taxable profits from such contracts. If the amount is ultimately held to be borne by ONGC, the amount out of such unauthorised deduction made by ONGC will be paid as and when it is finally settled. But this fact will not vary the amount payable for services rendered by appellant companies in connection with exploration of mineral oils in the relevant years under consideration. We are, therefore, of the considered opinion that the CIT(A) has rightly rejected the assessee's submissions that boat and helicopter charges withheld by ONGC should be deducted from the gross contract payments for purposes of computing income under s. 44BB. The view taken by the CIT(A) in relation to this point is, therefore, confirmed. We will, however, like to observe that the AO should examine the contention of the assessee that a part amount reimbursed by ONGC in the subsequent years, as and when the same has actually been received, has been subjected to tax in those subsequent years. If such a contention is found to be correct on verification of the relevant facts, the AO should exclude the income attributable to such payments received in subsequent years out of the Boat and helicopter charges withheld by ONGC in the year under consideration so as to ensure that the same amount does not form part of contract receipts liable to be included for purposes of computing profit under s. 44BB of the Act in more than one year. This finding is necessary to ensure avoidance of double taxation of the same income in more than one year. With these observations, the view taken by the CIT(A) in relation to the aforesaid common point raised in ITA No. 4551 and 4562/Del/1991 is upheld.

41. Now we will deal with ITA No. 257/Del/1993 in the case of M/s. Sedco Forex International Inc. for asst. yr. 1989-90.

42. Ground No. 1 raised in this appeal relates to inclusion of the amount of Rs. 2,99,641 and Rs. 9,087 being amount reimbursed by ONGC on account of catering expenses and crane hire expenses respectively for purposes of computing income under s. 44BB in relation to contract for Rig-21. Ground No. 2 relates to reimbursement of catering expenses of Rs. 1,52,893 for Rig Sedco-252. The amount referred to in Ground Nos. 1 and 2 relate to reimbursement by ONGC of the expenses incurred by the appellant company on their behalf. It has already been held that reimbursement of actual expenses incurred by the appellant company on behalf of ONGC would not form part of contract receipts for the purposes of s. 44BB. The amount received as reimbursement of catering expenses and crane hire expenses are not the payment received by the assessee on account of provision of services and facilities in (sic) of plant & machinery on hire or extraction or production of mineral oils in India and, therefore, the same cannot be included for computing taxable income under s. 44BB of the Act. AO is directed to exclude the same.

43. Ground No. 3 raised in this appeal relates to levy of interest of Rs. 1,06,688 under s. 234B of the Act. The CIT(A) held that levy of interest under s. 234B is not appellable. Such a view taken by the CIT(A) is not valid in view of the judgment of Hon'ble Supreme Court in Central Provinces Manganese Ore Co. Ltd. vs. CIT (1986) 160 ITR 961 (SC), as the assessee has denied its liability in toto for levy of interest under s. 234B. On merits, the learned counsel for the assessee submitted that the appellant is a non-resident company and any sum paid to them are subject to deduction of tax at source under s. 195 of the Act. The sums paid by ONGC have already suffered deduction of tax at source hence, no advance tax was required to be paid under s. 209 of the Act. The assessee is, therefore, not liable to pay interest under s. 234B for short deduction of tax at source by ONGC or for shortfall in the payment of advance tax. He placed reliance on judgment of Hon'ble Madras High Court in the case of CIT vs. Madras Fertilizers Ltd. (1984) 149 ITR 703 (Mad) and judgment of Hon'ble Gujarat High Court in the case of CIT vs. Ranoli Investment (P) Ltd. (1999) 235 ITR 433 (Guj). The learned counsel also submitted that on identical facts, the Tribunal, Mumbai in ITA No. 1915/Bom/Del/6 dt. 3rd October, 1997 has cancelled interest charged under s. 234B and under s. 234C. He, therefore, strongly urged that interest charged under s. 234B should be cancelled.

44. The learned senior Departmental Representative submitted that the decisions of Hon'ble Madras High Court and Hon'ble Gujarat High Court relied upon by the learned counsel relate to levy of interest under s. 215 of the Act and does not relate to mandatory interest charged under s. 234B. He submitted that meaning of expression "assessed tax" for the purposes for ss. 215. 217 and 273 as given in s. 215(5) is that tax determined on the basis of regular assessment reduced by the amount of tax deductible in accordance with the provisions of ss. 192 to 196A. The words used in s. 215 is "tax deductible" at source and not tax deducted at source. However, the meaning of expression "assessed tax as given in Expln. 1 to s. 234B means the tax on the total income as reduced by the amount of tax deducted or collected at source in accordance with the provisions of Chapter XVII of the Act. He submitted that if an amount of tax, which was deductible at source, has not been deducted or short amount of tax has been deducted at source by ONGC, the amount of tax deductible at source but not actually deducted, cannot be taken into consideration for the purposes of levy of interest under s. 234B. He further submitted that levy of interest under s. 234B is mandatory and the same should be confirmed.

45. In reply, the learned counsel for the assessee submitted that the opening words of s. 234B clearly show that this section is applicable to an assessee who is liable to pay advance tax under s. 208 has failed to pay such tax or where the advance tax paid by such an assessee under the provisions of s. 210 is less than 90 per cent of the assessed tax. The provisions of s. 208 provides that advance tax shall be payable by the assessee as computed in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter "XVII", where the sum exceeds Rs. 1,500 or more. Sec. 209(1)(d) provides that the income-tax calculated under various clauses of this section shall be reduced by the amount of income-tax which would be deductible or collectable at source in view of s. 195 of the Act. Therefore, no advance tax is payable by the assessee, as tax was deductible at source on all payments made by ONGC to the appellant company. He submitted that the decision of Tribunal Bombay squarely supports the assessee's contention. He, therefore, once again urged that the interest levied under s. 234B should be cancelled.

46. We have carefully considered the submissions made by the learned representatives of the parties. At the outset, we may mention that a perusal of the assessment order for the year under consideration reveals that the AO has nowhere given any direction for levy of interest under s. 234B of the Act. The provision of s. 195 of the Act clearly provides that any person responsible for paying to a non-resident, including a foreign company any income by way of interest or any other sum which is chargeable to income-tax in India is required to deduct tax at source on such income at the time of payment. It is an undisputed fact that ONGC was required to deduct tax at source on all payments made by them to the appellant foreign companies in accordance with the provisions of the Act. The provision of s. 234B provides that where an assessee is liable to pay advance tax under s. 208 has failed to pay such tax or where the advance tax paid by such assessee under the provisions of s. 210 is less than 90 per cent of the assessed tax, the assessee shall be liable to pay simple interest @ 2 per cent for every month or part of a month. It is true that the meaning of assessed tax given in Expln. 1 to s. 234B provides that the assessed tax would mean tax on total income as reduced by the amount of tax deducted at source. The use of words "tax deducted" as against "tax deductible" used in s. 215(5) is significant. But the process of computing "assessed tax" as defined in Expln. 1 to s. 234B will come into play only when it is established that an assessee who is liable to pay advance tax under the provisions of the Act has failed to pay such tax or the advance tax paid by such assessee is less than 90 per cent of the assessed tax. The provisions of s. 234B will not at all apply in a case where an assessee is not liable to pay advance tax under the provisions of the Act. It will, therefore, be necessary to refer to the provisions contained in Chapter XVII-C relating to liability for payment of advance tax. The provisions of s. 209(1)(d) clearly provides that income-tax deductible at source during the relevant financial year under any provision of the Act from any income shall be reduced from the amount of advance tax payable by the assessee. In the present case tax was deductible at source by ONGC from all the payments made by them to the appellant companies at the income-tax rates then in force in the relevant financial year. If ONGC would have deducted tax at source at the prevalent income-tax rates out of all the payments made in the relevant financial years under consideration, there would have been no occasion of short deduction of tax at source. If the amount of tax deducted by ONGC would have been correctly worked out, the amount of tax deducted at source and tax deductible at source would have been the same. The assessee is entitled to take into consideration the amount of tax deductible at source during the relevant financial year for deciding whether he is liable to pay any advance tax. If for any reasons the full amount of tax deductible at source has not been deducted by the ONGC in the year under consideration, the appellant company cannot be fastened with the liability to pay interest under s. 234B.

47. The Tribunal Bombay in the case of M/s. Rheinhraun Engg. vide its order dt. 3rd October, 1997, in ITA No. 195/Bom/4 relying upon the judgment of Hon'ble Madras High Court (1984) 149 ITR 703 (Mad) (supra) and the decision of Hon'ble Bombay High Court in CIT vs. Daimler Benz A. G. (1977) 108 ITR 961 (Bom) has held that no interest under ss. 234B and 234C can be levied in respect of incomes which are subject to deduction of tax at source. It was observed that the assessee in that case had no other income other than fees for technical services and interest on the refund received from Department. On both these incomes, tax at source was required to be deducted under s. 195 of the Act. Hence, interest under ss. 234B and 234C was liable to be quashed. The facts of the present case are similar to the decision rendered by Tribunal, Bombay. In view of the aforesaid facts and discussions, we are of the view that interest charged under s. 234B on the facts of the present case, is not sustainable. The AO is directed to cancel the same.

48. Ground No. 4 raised by the assessee in this appeal is reproduced hereunder.

"4. Your appellants submit that the taxable income of your appellants should be computed by converting the amounts received in dollars at the rate prevailing on the date of credit of such account and not at the year end rate. Your appellants pray that their taxable income be revised to Rs. 1,12,20,277 as against 1,20,58,696 assessed by the Dy. CIT(A)."

49. The learned counsel appearing on behalf of the assessee was fair enough to state that this ground was not raised before the AO nor before the CIT(A). The assessee became aware of the correct legal position after the Hon'ble Bombay High Court rendered its decision in the case of Chowgule & Co. vs. CIT (1992) 195 ITR 810 (Bom). That is why the aforesaid ground, for the first time has been raised before the Tribunal. On merits of the said claim, the learned counsel drew our attention towards written submissions along with details of payment made by ONGC towards hire of Drilling Rig Sedco 252 and Drilling Rig 21 along with the relevant details of tax deducted at source and the prevailing exchange rate item-wise when tax was deducted by ONGC at source out of payments made to the appellant company. He submitted that the proviso to r. 115 inserted by IT (Ninth Amendment) Rules, 1993 w. e.f. 25th May, 1993 should be applied in relation to the year under consideration, as such, a provision contained in r. 115(2) has been held to be procedural in nature by the Hon'ble Supreme Court in the judgment CIT & Ors. vs. Chowgule & Co. (1996) 218 ITR 384 (SC). He strongly urged that such a ground raised for the first time before the Tribunal should be entertained and the same should be allowed in view of judgment of Hon'ble Supreme Court (1996) 218 ITR 384 (SC) (supra).

50. The learned senior Departmental Representative submitted that such a ground does not arise out of the order of CIT(A). It should have been raised by way of an additional ground in accordance with the relevant provisions of Act and the relevant rules. Since no application for additional ground has been raised, such a ground included in the grounds of appeal which does not arise out of the order of the CIT(A), cannot be entertained. He further submitted that this ground requires investigation into the relevant facts and, therefore, the same cannot be entertained even as an additional ground. The appellant himself disclosed the receipts as required under s. 44BB on the basis of r. 115 by adopting the exchange rate prevailing on the last day of the previous year. Allowing such an additional ground for the first time before the Tribunal will amount to permitting the assessee to file a revised return much after the completion of the assessment and also after the assessment order has achieved finality in relation to this point on passing of the order of the CIT(A). Such permission to make a fresh claim like making a claim in the revised return is clearly beyond the scope of the relevant provisions of the Act. He, therefore, strongly objected to the admission of such an additional ground and submitted that the ground so taken by the assessee deserves to be rejected on merits also.

51. We have carefully considered the submissions made by the learned representatives of the parties and have gone through the relevant material brought to our notice during the course of hearing.

52. The relevant provisions contained in r. 115 of IT Rules, 1962 are reproduced hereunder.

"115. Rate of exchange for conversion into rupees of income expressed in foreign currency - (1) The rate of exchange for the calculation of the value in rupees of any income accruing or arising or deemed to accrue or arise to the assessee in foreign currency or received or deemed to be received by him or on his behalf in foreign currency shall be the telegraphic transfer buying rate of such currency as on the specified date.

Explanation. For the purposes of this rule, (1) "telegraphic transfer buying rate" shall have the same meaning as in the Explanation to r. 26;

(2) "specified date" means -.

(c) in respect of income chargeable under the heads "Income from house property", "Profits and gains of business or profession" not being income referred to in cl. (d) and "Income from other sources" (not being income by way of dividends and "interest on securities", the last day of the previous year of the assessee;.

Provided that the specified date, in respect of income referred to in sub-cls. (a) to (f) payable in foreign currency and from which tax has been deducted at source under r. 26, shall be the date on which the tax was required to be deducted under the provisions of the Chapter XVII-B.

(2) Nothing contained in sub-r. (1) shall apply in respect of income referred to in cl. (c) of the Explanation to sub-r. (1) where such income is received in, or brought into India by the assessee or on his behalf before the specified date in accordance with the provisions of the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act. 1973 (46 of 1973)."

53. The assessee while filing the return of income, has disclosed the receipt by way of hire of Drilling Rig Sedco-252 and Rig-21 by adopting the exchange rate prevailing on the last day of the previous year of the assessee in accordance with r. 115(1)-Expln. (c). The proviso was inserted w. e.f. 25th May, 1993, which provides that exchange rate prevailing on the date on which the tax was required to be deducted at source should be taken into consideration. We are dealing with asst. yr. 1989-90, when the proviso to the aforesaid rule was not in existence. Now the assessee wants that the contract receipt paid by ONGC in terms of foreign currency, namely, US dollar should be converted into rupee value as on the dates on which tax was deducted at source by ONGC out of such payments. The total payments on this basis relating to Rig-252 comes to Rs. 4,88,58,272 as against the corresponding contract receipts of Rs. 5,31,92,174 shown in the return of income, likewise, the contract receipt of Rig-21 has now been working out at Rs. 5,14,93,969 as against Rs. 5,55,44,268 shown in the return of income. The assessee has given necessary details along with written submissions during the course of hearing.

54. The first question which we have to consider is whether such a ground can be entertained at the stage of hearing before the Tribunal. The assessee submitted that the aforesaid ground has been taken in view of the authoritative judicial pronouncement rendered by the Hon'ble Supreme Court in the case of CIT vs. Chowgule & Co. Ltd. (1996) 218 ITR 384 (SC) in which the Hon'ble apex Court has held as under.

"Rule 115 of the IT Rules, 1962, merely lays down that "for the calculation of the value in rupees of any income accruing or arising or deemed to accrue or arise to the assessee in foreign currency", the rate of exchange shall be the telegraphic transfer buying rate of such currency as on the specified date. Expln. (2) has clarified that the "specified date" will mean in respect of income chargeable under the head of "Profits and gains of business or profession" the last day of the previous year of the assessee. This only means that if an assessee is assessable in respect of any income occurring or arising or deemed to have accrued or arisen in foreign currency or has received or deemed to have received income in foreign currency, then such foreign currency shall be converted into rupees notionally at the telegraphic transfer buying rate of such currency as on the last day of the previous year of the assessee. If on the last day of the previous year, the assessee does not have any foreign currency in his hand or the assessee is not entitled to receive any foreign currency, then there is no question of conversion of such foreign currency into rupees. It is only the foreign currency which will have to be converted into rupees. But, if the foreign currency received by an assessee has been converted into rupees before the specified date, the question of application of r. 115 does not arise. Rule 115 does not lay down that all foreign currencies received by an assessee will be converted into rupees only on the last day of the accounting period. Rule 115 only fixes the rate of conversion of foreign currency. If there is no foreign currency to convert on the last day of accounting period, then no question of invoking r. 115 will arise. Sub-r. (2), which was introduced on 1st April, 1990, is really clarificatory and does not bring about any change in r. 115. Rule 115 is not ultra vires the substantive provisions of the IT Act ."

55. It is, therefore, clear that the Hon'ble Supreme Court has held that if the foreign currency received by an assessee has been converted into rupees before the specified date, the question of application of r. 115 does not arise. Rule 115 does not lay down that foreign currency received by an assessee will be converted into rupees only on the last day of accounting period. Rule 115 only fixes the rate of conversion of foreign currency. If there is no foreign currency to convert on the last day of the accounting period, then no question of invoking r. 115 will arise. The Hon'ble Supreme Court has also held that sub-r. (2), which was introduced on 1st April, 1990, is really clarificatory and does not bring about any change in r. 115. On the same analogy, the proviso to r. 115 inserted w. e.f. 25th May, 1993, will have to be considered as clarificatory. The judgment of Hon'ble Bombay High Court in Chowgule & Co. vs. CIT (1992) 195 ITR 810 (Bom) was rendered on 3rd March, 1992. It must have been reported in the ITR after a gap of few months. That is precisely the reason that this point could not be raised before the AO and the CIT(A) because the assessee became aware about the correct position of law only after the Bombay High Court judgment was published in the Tax reports.

56. The Hon'ble Supreme Court in the case of Jute Corporation of India vs. CIT (1991) 187 ITR 688 (SC) has held that the Tribunal has jurisdiction to allow a pure question of law where no fresh evidence was required to be taken and there was no reason why the additional ground should not be entertained. The Hon'ble Supreme Court in a recent judgment in the case of National Thermal Power Co. Ltd. vs. CIT (1998) 229 ITR 383 (SC), has held as under.

"Under s. 254 of the IT Act, 1961, the Tribunal may, after giving both the parties to the appeal an opportunity of being heard, pass such orders therein as it thinks fit. The power of the Tribunal in dealing with appeals is thus expressed in the widest possible terms. The purpose of the assessment proceedings before the taxing authorities is to assess correctly the tax liability of an assessee in accordance with law. If, for example, as a result of a judicial decision given while the appeal is pending before the Tribunal, it is found that a non-taxable item is taxed or a permissible deduction is denied, there is no reason why the assessee should be prevented from raising that question before the Tribunal for the first time, so long as the relevant facts are on record in respect of the item. There is no reason to restrict the power of the Tribunal under s. 254 only to decide the grounds which arise from the order of the CIT(A). Both the assessee as well as the Department have a right to file an appeal/cross-objections before the Tribunal. The Tribunal should not be prevented from considering questions of law arising in assessment proceedings, although not raised earlier. The view that the Tribunal is confined only to issues arising out of the appeal before the CIT(A) is too narrow a view to take of the powers of the Tribunal.

Undoubtedly, the Tribunal has the discretion to allow or not to allow a new ground to be raised. But where the Tribunal is only required to consider the question of law arising from the facts which are on record in the assessment proceedings, there is no reason why such a question should not be allowed to be raised when it is necessary to consider that question in order to correctly assess the tax liability of an assessee."

57. The ground raised by the assessee is a pure question of law relating to interpretation of the relevant r. 115 of IT Rules, 1962. The entire relevant material and evidence in the form of TDS Certificates are already available on records. The verification of the assessee's claim is conveniently possible from the documents already existing on records. In view of the aforesaid facts and the judgment of the Hon'ble apex Court, we have no hesitation in holding that such a ground raised by the assessee for the first time before the Tribunal should be entertained.

58. Coming to the objection of the learned senior Departmental Representative that entertaining such additional ground for the first time in an appeal before the Tribunal, would amount to permitting the assessee to file a revised return at this stage, it will be imperative to state that the Hon'ble Supreme Court in the case National Thermal Power Co. Ltd. (supra), has held that the power of the Tribunal in dealing with appeals is expressed in the widest possible terms. The purpose of assessment proceedings before the taxing authorities is to assess correctly the tax liability of an assessee in accordance with law. If as a result of a judicial decision of the apex Court, given while the appeal is pending before the Tribunal, it is found that taxable income of the assessee has been taxed at a higher figure based on an erroneous interpretation of r. 115 by the assessee as well as by the AO, there is no reason why the assessee should be prevented from raising that question before the Tribunal for the first time, particularly when all the relevant facts, namely, date when contract payments were made by ONGC to the appellant company, the date and amount of tax deducted at source are on record of the AO.

59. It may also be relevant here to refer to the judgment of Hon'ble Supreme Court in the case of Poothundu Plantations (P) Ltd. vs. Agrl. ITO & Ors. in which it was held that it is well settled law that if the Hon'ble Supreme Court has construed the meaning of a section then any decision to the contrary given by any other authority, must be held to be erroneous and such error must be treated as error apparent on the record. The expression "record" would include not only the details, documents, TDS Certificates existing on the records of the AO but will also include the books of accounts and other records produced before the AO during the course of assessment proceedings. The judgment of Hon'ble apex Court is a valid foundation for a rectification under s. 154 of the Act. Therefore, there is no reason for denying the assessee to make such a claim first time before the Tribunal on the strength of a direct judgment on the said point by the Hon'ble apex Court.

60. On merits we find that the claim made by the assessee is fully and squarely supported by the judgment of Hon'ble Supreme Court in the case of CIT vs. Chowgule & Co. (1996) 218 ITR 384 (SC), in which it has been clearly held that if the foreign currency received by an assessee has been converted into rupees before the specified date, the question of application of r. 115 does not arise. Rule 115 does not lay down that all the foreign currencies received by an assessee will be converted into rupees only on the last day of the accounting year. It the foreign currency has been received by the assessee during the currency of the relevant previous year, the exchange rate prevailing at the time when the payment was actually made and tax was deducted at source should be taken into consideration. This is what has been expressly provided in the proviso to r. 115 inserted w. e.f. 25th May, 1993. The said proviso is really, therefore, clarificatory in nature. We are, therefore, of the considered opinion that ground so raised by the assessee deserves to be accepted on merits also. The AO will, however, be entitled to verify the correctness of the relevant exchange rate on the basis of TDS certificates and other relevant records maintained by the assessee. Subject to such verification by the AO, aforesaid Ground No. 4 raised by the assessee is allowed.

61. All the aforesaid appeals are disposed of, as indicated herein before.

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Neptune-Calculus Income &Growth VCT Final Results

RNS Number. 1058I

Neptune-Calculus Income &Growth VCT

Neptune-Calculus Income and Growth PLC Final Results for the year ended 31 December 2014

Year ended 31 December Ordinary Shares 2014 Return per share 6.1p Net asset value per share 51.6p Cumulative dividends paid to 31 December 2014 25.5p Accumulated shareholder value(OHM>) 77.1p Special interim dividend paid 10 March 2015 5.0p Recommended final dividend 2.0p

(OHM>) Accumulated shareholder value represents net asset value per share plus cumulative dividends paid per share.

As at 28 February 2015 * Unaudited net asset value per share 52.3p -------------------------------------------- -------------- * Being the latest practicable date prior to publication. Including current year revenue.

The results for the year ended 31 December 2014 showed a considerable uplift in the net assets per Ordinary Share of 6.4 per cent to 51.6 pence. The main reason for this performance can be attributed to Waterfall Services Limited ("Waterfall") which was sold on 22 December 2014 generating a gain of approximately GBP1.3m, equivalent to approximately 12p per share, compared with the carrying value of GBP570,000 in the Company's half yearly report for the six months to 30 June 2014.

The movement also reflects the dividends of 3 pence per share that were paid to shareholders during 2014, bringing the total accumulated shareholder value (comprising net asset value per share plus cumulative dividends paid to 31 December 2014) to 77.1 pence per Ordinary Share. As mentioned below, a special dividend of 5p per share was paid on 10 March 2015 bringing cumulative dividends to date to 30.5p.

Investment performance (Qualifying Investments)

The Company continues to meet its requirements to qualify as a VCT. Our qualifying investments are managed by Calculus Capital Limited and are in a combination of unquoted and AIM companies.

During the year the Company sold a number of its investments. Waterfall was sold at a total return representing 5.3 times the Company's original investment and MicroEnergy Generation Services Limited ("MicroEnergy") redeemed GBP70,000 of its loan stock at par in February 2014. Several holdings carried at low valuations were also sold during the year and a small amount was received as a distribution from the administrator to Secure Electrans Limited.

The Company invested a further GBP25,000 in Dryden Human Capital Limited ("Dryden"), an international recruitment firm which specialises in the actuarial, insurance, compliance and wealth management markets in London and Hong Kong and also made available a loan facility of GBP135,000 to low carbon based building materials manufacturer, Limetec Limited ("Lime"). Unquoted portfolio investments held at 31 December 2013 increased in value by 27.0 per cent over the twelve months to 31 December 2014 (with sold investments valued at proceeds received). This performance is largely due to the sale of Waterfall mentioned above.

The overall value of the quoted portfolio, which is composed entirely of AIM companies, decreased by 18.3 per cent over the last twelve months on a like for like basis which was in line with the FTSE AIM All-Share Index which also fell 17.5 per cent over the year. The reduction is almost entirely attributable to the investment in EpiStem Holdings plc ("EpiStem") which saw its share price drop 15.6 per cent despite successfully completing its Genedrive(R) Indian clinical evaluation study in October 2014. The Board remains optimistic about EpiStem's prospects and attributes the fall in share price to market conditions. EpiStem is currently awaiting approval from the Indian regulator for a license to import and sell its first major infectious disease assay for TB, which is anticipated early in 2015.

A more detailed analysis of investment performance can be found in the Investment Manager's Review that follows this statement.

Investment performance (Non-Qualifying Investments)

Our non-qualifying investments comprise holdings in the Neptune Income Fund, the Neptune Quarterly Income Fund and liquidity funds. Our investments in the Neptune Income Fund decreased by 3.1 per cent and in the Neptune Quarterly Income Fund by 2.2 per cent over the year, compared to a decrease of 2.7 per cent in the FTSE 100 Index. During the year the Company sold GBP60,000 of its holding in the Neptune Income Fund and GBP60,000 of its holding in the Neptune Quarterly Income Fund to raise cash in order to pay the interim dividend.

No share buybacks were carried out during the year but in line with its policy of returning cash to shareholders, the Company may carry out limited share buybacks in the future if it considers it to be in the best of interests of all shareholders.

The Company paid an interim dividend for 2014 of 1 penny per Ordinary Share in October 2014. The Company also paid the 2013 final dividend of 2 pence per share in June 2014. Since the year end, the company announced that it was returning some of the proceeds of the disposal of Waterfall to shareholders and declared a special dividend of 5p per share which was paid on 10 March 2015. The total dividends paid to an ordinary shareholder to date are 30.5p.

The directors are also pleased to propose a final dividend for 2014 of 2 pence per Ordinary Share which, subject to shareholder approval, will be payable on 5 June 2015 to shareholders on the register on 1 May 2015.

The UK economy has improved over the past twelve months but public markets remain volatile and susceptible to economic shocks. The 2015 election provides uncertainty, but continuing GDP growth is forecast and the VCT is well positioned to benefit from the strong growth momentum.


Calculus Capital Limited manages the Company's qualifying portfolio.

The FTSE 100 fell by 2.7 per cent during 2014. It outperformed the AIM All-Share Index, which fell by 17.5 per cent over the same period.

At the year end, the portfolio of qualifying investments comprised 13 companies, made up of both unquoted and AIM stocks.

The quoted portfolio, which consists entirely of AIM companies, has shown an overall decrease in value for the year of 18.3 per cent. At 31 December 2014, the quoted portfolio was valued at GBP560,000 compared with GBP681,000 on a like for like basis as at 31 December 2013. The decrease can be mainly attributed to the fall in the AIM market. During the year the Company made no new quoted investments. The Company sold a small holding in Expansys at a discount to cost.

Personalised medicine and biotechnology company, EpiStem, announced in October 2014 that it successfully completed Genedrive(R) Indian clinical evaluation study and the regulatory submission with the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) of its first test for the diagnosis of Tuberculosis and Rifampicin antibiotic resistance (TB). The company is currently awaiting approval from the Indian regulator for a license to import and sell its first major infectious disease assay for TB, which is anticipated early in 2015. Genedrive's(R) advantage is its ability to deliver an industry leading speed to result, high levels of molecular accuracy and simplicity of use at low cost in remote/non laboratory-based settings, making it suitable for tackling disease in low-income countries and developing nations. India is the highest TB burden country in the world with World Health Organisation statistics for 2011 giving an estimated incidence figure of 2.2 million cases of TB for India out of a global incidence of 8.7 million cases. EpiStem's Indian distributor partner Xcelris Lab is preparing for the launch of its TB test which will then enable the company to develop rapid, mobile tests for other major diseases.

Infrastrata plc ("Infrastrata") is an independent petroleum exploration and gas storage company. The company has three key projects: exploration and gas storage in Northern Ireland, and exploration in Dorset. Significant unrisked P50 prospective resources of 450 million barrels have been identified at the Larne-Lough Neagh basin in Northern Ireland (PL1/10) in which InfraStrata has a 33 per cent per cent interest. Recent parliamentary discussions on the need to increase the UK's gas storage capacity are encouraging and although the oil price fell substantially in 2014, the medium term outlook for Infrastrata's exploration interests is positive.

Including the proceeds from the sale of investments during the year, the unquoted portfolio has shown an increase in value of 30.0 per cent: the unquoted portfolio was valued at GBP4,612,000 at 31 December 2014 compared with GBP3,560,000 at 31 December 2013. A new qualifying investment of GBP25,000 was made during the year in Dryden loan stock. The Company also made follow on investments of GBP135,000 in secured Lime loan stock. The section on unquoted portfolio companies in the Report and Accounts contains further information.

Waterfall, which provides catering services to the aged care and education markets, was sold on 22 December 2014 to a company owned by the existing management team and backed by LDC. The Company received cash proceeds for its equity holding of approximately GBP1.9m. The Company originally paid GBP50,129 for the equity in Waterfall and GBP450,000 for preference shares and loan stock which were redeemed in 2011 and 2013 respectively. This realisation results in total cash being received for equity, preference shares and loan stock (including dividends and interest) of approximately GBP2.6m by the Company over the life of the investment, representing 5.3 times the Company's original investment of GBP0.5m.

Dryden is headquartered in the UK and specialises in the actuarial, insurance and compliance recruitment sector across the UK, Europe and the Far East. The group has been through a period of significant change in the year. The company has appointed an Executive Chairman with extensive experience not only in recruitment, but also in change management and business improvement. A firm-wide recruitment and training programme is being initiated and new systems and processes are being put in place for the business to leverage. After a turbulent few years for the company, the business is now establishing a strong platform for growth. The company remains subject to the close attention of Calculus Capital Limited during this period of transformational change.

Human Race Group Limited ("Human Race") owns and operates over 60 events in triathlon, cycling, running, duathlon, aquathlon, and open water swimming for over 90,000 participants of all abilities and ages. This makes the business the largest owner and deliverer of mass participation events in the UK. The portfolio of events includes the London Winter Run, Windsor Triathlon, Wiggle Dragon Ride, Run or Dye series, Tour de Yorkshire Ride (alongside ASO), Cycletta, the Eton Triathlon Super Sprints, Kingston Breakfast Run, and an off Road Winter Series.

A greater emphasis is being put on the larger flagship events likely to attract maximum interest and drive growth through larger scale and profit. This is bearing fruit with the launch of the London Winter Run - the largest inaugural 10k run ever in the UK with 14,000 entries in year one. A roll out of the Winter Run concept is now planned throughout the UK and beyond. In addition, an exciting partnership is being forged with ASO (owners of the Tour de France) with a venture alongside the Tour de Yorkshire (a pro ride over 3 days) and the acquisition of a smaller established sportive called the Lionheart Ride. Other concepts are also being looked at for 2016.

Terrain Energy Limited ("Terrain") has interests in nine petroleum licences; Keddington, Kirklington, Dukes Wood and Burton on the Wolds in the East Midlands, Larne and an offshore licence to the north of Larne in Northern Ireland, Brockham in Surrey and Egmating and Starnberger See in Germany. Terrain is currently producing from wells at Keddington and Brockham. On average 70 barrels of oil per day (bopd) and 40,000 standard cubic feet of gas per day are being produced (gross). In late 2014 an exploration well was drilled on the Burton-on-the-Wolds licence which was unsuccessful although the licence still has shale potential. The company plans to drill an appraisal well at its Larne licence in 2015 and also drill sidetracks to increase production at its producing assets. The company has applied for another licence under the UK 14th Onshore licencing round. Terrain continues to acquire data on its licences in Bavaria with the intention to identify a potential drilling location for 2016. Although the oil price fell substantially in 2014, capacity is disappearing quickly from global oil supplies and we believe the medium to longer term outlook is supportive. Opportunities for acquiring interests at attractive prices in the current market may also exist.

In February 2014, the Company made available to low carbon based building materials manufacturer, Lime, a GBP100,000 loan facility to fund operational improvements and working capital. This loan facility was increased by GBP35,000 in July 2014. Negotiations are taking place to replace this facility with a qualifying loan note. 2014 was a challenging year for the company. Some management changes were implemented and a new turnaround specialist was put in place. Since his appointment, costs have been cut (including a renegotiation and reduction of rent), the sales force has been strengthened, margins have increased and management are now in a better position to bring the company into profitability in 2015.

MicroEnergy Generation Services Limited ("MicroEnergy") owns and operates a fleet of small onshore wind turbines (<5kW). The fleet has 153 turbines installed on farm land in East Anglia and Yorkshire. Revenues from the fleet of installed turbines come from two sources, both of which are inflation protected, being directly linked to RPI. First, there is the Government backed feed-in tariff (FIT) paid by the electricity suppliers for every kilowatt of electricity generated for twenty years. Secondly there is an export tariff for any surplus electricity not used by the site owner that is exported to the grid. In 2014 the operation and maintenance ("O&M") provider went into administration and there were some delays transferring the contract to the new O&M provider. These have now been resolved and the company is set up to have a successful operating year in 2015.

Founded in the 1970's, Hampshire Cosmetics Limited ("Hampshire") is an established company which develops and manufactures a comprehensive range of products covering fragrances, body treatments, skincare and shampoos. The original investment was part of a turnaround led by an experienced management buy-in team. This has progressed well to date, with an improvement in revenue and profitability. In the year ahead the key objectives for the business are to grow and diversify further the revenue base. The company has identified additional opportunities for further product diversification which will be implemented during the coming year. A new acquisition was integrated into the group in 2014 and, while this process has taken longer than management initially planned, it is expected to make a significant contribution to profits and growth in the current year.

The holding of ordinary shares and preference shares in Triage were sold in July 2014 and GBP10,000 of its loan facility was repaid for a consideration slightly ahead of carrying value. The remaining loan facility will be repaid in two equal annual tranches in 2015 and 2016.

The Company maintained its holding in RMS Group Holdings Limited ("RMS") of 85,166 shares. RMS provides port services from six locations on the Humber Estuary, the UK's busiest trading estuary. The group's services cover shipping, stevedoring, storage/warehousing and support logistics for import and export cargoes moving between Northern Europe, the Baltic, Russia, the Iberian Peninsula and the Mediterranean. In 2014, activity levels returned to pre-recession levels as UK economic growth continues and are expected to be exceeded in 2015.

Developments since the year end

Other than disclosed, there have been no developments since the year end.

Calculus Capital Limited

The ten largest holdings by value are included below:

Cost Valuation Percentage GBP GBP % AIM investments (quoted equity) EpiStem Holdings plc* 251,261 545,840 13.8% Other AIM investments* 450,939 13,679 0.4% Unquoted equity investments 0.0% Terrain Energy Limited* 413,633 771,706 19.5% RMS Group Holdings Limited 100,044 598,717 15.2% Limetec Limited* 234,285 32,365 0.8% Human Race Group Limited 100,000 100,000 2.5% Hampshire Cosmetics Limited 25,000 27,950 0.7% Dryden Human Capital Group Limited 100,000 37,500 1.0% Other unquoted equity investments* 1,212,493 28,350 0.7% Unquoted bonds Human Race Group Limited loan stock 300,000 300,000 7.6% Hampshire Cosmetics Limited loan stock 75,000 75,000 1.9% Limetec Limited loan stock(#) 486,544 364,908 9.2% Triage Holdings Limited loan stock (OHM>) 64,280 64,280 1.6% Dryden Human Capital Group Limited loan stock 25,000 25,000 0.6% Other unquoted loan notes 696,436 0 0.0% Non-qualifying equity investments and loan stocks* (# OHM>) (537,692) (219,769) (5.6%) Total qualifying investments 3,997,223 2,765,526 69.9% Quoted funds Neptune Quarterly Income Fund Income Units 431,435 484,280 12.3% Neptune Income Fund Income A Class 444,327 475,797 12.1% Money market funds 3,150 3,150 0.1% Non-qualifying equity investments and loan stock* (#) 537,692 219,769 5.6% Total non-qualifying investments 1,416,604 1,182,996 30.1% Total investments 5,413,828 3,948,522 100.0%

* The valuations of certain investments include small purchases made which are non-qualifying investments. These cost GBP12,750 and are valued at GBP8,081.

# The valuation of Limetec Limited loan stock includes rolled up interest that is non-qualifying. This cost GBP16,544 and is valued at GBP12,408.

The valuation of other unquoted loan notes includes rolled up interest for Heritage House Media Limited which is non-qualifying. This cost GBP309,118 and is valued at GBPnil.

(OHM>) The Triage Holdings Limited loan stock and GBP135,000 of the Limetec loan stock is non-qualifying.


The following unquoted investments are included in the investment portfolio at the balance sheet date. Further details of these companies are provided below:

RMS Group Holdings Limited Operator of Port Facilities

RMS is a Humberside based port operator, and provides customers with shipping, stevedoring and storage warehousing. The group also has a national logistics division.

Latest audited results (group): GBP'000 GBP'000 Investment information: GBP'000 Year ended 31 December 2013 2012 Total cost 100 Income recognised Turnover 28,968 28,595 in year - Profit after tax 1,080 1,559 Equity valuation 599 Net Assets 8,074 6,993 Voting rights 4.5 per cent Valuation basis: Earnings Multiple

Terrain Energy Limited Oil and Gas Production

Terrain was established by Calculus Capital Limited in 2009 to develop a portfolio of onshore oil and gas producing assets in the UK.

Latest audited results: GBP'000 GBP'000 Investment information: GBP'000 Year ended 31 December 2013 2012 Total cost 414 Income recognised Turnover 237 246 in year Pre-tax loss 768 66 Equity valuation 772 Net Assets 7,168 3,670 Voting rights 6.2 per cent Valuation basis: Reserves multiple

Other funds managed by Calculus Capital Limited have invested in this company and have combined voting rights of 5.4 per cent.

Limetec Limited Construction

Lime is a leading provider of innovative and sustainable lime-based building materials based in Abingdon. Limetec offers low carbon mortars, renders & plasters and external & internal wall insulation to the mainstream construction industry. Through its subsidiary, HemBuild (formerly Hemp Technology), it also supplies sustainable, energy efficient hemp-based wall panels, which significantly reduce energy bills.

Latest results (group): GBP'000 GBP'000 Investment information: GBP'000 Year ended 31 October 2014 * 2013 * Total cost 721 Income recognised in Turnover 6,079 5,254 year - Pre-tax loss 871 6,985 Equity valuation 32 Net Liabilities 150 584 Loan stock valuation 365 Valuation basis: Last investment price 1.7 per (July 2014) Voting rights cent

* The Lime group accounts are not required to be audited. These figures are derived from an aggregation of the Limetec Limited, Hemcrete Projects Limited and HemBuild management accounts which are subject to finalisation.

MicroEnergy Generation Services Limited Renewable Energy

MicroEnergy is a company set up by Calculus Capital Limited in 2012 to acquire renewable, microgeneration facilities.

Latest audited results: GBP'000 GBP'000 Investment information: GBP'000 Period ended 31 March 2014 2013 Total cost 30 Income recognised in Turnover 212 117 year - Pre-tax loss 28 84 Equity valuation 28 Net Assets 2,714 2,739 Loan stock valuation - Valuation basis: Discounted cash flow Voting rights 1.0 per cent

Hampshire Cosmetics Limited Cosmetics Manufacturing

Founded in the 1970s, Hampshire develops and manufactures a comprehensive range of products covering fragrances, body treatments, skincare and shampoos.

Latest audited results (group): GBP'000 GBP'000 Investment information: GBP'000 Period ended 31 Dec 2013 2012 Total cost 100 Income recognised in Net Assets 2,592 1,773 year 6 Equity valuation 28 Loan stock valuation 75 Valuation basis: Comparable listed company Voting rights 0.9 per analysis and precedent transaction multiple cent

Human Race Group Limited Mass Participation Sports

Human Race own and operate over 60 mass participation sports events including triathlon, cycling, running, duathlon, aquathlon and open water swimming.

Latest results (group): GBP'000 GBP'000 Investment information: GBP'000 Year ended 31 Dec 2013 2012 Total cost 400 Income recognised in Turnover 2,628 2,261 year 24 Pre-tax loss 495 487 Equity valuation 87 Net Assets 1,800 2,292 Loan stock valuation 300 Valuation basis: Sales multiple Voting rights 1.9 per cent

Dryden Human Capital Limited Recruitment

Dryden is headquartered in the UK and specialises in the actuarial, insurance and compliance recruitment sector across UK, Europe and the Far East.

Latest results (group): GBP'000 GBP'000 Investment information: GBP'000 Year ended 31 Mar 2014 2013 Total cost 125 Turnover 2,278 3,959 - Pre-tax loss 1,683 3,581 Equity valuation 38 Net liabilities 3,984 2,281 Loan stock valuation 25 Valuation basis: Sales multiple Voting rights 3.7 per cent

Other funds managed by Calculus Capital Limited have invested in this company and have combined voting rights of 4.1 per cent.

This report has been prepared by the directors in accordance with the requirements of Section 414A of the Companies Act 2006. The Company's independent auditor is required by law to report on whether the information given within the strategic report is consistent with the financial statements.

Activities, status and investment objective

Neptune-Calculus Income and Growth VCT ("the Company") is a Venture Capital Trust listed on the London Stock Exchange. The principal activity of the Company is investing in unquoted or AIM traded companies in the UK with the objective of generating long term capital growth and tax free dividends for investors. The Company is managed as a VCT in order that shareholders may benefit from the tax reliefs available.

The Board of directors is responsible for the overall stewardship of the Company including investment, dividend, borrowing and purchase of own shares policies, corporate strategy and governance and risk management. All the directors are non-executive. The Board has appointed Calculus Capital Limited to manage its qualifying portfolio and to provide certain administrative services. Details of the management agreement are set out under "Management" in the Directors' Report. Calculus Capital Limited engages with companies invested in by the Company on corporate governance matters to encourage good practice. This includes engagement on significant social and environmental issues where these may impact shareholder value.

Investment and co-investment policies

The investment policy is to invest approximately 75 per cent of the Company's funds in a diversified portfolio of holdings in qualifying investments, whether unquoted or traded on AIM. Investments are made selectively across a diverse range of sectors in companies which have the potential to generate growth and enhance their value. The balance of approximately 25 per cent of the Company's funds can be invested in a combination of Neptune Income Funds, a portfolio of income generating UK quoted shares, and money market instruments.

The Company may co-invest with other funds managed and advised by Calculus Capital Limited. The allocation between different funds takes into account such factors as the funds available for investment and the time horizon of these funds, the size of a potential investment, and the existing sector exposure of the various funds.

Policy on qualifying investments

The qualifying investments in a particular company may be made in equity shares, loan stocks and/or preference shares where it is felt this would enhance shareholder return. It is intended that no one company shall represent more than 10 per cent of the portfolio and no sector shall represent more than 20 per cent of the total portfolio, in both cases at the date of investment. The Company's policy is not to invest in start-up or seed capital situations. To meet the requirements of a VCT qualifying investment, at least 10 per cent by value of the total investments in any one qualifying company must be in ordinary shares which carry no preferential rights. In addition, the companies in which qualifying investments are made must be UK companies that have no more than GBP15 million of gross assets at the time of investment (or GBP7 million if the funds being invested were raised after 5 April 2006).

The Company's investment policy is designed to ensure that it continues to meet the requirements for approved VCT status. Amongst other conditions, the Company may not invest more than 15 per cent, by value at the time of investment, in a single company and must have at least 70 per cent by value of its investments throughout the period in shares or securities in qualifying holdings, of which 30 per cent by value must be ordinary shares which carry no preferential rights.

To give a degree of investment flexibility and to meet short term liquidity requirements, borrowing is permitted by the Company's Articles of a sum which does not exceed 10 per cent of the Company's share capital and reserves. The Company has not utilised these powers to date and does not plan to utilise this ability at the current time.

Principal risks and uncertainties and management of risk

The Company is exposed to a variety of risks and the principal risks identified by the Board are noted below.

The Company is required at all times to observe the conditions within the Income Tax Act 2007 for the maintenance of approved VCT status. This involves compliance with a number of tests which, if not met, could result in the loss of a number of tax reliefs which are currently available to both the Company and its shareholders under its VCT status. The tests are under continual review by Calculus Capital Limited, the administrator and (qualifying) investment manager of the Company. The Board keeps these matters under continual review through the provision of monthly management information and quarterly board meetings. The board has also retained the services of a VCT consultant to undertake an independent monitoring role.

Investment and liquidity risk

The majority of the Company's investments are in small and medium size companies as these meet the VCT qualifying holdings rules. These companies may not be publicly traded or freely marketable and realisations of such investments can be difficult and can take a considerable amount of time. They also, by their nature, tend to carry higher risk than a larger or longer established business. This risk is in part mitigated by diversifying the investments and maintaining around 25 per cent of the Company's portfolio in liquid assets to enable any short term cash requirements to be met.

Market price risk

In addition, the Company is subject to other price risk constituting uncertainty about the future prices of financial instruments held by the Company.

The Company has also invested in loan stocks and as a result is subject to credit risk.

The majority of the loan stocks are fixed rate so the Board does not consider interest rate risk to be material. The Company has no exposure to foreign currency risk, nor does it have any interest bearing liabilities. Further comment is provided on the financial instruments risks of the Company in note 18 to the accounts.

The Board regularly reviews the risks the business faces and their potential impact on the Company. The Board monitors the Company's performance through the use of regular financial information and administrator and management reports.

Key performance indicators

The key performance indicators are those that communicate the financial performance and strength of the Company as a whole; these being principally the total return per Ordinary Share and net asset value per Ordinary Share. Further key performance indicators are those which show the Company's position in relation to the VCT tests which it is required to meet to maintain its VCT status.

In addition to the above, the Board considers performance against the Company's closest benchmark, the FTSE AIM All-share Index. The performance measures for the year are included in the Financial Highlights in the Report and Accounts.

Key strategic issues considered during the year

The key strategic issues considered during the year were:

The performance of the Company

The value and nature of investments made and realised during the year to ensure these were in accordance with the investment policy and/or whether any changes should be proposed to the investment policy.

The Investment Manager's Review (Qualifying Investments) provides commentary on the performance of the Company during the year.

The level of dividends paid and proposed

The Board considered the level of dividends to be proposed and the use of proceeds arising from the sale of one of the Company's investments.

Employees, environmental, human rights and community issues

The Company has no employees and the Board comprises entirely non-executive directors. Day-to-day management of the Company's business is delegated to the Investment Managers (details of the management agreement is set out in the Directors' Report) and the Company itself has no environmental, human rights, or community policies. In carrying out its activities and in relationships with suppliers, the Company aims to conduct itself responsibly, ethically and fairly.

Statement Regarding Annual Report and Accounts

The directors consider that taken as a whole, the Annual Report and Accounts is fair, balanced and understandable and provides the information necessary for shareholders to assess the Company's performance, business model and strategy.

By order of the Board


The directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Financial Report and the Company's Accounts in accordance with applicable law and regulations.

Company law requires the directors to prepare accounts for each financial year. Under that law the directors have to prepare the accounts in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (United Kingdom Accounting Standards and applicable laws). Under company law the directors must not approve the accounts unless they are satisfied that they give a true and fair view of the state of affairs and profit or loss of the Company for that period. In preparing these accounts, the directors are required to:

-- select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; -- make judgments and accounting estimates that are reasonable and prudent;

-- state whether applicable UK Accounting Standards have been followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the accounts;

-- prepare the accounts on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the company will continue in business.

The directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records that are sufficient to show and explain the Company's transactions and disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Company and enable them to ensure that the accounts and the Remuneration report comply with the Companies Act 2006. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. Under applicable law and regulations, the directors are also responsible for preparing a Strategic Report, Directors' Report, Directors' Remuneration Report and Corporate Governance Statement that complies with that law and those regulations.

The directors are responsible for the integrity of the corporate and financial information included on the Company's website. Legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination of accounts may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.

The accounts are published on the www. calculuscapital. com website, which is a website maintained by the Company's Investment Manager, Calculus Capital Limited. The maintenance and integrity of the website maintained by Calculus Capital Limited is, so far as it relates to the Company, the responsibility of Calculus Capital Limited. The work carried out by the auditor does not involve consideration of the maintenance and integrity of this website and accordingly, the auditors accept no responsibility for any changes that have occurred to the accounts since they were initially presented on the website. Visitors to the website need to be aware that legislation in the United Kingdom covering the preparation and dissemination of the accounts may differ from legislation in their own jurisdiction.

We confirm that, to the best of our knowledge: (a) the Accounts, prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and deficit of the Company; and (b) the Strategic Report includes a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Company, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that it faces.

On behalf of the Board

For the year ended 31 December 2014

Year ended 31 December Year ended 2014 31 December 2013 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Note GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 Gains/(losses) on investments at fair value 8 - 788 788 - (521) (521) Investment income 2 107 -- 107 134 - 134 Investment management fee 3 (14) (42) (56) (15) (45) (60) Other expenses 4 (148) -- (148) (131) - (131) (Deficit)/return on ordinary activities before taxation (55) 746 691 (12) (566) (578) Taxation on ordinary activities 5 - - - - - - (Deficit)/return attributable to Ordinary shareholders (55) 746 691 (12) (566) (578) (Deficit)/return per Ordinary Share 7 (0.49 )p 6.60 p 6.11 p (0.10 )p (5.00 )p (5.10)p

The total column is the profit and loss account of the Company. The revenue and capital columns are provided as supplementary information in accordance with the AIC SORP.

All items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the year.

There is no statement of total recognised gains and losses as there were no other gains and losses.

The notes to the financial statements form an integral part of this statement.


For the year ended 31 December 2014

Capital Share Share Special redemption Capital Revenue capital premium reserve reserve reserve reserve Total GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 For the year ended 31 December 2014 1 January 2014 1,131 - 8,695 510 (4,851) 1 5,486 Net deficit after taxation for the year - - - - 746 (55) 691 Dividends paid - - (339) - - - (339) 31 December 2014 1,131 - 8,356 510 (4,105) (54) 5,838 For the year ended 31 December 2013 1 January 2013 1,135 631 8,809 105 (4,285) 39 6,434 Shares issued 401 1,867 - - - - 2,268 Share issue costs - (50) - - - - (50) Purchase of own shares (405) - (2,233) 405 - - (2,233) Net deficit after taxation for the year - - - - (566) (12) (578) Dividends paid - - (314) - - (26) (340) Share premium cancellation - (2,448) 2,448 - - - - Share premium cancellation costs - - (15) - - - (15) 31 December 2013 1,131 - 8,695 510 (4,851) 1 5,486

The notes to the financial statements form an integral part of this statement.

As at 31 December 2014

Year ended Year ended 31 December 31 December 2014 2013 Note GBP'000 GBP'000 Fixed Assets Investments at fair value through profit or loss 8 3,949 5,423 Current Assets Debtors 10 21 23 Cash at bank 1,979 88 2,000 111 Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year Creditors 11 (111) (48) Net Current Assets 1,889 63 Net Assets 5,838 5,486 Represented by: CALLED UP SHARE CAPITAL AND RESERVES Share capital 12 1,131 1,131 Special reserve 13 8,356 8,695 Capital redemption reserve 13 510 510 Capital reserve - other 13 (2,640) (3,757) Capital reserve - investment holding loss 13 (1,465) (1,094) Revenue reserve 13 (54) 1 Total Ordinary shareholders' funds 5,838 5,486 Net asset value per Ordinary Share 14 51.61 p 48.50 p

The notes to the financial statements form an integral part of this statement.


For the year ended 31 December 2014

Year ended Year ended 31 December 31 December 2014 2013 Note GBP'000 GBP'000 Operating activities Investment income received 98 160 Investment management fees paid - (117) Administration fees paid - (24) Other cash payments (130) (113) Net cash outflow from operating activities 15 (32) (94) Investing activities Purchase of investments (160) (857) Sale of investments 2,422 1,345 Net cash inflow from investing activities 2,262 488 Equity dividends paid 6 (339) (340) Financing Purchase of own shares - (2,233) Net proceeds of ordinary share issue - 2,268 Share issue costs - (50) Share premium cancellation costs - (15) Net cash outflow from financing - (30) Increase/(decrease) in cash for the year 16 1,891 24

The notes to the financial statements form an integral part of this statement.


1 Accounting Policies

Basis of accounting

The accounts have been prepared under the historical cost convention, except for the valuation of investments at fair value, and in accordance with applicable UK Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). The directors have prepared the accounts on a basis compliant with the recommendations of the Statement of Recommended Practice January 2009 ("the SORP") for Investment Trust Companies and Venture Capital Trusts produced by the Association of Investment Companies ("AIC"). The accounts have been prepared on a going concern basis.

As the Company's business is investing in financial assets with a view to profiting from their total return in the form of increases in fair value, investments are designated as at fair value through profit or loss on initial recognition in accordance with Financial Reporting Standard 26 (FRS 26) Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement and International Private Equity and Venture Capital ('IPEVC') guidelines. Fair value is the amount for which an asset can be exchanged between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm's length transaction. The Company manages and evaluates the performance of these investments on a fair value basis in accordance with its investment strategy, and information about the investments is provided on this basis to the Board of directors.

Investments held at fair value through profit or loss are initially recognised at fair value, being the consideration given and excluding transaction or other dealing costs associated with the investment, which are expensed and included in the capital column of the Income Statement.

After initial recognition, investments, which are classified as at fair value through profit or loss, are measured at fair value. Gains or losses on investments classified as at fair value through profit or loss are recognised in the capital column of the Income Statement, and allocated to the capital reserve - other, and capital reserve - investment holding loss as appropriate.

Aggregate transaction and dealing costs included in disposals and additions are disclosed in note 8 to the accounts, as recommended by the SORP. All purchases and sales of quoted investments are accounted for on the trade date basis. All purchases and sales of unquoted investments are accounted for on the date that the sale and purchase agreement becomes unconditional.

For quoted investments, fair value is established by reference to bid, or last, market prices depending on the convention of the exchange on which the investment is quoted at the close of business on the balance sheet date.

Unquoted investments are valued using an appropriate valuation technique so as to establish what the transaction price would have been at the balance sheet date. Such investments are valued in accordance with the IPEVC guidelines. Primary indicators of fair value are derived from earnings or sales multiples, using discounted cash flows, recent arm's length market transactions by independent third parties, from net assets, or where appropriate, at cost for recent investments or the valuation as at the previous reporting date.

Premiums on loan stock investments and preference shares are accrued at fair value when the Company has the right to receive the premium and expects to do so.

Those venture capital investments that may be termed associated undertakings are not equity accounted for and are carried at fair value as determined by the directors in accordance with the Company's accounting policy, as required by FRS 9 "Associates and Joint Ventures", where venture capital entities hold investments as part of an investment portfolio.

Dividends receivable on equity shares and on unquoted funds are recognised as income on the date on which the shares or units are marked as ex-dividend. Where no ex-dividend date is available, the income is recognised when the Company's right to receive it has been established.

Interest income on loan stock and dividends on preference shares are accrued on a daily basis. Provision is made against this income where recovery is doubtful.

Interest receivable from fixed income securities is recognised using the effective interest rate method.

Interest receivable on bank deposits is included in the accounts on an accruals basis.

Other income is credited to the revenue column of the Income Statement when the Company's right to receive the income is established.

All expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis. Expenses are charged through revenue in the Income Statement except as follows:

- costs which are incidental to the acquisition or disposal of an investment are taken to the capital column of the Income Statement;

- expenses are charged to the capital column in the Income Statement where a connection with the maintenance or enhancement of the value of the investments can be demonstrated. In this respect investment management fees have been allocated 75 per cent to the capital column and 25 per cent to the revenue column in the Income Statement, being in line with the Board's expected long-term split of returns, in the form of capital gains and revenue respectively, from the investment portfolio of the Company;

- expenses associated with the issue of shares are deducted from the Share premium account.

Capital reserve - other

The following are accounted for in this reserve:

- gains and losses on disposal of investments; - transaction costs which are incidental to the acquisition of investments;

- 75% of investment management fee expenses, together with the related tax effect, is charged to the capital column of the Income Statement in accordance with the above policies; y

- 100% of performance incentive fees.

Capital reserve - investment holding loss

The following are accounted for in this reserve:

- movements in the fair value of investments held at the year end.

Deferred tax is recognised in respect of all timing differences that have originated but not reversed at the balance sheet date where transactions or events that result in an obligation to pay more tax in the future have occurred at the balance sheet date. This is subject to deferred tax assets only being recognised if it is considered more likely than not that there will be suitable profits from which the future reversals of the underlying timing differences can be deducted. Timing differences are differences between the Company's taxable profits and its results as stated in the accounts.

Deferred tax is measured at the average tax rates that are expected to apply in the periods in which the timing differences are expected to reverse, based on tax rates and laws that have been enacted or substantially enacted by the balance sheet date. Deferred tax is measured on a non-discounted basis.

No taxation liability arises on gains from sales of fixed asset investments by the Company by virtue of its venture capital trust status. However, the net revenue (excluding UK dividend income) accruing to the Company is liable to corporation tax at the prevailing rates.

Any tax relief obtained in respect of management fees allocated to capital is reflected in the capital reserve - other and a corresponding amount is charged against revenue. The relief is the amount by which corporation tax payable is reduced as a result of capital expenses.

Dividends to shareholders are accounted for in the year in which they are paid or approved in general meetings. Dividends payable to equity shareholders are recognised in the Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds when they are paid, or have been approved by shareholders in the case of a final dividend and become a liability of the Company.

Where shares are purchased for cancellation, the consideration paid, including any directly attributable incremental costs, is deducted from distributable reserves. As required by the Companies Act 2006, the equivalent of the nominal value of shares cancelled is transferred to capital redemption reserve.

Year ended Year ended 31 December 2014 31 December 2013 GBP'000 GBP'000 Income from quoted investments UK dividend income 44 57 Unfranked investment income - 1 44 58 Income from unquoted investments Unfranked investment income 48 73 48 73 Other income Redemption premium 15 3 Fees - - 15 3

Total income 107 134 Total income comprises Dividends 44 58 Interest 48 73 Redemption premium 15 3 Fees - Total income 107 134

3 Investment management fee

Year ended Year ended 31 December 2014 31 December 2013 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP\'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 Investment management fee 20 61 81 24 71 95 Claw back of excess expenses (6) (19) (25) (9) (26) (35) 14 42 56 15 45 60

For the year ended 31 December 2014, Calculus Capital Limited waived GBP24,912 (2013: GBP34,716) of its fees. At 31 December 2014, there was GBP46,073 outstanding receivable from Calculus Capital Limited (31 December 2013: receivable from Calculus Capital Limited GBP11,202). Details of the terms and conditions of the investment management agreement are set out under "Management" in the Directors' Report.

4 Other expenses

Year ended Year ended 31 December 2014 31 December 2013 GBP'000 GBP'000 Fees payable to the Company's auditor for the audit of the Company's individual accounts 22 23 Fees payable to the Company's auditor for other services: - - Tax compliance services 10 6 Directors' remuneration and social security contributions 28 28 Other expenses 88 74 148 131

Further details of directors' remuneration can be found in the Directors' Remuneration Report.

5 Taxation on ordinary activities

Year ended Year ended 31 December 2014 31 December 2013 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 UK Corporation Tax - - - - - - (Deficit)/return on ordinary activities before taxation: (55) 746 691 (12) (566) (578) (Deficit)/return on ordinary activities multiplied by Corporation Tax at 21.50% (2013: 23.25%) (12) 160 148 (3) (131) (134) Effect of: UK dividends not chargeable to tax (10) - (10) (13) - (13) Non-taxable losses/(gains) - - - - 121 121 Excess expenses for the year 22 (160) 148 16 10 26 Total current tax charge - - - - - -

At 31 December 2014, the Company had GBP1,351,017 (31 December 2013: GBP1,210,181) of excess management expenses to carry forward against future taxable profits. The deferred tax asset of GBP270,203 (31 December 2013: GBP254,138) has not been recognised due to the fact that it is unlikely the excess management fees will be set off in the foreseeable future.

Year ended Year ended 31 December 2014 31 December 2013 GBP'000 GBP'000 Declared and paid: 2013 Final dividend: 2.0p (2012: 2.0p) per Ordinary Share 226 227 2014 Interim dividend: 1.0p (2013: 1.0p) per Ordinary Share 113 113 339 340 Proposed: 2014 Final dividend: 2.0p (2013: 2.0p) per Ordinary Share 226 226

The Company paid a final dividend on 6 June 2014 of 2.0p per Ordinary Share (2013: 2.0p) and an interim dividend on 9 October 2014 of 1.0p per Ordinary Share (2013:1.0p). The directors are proposing a final dividend of 2p per Ordinary Share in respect of the year ended 31 December 2014 (2013: 2.0p). Subject to shareholder approval, this dividend will be paid on 5 June 2015 to shareholders on the register on 1 May 2015. The Company paid a special interim dividend on 10 March 2015 of 5.0p per Ordinary Share (2014: nil).

7 Basic and diluted earnings per share

Year ended Year ended 31 December 2014 31 December 2013 GBP'000 GBP'000 Declared and paid: 2013 Final dividend: 2.0p (2012: 2.0p) per Ordinary Share 226 227 2014 Interim dividend: 1.0p (2013: 1.0p) per Ordinary Share 113 113 339 340 Proposed: 2014 Final dividend: 2.0p (2013: 2.0p) per Ordinary Share 226 226

Basic and diluted earnings per Ordinary Share is based on the net revenue deficit on ordinary activities attributable to the Ordinary Shares of GBP55,000 (2013: GBP12,000) and on 11,311,329 (31 December 2013: 11,328,771) Ordinary Shares, being the weighted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue during the year.

Basic and diluted capital deficit per Ordinary Share is based on the net capital return for the year of GBP746,000 (2013: GBP566,000) and on 11,311,329 (31 December 2013: 11,328,771) Ordinary Shares, being the weighted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue during the year.

Basic and diluted total return per Ordinary Share is based on the total return on ordinary activities attributable to the Ordinary Shares of GBP691,000 (2013: GBP578,000) and on 11,311,329 (31 December 2013: 11,328,771) Ordinary Shares, being the weighted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue during the year.

As the Company has not issued any convertible securities or share options, there is no dilutive effect on return per share.

8 Investments at fair value through profit or loss

Year Ended Year Ended 31 December 2014 31 December 2013 GBP'000 GBP'000 AIM investments 560 685 Quoted Neptune income funds 960 1,111 Unquoted and money market investments 2,429 3,627 3,949 5,423

GBP'000 GBP'000 Opening book cost 6,517 7,075 Opening investment holding losses (1,094) (704) Opening valuation 5,423 6,371 Movements in the year: Purchases at cost 160 865 Sales - proceeds (2,422) (1,284) - realised gains/(losses) on sales 1,159 (139) Movement in investment holding losses (371) (382) Reallocation of RMS shares - (8) Closing valuation 3,949 5,423 Closing book cost 5,414 6,517 Closing unrealised losses (1,465) (1,094) Closing valuation 3,949 5,423

GBP'000 GBP'000 Gain/(loss) on disposal of investments 1,159 (139) Movement in investment holding losses (371) (382) Total gains/(losses) on investments 788 (521)

Note 18 to the accounts provides a detailed analysis of investments held at fair value through profit and loss in accordance with Financial Reporting Standard 29 'Financial Instruments: Disclosures'.

9 Significant interests

The Company had the following interests of 3 per cent or more in the share capital of its portfolio companies:

Class of shares Number held Proportion of class held Terrain Energy Limited Ordinary GBP1 412,677 6.2% A Ordinary Shares Heritage House Media Limited* of 1p 147,369 21.1% AA Ordinary Heritage House Media Limited* Shares of 1p 1,955,934 19.6% RMS Group Holdings Limited Ordinary GBP1 85,166 4.5% Dryden Human Capital Group B Ordinary of Limited 5p 250,000 3.7%

Year Ended Year Ended 31 December 2014 31 December 2013 GBP'000 GBP'000 Accrued income - 6 Other debtors and prepayments 21 17 21 23

11 Creditors - amounts falling due within one year

Year Ended Year Ended 31 December 31 December 2014 2013 GBP'000 GBP'000 Accruals and other creditors 111 48

12 Called up share capital

Year Ended Year Ended Issued and fully paid: 31 December 2014 31 December 2013 Ordinary Shares of 10p each Number GBP'000 Number GBP'000 As at 1 January 11,311,329 1,131 11,351,880 1,135 Purchase of own shares - - (4,052,635) (405) Shares issued - - 4,012,084 401 As at 31 December 11,311,329 1,131 11,311,329 1,131

Capital reserve - Capital Capital investment Special redemption reserve holding Revenue reserve reserve - other loss reserve GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 At 1 January 2014 8,695 510 (3,757) (1,094) 1 Gains on sales - - 1,159 Movement in investment holding losses - - - (371) - Investment management fee charged to capital - - (42) - - Dividends paid (339) - - - - Retained net loss for the year - - - - (55) At 31 December 2014 8,356 510 (2,640) (1,465) (54)

The Special reserve was created to (i) create a distributable reserve which can be used by the Company to fund purchases of its own shares; (ii) to enable the Company to offset the effects of any future unrealised losses on future dividends payable in respect of shares; and (iii) since the Company revoked its status as an investment company, for any other purpose. The Company is therefore able to make distributions out of the aggregate of its Revenue reserve, Special reserve and Capital reserves, excluding any gains arising on the valuation of unquoted investments.

14 Net asset value per share

Year Ended Year Ended 31 December 2014 31 December 2013 pence pence Ordinary Shares of 10p each 51.61 48.50

The basic and diluted net asset value per Ordinary Share is based on net assets (including current year revenue) of GBP5,838,033 (31 December 2013: GBP5,486,293) and on 11,311,329 (31 December 2013: 11,311,329) Ordinary Shares, being the number of Ordinary Shares in issue at the end of the year.

15 Reconciliation of net (deficit)/return before finance charges and taxation to net cash outflow from operating activities

Year ended Year ended 31 December 2014 31 December 2013 GBP'000 GBP'000 Net (deficit)/return before finance charges and taxation 691 (578) Net capital deficit/(return) (745) 566 Decrease in debtors 2 12 (Decrease)/ increase in creditors 62 (49) Investment management fee charged to capital (42) (45) Net cash outflow from operating activities (32) (94)

16 Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds

Year ended Year ended 31 December 2014 31 December 2013 GBP'000 GBP'000 Increase/(decrease) in cash in year 1,891 24 Net funds at beginning of year 88 64 Net funds at end of year 1,979 88

17 Financial commitments

At 31 December 2014 and 2013 the Company did not have any financial commitments which had not been accrued.

18 Analysis of financial assets and liabilities

The objective of the Company is to generate long term capital growth and tax free dividends for investors. The investment policy is to invest approximately 75 per cent of the Company's funds in a diversified portfolio of holdings in qualifying investments, whether unquoted or traded on AIM. Investments are made selectively across a diverse range of sectors in companies which have the potential to generate growth and enhance their value. The investments in a particular company may be made in loan stocks or preference shares as well as equity shares where it is felt this would enhance shareholder return. In accordance with the Company's risk averse approach, the Investment Manager will only invest when it believes it has identified the right investment opportunity. The balance of approximately 25 per cent of the Company's funds can be invested in a combination of Neptune income funds, a portfolio of similar income generating UK listed shares and money market instruments.

The ten largest holdings by value and the amounts invested in quoted equity, unquoted equity, unquoted bonds, unquoted preference shares, quoted funds and unquoted funds are set out in the Investment Portfolio, in the Report and Accounts.

The Company's financial instruments comprise securities, cash balances and debtors and creditors that arise from its operations.

The Company has no exposure to foreign currency risk.

The principal risks the Company faces in its portfolio management activities are:

- Market price risk - Interest rate risk - Liquidity risk - Credit risk

The Investment Manager's policies for managing these risks are summarised below and have been applied throughout the year. The Board keeps the risks under continual review through the provision of monthly management information and quarterly board meetings.

(i) Market price risk

Market price risk arises from uncertainty about the future prices of financial instruments held in accordance with the Company's investment objectives. It represents the potential loss that the Company might suffer through holding market positions in the face of market movements. This risk is monitored by the Investment Manager on a regular basis and by the Board at meetings with the Investment Manager.

The Board reviews each investment purchase in the qualifying portfolio to ensure that any acquisition allows the Company to maintain an appropriate spread of other price risk and that it falls within the VCT qualifying criteria at the time of purchase. It considers the associated business risks of each investment. These include, but are not restricted to, the industry sector, management expertise and financial stability of each company.

The Company does not use derivative instruments to hedge against market price risk. The maximum potential exposure to market price risk is the value of the investment portfolio as at 31 December 2014 of GBP3,949,000 (31 December 2013: GBP5,423,000).

The Board believes that the Company's assets are mainly exposed to market price risk, as the Company holds most of its assets in the form of investments in VCT qualifying small UK companies whose equity shares are either quoted or valued by reference to the share prices of quoted comparable companies and are thus subject to market movements. The Board considers that investments in loan stock and/or preference shares may also be sensitive to changes in quoted share prices as the value of these financial instruments can be determined with reference to the enterprise value of the investee company which may be based on the value of quoted comparable companies.

The table below shows the impact upon profit and net assets if there were to be a 10 per cent (31 December 2013: 10 per cent) movement in overall share prices, and assumes:

- that each of the sub categories of instruments (shares and loan stocks other than liquidity funds) held by the Company produces an overall movement of 10 per cent, and

that the actual portfolio of investments held by the Company is perfectly correlated to this overall movement in share prices. Shareholders should however note that this level of correlation is highly unlikely in reality.

If overall share prices fell/rose by 10 per cent (2013: 10 per cent), with all other variables held constant:

Year Ended Year Ended 31 December 2014 31 December 2013 Return and Return and net assets net assets GBP'000 GBP'000 (Decrease)/increase in return (395)/395 (519)/519 (Decrease)/increase in net asset value per Ordinary Share (3.49)p/3.49 p (4.59)p/4.59 p

A decrease of GBP393,752 (31 December 2013: GBP519,380) in the net assets of the Company would have decreased investment management fees payable to the Investment Managers for the financial year under review by GBP13,809 (31 December 2013: GBP18,178). An increase of GBP393,752 (31 December 2013: 519,380) would have increased investment management fees payable by GBP13,809 (31 December 2013: GBP18,178).

The impact of a change of 10 per cent has been selected, as in current market conditions, an increase/(decrease) in the aggregate values of investments by 10 per cent is reasonably possible based on historical changes that have been observed.

(ii) Interest rate risk

Interest is earned on cash balances and money market funds and is linked to the banks' variable deposit rates. The Board does not consider interest rate risk to be material. Interest rate risk arising on loan stock instruments is not considered significant, as the main risks on these investments are credit risk and market price risk. The Company does not have any interest bearing liabilities.

As required by Financial Reporting Standard 29 'Financial Instruments: Disclosures' an analysis of financial assets and liabilities, which identifies the risk of the Company's holding of such items is provided. The Company's financial assets comprise equity and preference shares, loan stock, cash and debtors. The interest rate profile of the Company's financial assets is given in the table below:

Year Ended Year Ended 31 December 2014 31 December 2013 Fair value Cash flow Fair value Cash flow interest interest interest interest rate rate rate rate risk risk risk risk GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 Loan stock 829 - 1,093 - Money market funds - 3 - 229 Cash - 1,979 - 88 829 1,982 1,093 317

The variable rate is based on the banks' deposit rate, and applies to cash balances held and the money market funds. The benchmark rate which determines the interest payments received on interest bearing cash balances is the Bank of England base rate which was 0.5 per cent as at 31 December 2014 (31 December 2013: 0.5 per cent).

(iii) Liquidity risk

The investments the Company holds include AIM quoted securities where the liquidity is generally below that of securities listed/quoted on the main market and it also holds unquoted investments where there is no ready market for the securities. The ability of the Company to realise positions may therefore be restricted when there are no willing purchasers.

The Board, which monitors the Company's overall liquidity risk, seeks to ensure that an appropriate proportion of the Company's investment portfolio is invested in cash and readily realisable securities, which are sufficient to meet any funding commitments that may arise.

At 31 December 2014, the Company held GBP2,458,000 (31 December 2013: GBP1,427,000) in cash and readily realisable securities (including the investments in the Neptune Income and Neptune Quarterly Income Funds) to pay accounts payable and accrued expenses.

The failure of a counterparty to a transaction to discharge its obligations under that transaction could result in the Company suffering a loss. The Company manages this risk by ensuring that where an investment is made in an unquoted loan, it is made as part of the overall equity and debt package. The recoverability of the debt is assessed as part of the overall investment process and is then monitored on an ongoing basis by the Investment Manager who reports to the Board on any recoverability issues. It also ensures that cash at bank is held only with reputable banks with high quality external credit ratings. None of the Company's financial assets are secured by collateral or other credit enhancements. The total exposure to loan stocks and cash is set out above in the interest rate risk section.

All assets of the Company which are traded on a recognised exchange are held by Reyker Securities plc, the Company's custodian. The Board regularly monitors the Company's risk by reviewing assessments of the custodian submitted by the Investment Manager.

Fair value hierarchy

Investments held at fair value through profit and loss are valued in accordance with IPEVC guidelines as follows:

Year ended Year ended Valuation Methodology 31 December 2014 31 December 2013 GBP'000 GBP'000 Quoted market bid price 1,523 2,025 Expected recoverable amount 65 138 Discounted cash flow 28 103 Earnings multiple 599 1,859 Recent investment price 397 222 Sales multiple 462 387 Precedent transaction multiple 103 - Reserves multiple 772 689 3,949 5,423

The valuation method used will be the most appropriate valuation methodology for an investment within its market, with regard to the financial health of the investment and the IPEVCA guidelines.

As required by Financial Reporting Standard 29 'Financial Instruments: Disclosures' (the Standard) an analysis of financial assets and liabilities, which identifies the risk of the Company's holding of such items is provided. The Standard requires an analysis of investments carried at fair value based on the reliability and significance of the information used to measure their fair value.

In order to provide further information on the valuation techniques used to measure assets carried at fair value, the measurement bases are categorised into a "fair value hierarchy" as follows:

- Quoted market prices in active markets - "Level 1"

Inputs to Level 1 fair values are quoted prices in active markets for identical assets. An active market is one in which transactions occur with sufficient frequency and volume to provide pricing information on an ongoing basis. The Company's investments in AIM quoted equities, money market funds and the quoted Neptune funds are classified within this category.

- Valued using models with significant observable market inputs - "Level 2"

Inputs to Level 2 fair values are inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset, either directly or indirectly. The Company has no investments classified within this category.

- Valued using models with significant unobservable market inputs - "Level 3"

Inputs to Level 3 fair values are unobservable inputs for the asset. Unobservable inputs may have been used to measure fair value to the extent that observable inputs are not available, thereby allowing for situations in which there is little, if any, market activity for the asset at the measurement date (or market information for the inputs to any valuation models). As such, unobservable inputs reflect the assumptions the Company considers that market participants would use in pricing the asset. The Company's unquoted equities, preference shares and loan stock are classified within this category. As explained in note 1, unquoted investments are valued in accordance with the IPEVCA guidelines.

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss for year ended 31 December 2014 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 Equity investments 560 - 1,597 2,157 Fixed interest investments - - 829 829 Preference share investments - - - - Money market funds 3 - - 3 Quoted Neptune income funds 960 - - 960 1,523 - 2,426 3,949

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss for year ended 31 December 2013 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 Equity investments 685 - 2,241 2,926 Fixed interest investments - - 1,093 1,093 Preference share investments - - 64 64 Money market funds 229 - - 229 Quoted Neptune income funds 1,111 - - 1,111 2,025 - 3,398 5,423

The table below shows movements in the assets measured at fair value based on Level 3 valuation techniques for which any significant input is not based on observable market data. During the year there were no transfers between levels 1, 2 or 3.

Level 3 financial assets at fair value through profit or loss for year ended 31 December 2014 Preference Fixed share interest Equity investments investments investments Total GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 Opening balance at 1 January 2014 2,241 64 1,093 3,398 Purchases - - 160 160 Sales (568) (64) (106) (738) Total net losses recognised in the Income Statement (76) (318) (394) Closing balance at 31 December 2014 1,597 - 829 2,426

Level 3 financial assets at fair value through profit or loss for year end 31 December 2013 Preference Fixed share interest Equity investments investments investments* Total GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 Opening balance at 1 January 2013 2,133 376 1,069 3,578 Purchases 133 - 432 565 Sales - - (408) (408) Total net (losses)/gains recognised in the Income Statement (25) (312) - (337) Closing balance at 31 December 2013 2,241 64 1,093 3,398

* Included within the fixed interest investments was loan stock purchased by the Company's former wholly owned subsidiary Neptune-Calculus SPV Limited for GBP5,463, on which a loss of GBPnil was recognised in the Income Statement.

The Standard requires disclosure, by class of financial instruments, if the effect of changing one or more inputs to reasonably possible alternative assumptions would result in a significant change to the fair value measurement. The information used in determination of the fair value of Level 3 investments is chosen with reference to the specific underlying circumstances and position of the investee company. The portfolio has been reviewed and both downside and upside reasonable possible alternative assumptions have been identified and applied to the valuation of each of the unquoted investments. Applying the downside alternatives the value of the unquoted investment portfolio would be GBP163,000 (31 December 2013: GBP290,000) or 6.6 per cent (31 December 2013: 8.5 per cent) lower. Using the upside alternatives the value of the unquoted investment portfolio would be increased by GBP166,000 (31 December 2013: GBP306,000) or 6.7 per cent (31 December 2013: 9.0 per cent) higher.

The Company finances its operations through its issued share capital and existing reserves. The only financial liabilities of the Company are creditors all of which are sterling denominated and are due within one year. The creditors are disclosed in note 11. No interest is paid on these liabilities.

All assets and liabilities are carried at fair value.

Capital management policies and procedures

The Company's capital management objectives are to ensure that it will be able to continue as a going concern and to maximise the income and capital return to its Ordinary shareholders.

The Board, with the assistance of the Investment Manager monitors and reviews the broad structure of the Company's capital on an ongoing basis. This review includes the planned level of gearing, which takes account of the Manager's views on the market; the need for new issues of equity shares; and the extent to which revenue in excess of that which is required to be distributed should be retained. The capital of the Company is made up of called up share capital and reserves as detailed on the balance sheet in the Report and Accounts.

19 Transactions with the Investment Manager

The Company's qualifying investments are managed by Calculus Capital Limited. John Glencross, a director of the Company, has an interest in Calculus Capital Limited and is a director of Terrain Energy Limited. John Glencross was also a director of Limetec Limited from 1st January 2014 to 31st October 2014, when he resigned from the Board. The amounts paid to the Investment Manager are disclosed in note 3.

Calculus Capital Limited receives annual fees from Terrain Energy Limited for the provision of John Glencross as a director, as well as annual monitoring fees. Calculus Capital Limited also received a fee from Limetec Limited Group for the provision of John Glencross as a director until 31st October 2014. Calculus Capital Limited receives an annual monitoring fee from Limetec Limited, MicroEnergy Generation Services Limited, Hampshire Cosmetics Limited and Human Race Group Limited. Other funds under the management or advice of Calculus Capital Limited have also invested in Terrain Energy Limited, Limetec Limited, MicroEnergy Generation Services Limited, Hampshire Cosmetics Limited, Human Race Group Limited and Dryden Human Capital Group Limited. In the year ended 31 December 2014, the amount payable to Calculus Capital Limited which was attributable to the investment made by the Company was GBP2,640 (2013: GBP4,519) (excluding VAT) from Terrain Energy Limited, GBP5,780 (2013: GBP2,889) (excluding VAT) from Limetec Limited, GBP3,138 (2013: GBP3,295) from Human Race Group Limited, GBP699 (2013: GBPnil) for Hampshire Cosmetics Limited and GBP235 (2013: GBP674) (excluding VAT) from MicroEnergy Generation Services Limited. Calculus Capital Limited also receives fees relating to a directorship for Dryden Human Capital Limited. The amount which was attributable to the Company in 2014 was GBP2,874.78 (2013: GBP608) (excluding VAT).

In the year ended 31 December 2014, Calculus Capital Limited received no arrangement fees (2013: GBPnil) as a result of the Company's investment in Limetec Limited and no arrangement fees (2013: GBPnil) as a result of the Company's investment in Dryden Human Capital Group Limited.

As mentioned in the Directors' Report, the Company may co-invest with other funds managed and advised by Calculus Capital Limited. The allocation between different funds takes into account such factors as the funds available for investment and the time horizon of these funds, the size of a potential investment, and the existing sector exposure of the various funds.

20 Nature of financial Information

These are not full accounts in terms of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. Full audited accounts for the year ended 31 December 2013 have been lodged with the Registrar of Companies. The Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2014 will be sent to shareholders shortly and will be available for inspection at 104 Park Street, London, W1K 6NF, the Company's registered office, and will be published on www. calculuscapital. com, a website maintained by the Company's Investment Manager, Calculus Capital Limited. The audited accounts for the year ended 31 December 2014 contain an unqualified audit report.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

Neptune Orient Lines – Selling logistics arm for US$1.2bn; future hinges on liner alone

On February 17, Neptune Orient Lines (NOL) announced that Kintetsu World Express (9375.T, Not Covered) has agreed to buy 100% of its logistics arm, APL Logistics, for US$1.2bn . NOL had previously disclosed in August 2014 that it was exploring a possible sale of APL Logistics.

(1) The price tag of APL Logistics (63% of NOL’s market cap) of US$1.2bn implies 5.0X 2014 P/B, 28X 2014 P/E and 15X 2014 EV/EBITDA . vs. the earlier reported range of US$750-900mn (Reuters, Aug 19, 2014, that implied 40%-48% of NOL’s market cap) and past M&A transactions/listed logistics peers’ 10-11X EV/EBITDA.

(2) Positive financial impact: NOL expects to record one-off disposal gain of US$0.9bn from the transaction (with completion targeted for June 2015) . According to the company, the disposal gain and proceeds could help increase NOL’s net book value to S$1.4 per share from S$0.9 per share (based on pro-forma 2014) and lower NOL’s net debt to equity level to 108% from 225% (vs. Asia liner industry average of 67%).

(3) Rationale: While APL Logistics is the only consistently profitable segment of the NOL group, we see the disposal as in line with the trend seen recently at loss-making liners, e. g. China COSCO, Hyundai and Hanjin, in disposing their profitable logistics arms to raise cash/lower gearing after ongoing losses at their core liner businesses. NOL’s management stated that the intention of this disposal was to lower gearing level, unlock shareholder value and focus on growing the liner business (where APL Liner had trailed its Asia liner peers in terms of profitability and market share in 2014).

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Cynapsus Therapeutics to Present at Stifel 2015 Healthcare Conference

TORONTO, Nov. 13, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Cynapsus Therapeutics Inc. (NASDAQ:CYNA ) (TSX:CTH ) today announced it will present an overview of the company’s Parkinson’s disease program and outlook at the Stifel 2015 Healthcare Conference at the New York Palace Hotel in New York on Tuesday, November 17, 2015 at 8:00 a. m. EST.

A live webcast of the presentation will be available in the Investor Relations section of the company’s website at www. cynapsus. ca ;on the Calendar and Alerts page.

Cynapsus is a specialty CNS pharmaceutical company developing and preparing to commercialize a fast-acting, easy-to-use, sublingual thin film for the on-demand turning ON of debilitating OFF episodes associated with Parkinson’s disease (PD). The Company recently completed a Phase 2 clinical trial for its product candidate, APL-130277, a sublingual formulation of apomorphine hydrochloride, or apomorphine. Apomorphine is the only molecule approved for acute, intermittent treatment of OFF episodes for advanced PD patients, but is currently only approved as a subcutaneous injection in the United States. APL-130277 is a “turning ON” medication designed to rapidly, safely and reliably convert a PD patient from the OFF to the ON state while avoiding many of the issues associated with subcutaneous delivery of apomorphine. It is designed to convert all types of OFF episodes, including morning OFF episodes, often considered the most difficult to treat. Cynapsus has initiated its Phase 3 clinical program for APL-130277, relying on the abbreviated Section 505(b)(2) regulatory pathway in the United States, and the Company intends to submit a new drug application in 2016.

This announcement contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of applicable securities laws, including, without limitation, completing and reporting data from our Phase 3 studies of APL-130277 over the next 12 months and filing a new drug application in 2016. These forward-looking statements include information about possible or assumed future results of the Company’s business, financial condition, results of operations, liquidity, plans and objectives. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terminology such as “believe,” “may,” “estimate,” “continue,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “should,” “plan,” “expect,” “predict,” “potential,” or the negative of these terms or other similar expressions. These forward-looking statements are based on the Company’s current expectations and beliefs and inherently involve significant risks and uncertainties. Actual results and the timing of events could differ from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements as a result of risks and uncertainties, and include, but are not limited to, those factors identified under the caption “Risk Factors” in the Company’s Form 10-Q filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) on November 12, 2015 and its other filings and reports in the United States with the SEC available on the SEC’s web site at www. sec. gov. and in Canada with the various Canadian securities regulators, which are available online at www. sedar. com. Furthermore, unless otherwise stated, the forward-looking statements contained in this press release are made as of the date of this press release, and the Company has no intention and undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, changes or otherwise, except as required by law. 

Neither the NASDAQ nor the TSX has approved or disapproved of the contents of this press release.

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